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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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She looks in. "Ah'll take ya in." She walks into the house. "Alright, is everypony done eatin'?" She asks as she walks into another room taking the Zebra to redheart. "Nurse, there's somepony here ta see ya."

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Red heart:

"And who would that.....be" red heart said before noticing the dirty stallion with the many scratches on his face

She then started to stair at his stripes. She has never really met a zebra before she had herd of the one out in the everfree but she was always busy with something whenever Zacora came to town


He stood there watching the white pony stair at him

"Um I am Zecrath miss Red Heart. I hear there is somepony injured" he said to her

Red heart:

She shook her head

"Sorry..um... I don't think so last time I checked everypony was fine" she told him

"Why do you have medical training" she said a smile coming across her face

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She would smile and look at everypony in there. "Okay, is everypony done eating? If so, Darky, could you take the plates so I may discus the assigned areas for the day?"

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Red heart:

"Where have you been" she said a frown coming across her face at the sight of the alicorn


"I think there are things to do here before adventure." Zecrath said to pony who just walked in

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Mean wail upstairs.....


Brave rolled a little in the bed he was in feeling something warm agenst him

(huh?) he thought

He turned to see a lovely looking Areion sleeping next to him

(oh right I feel asleep)

Now feeling more awake he stood up almost falling on his face

He felt woozy and weak but couldn't remember why he would feel this way

As he got up and walked to the door trying not to fall he saw a beautiful white mare with a blue mane in the window. Brave almost waved but before he could he froze

The mare in the window was him in the mirror

"Aw buck me" he said aloud in a silk like voice forgetting there was a sound sensitive pony in the same room

(fricken poison joke)

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Sweet's ear would twitch as she would walk to the kitchen and fix some cider. She'd then set some at Brave and Midnight's door, knock on the door then head back down stair. She looks at every pony and smiled. "Okay. Now, the orchard is in sections. You've got your small trees and your huge ones. I recommend pairs, two on one side and two on the other. I'll take up the middle." She looks. "Hmmm... who's all here still?"

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Midnight awoke to a mare pony and jumped up onto the upper bed post hanging upside down with a small hiss.

Midnight dropped down again seeing a mare looking a lot like Brave. "Who are you?" She asked ruthlessly as she approached and her eyes glowing.

"Brave's sister? Does he even have a sister!?" She said aloud with a growl as she stood her ground and looked up at the sun. It was still bright and she felt quite revitalised and fresh. So she wouldn't sleep again even if she had the chance.

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"Midnight it's me brave" he told her his female voice not helping

See my cutie mark he said moving his plot over so she could see

"This is what happens to me when I touch poison joke" he said turning back around and moving his lengthened hair out of his pretty face

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Sweet would sigh and go up stairs and a crash could be heard outside as she trips over the cider she sat there for Brave and Midnight. Her head would go right into a pot and get stuck. "Ah sweet apples."

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Sweet would stumble then stop. She'd turn her head. "Um.... would somepony please help me." She tries to pull the pot off her head but it would seem to be stuck.

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Sweet would stumble as she couldn't see. Struggling to get the pot off her head she would call out. "C.... could somepony please come help me? Mah head is stuck."

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Darky heard something from upstairs and decided to go and investigate. Once he arrived he saw three mares. Wait, why three? He noticed Midnight and... who was the other one? She looked like Brave. He finally turned to Sweet and chuckled after seeing her pike that. His horn glowed and helped her to put the pot off her head, still chuckling at that.

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Midnight looked at the cutie mark and tubbed a cloth over it using her hoof. It was real and she sold. "When did you touch poison joke?" She asked with a chuckle before seeing Sweet.

"Oh my are you ok," she saw Darky lift the pot up and smiled. "Better be careful, how's ya head?" Midnight asked not realising that there was a new pony downstairs she hadn't met yet.

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Brave shield:

"I'm guessing sometime when we were....hanging out last night" brave said trying not to let the others know about what they did last night

He then felt thirsty and went downstairs to find a old friend


He looked up to see several ponies coming down the stairs but only one stuck out

Zecrath started to laugh at the sight of brave then whistled


"Shut up Zecrath" he told him

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Midnight gave a sincere smile before she headed downstairs. Hearing a whistle she turned to see a Zebra and furrowed her brow.

"Who are you? I thought Zecora was 5he only Everfree Zebra?" She asked and half said with a puzzled expression as she looked at Sweet.

"Does this guy need anything?" She mouthed to Sweet before her attention was back on the ratty looking Zebra, who Brave shield had called Zecrath.

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"I actualy need help getting to Zacora and I don't live here" his zebra accent thick and rich.then turning to brave again "why you just so beautiful everypony should whistle" he teased brave


Brave started to blush and continued to the kitchen for something to drink

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