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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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((Braves in there not Zecrath))


"Huh? Ya can you get me a glass of water my magic isn't working" he asked. His pretty female voice probably being charming to darky


"My name is Zecrath by the way" he told midnight

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(Oh, alright. I'll edit it later. Aslo, since he is now a mare, refear to Brave as a she please.)

'You are a married pony, you are a married pony...' Darky thoght to himself after hearing that charming voice.

"Sure." He said smiling as he used his magic to give her a glass of water.

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Sweet smiled. "Tell you what, there are a few ponies in town who know Zecora, ah'll go have them take me to her then bring her here for ya." She tells Zecrath. She looks in. "And from what ah heard she knows a way to reverse the effects of Poison Joke, so..." She shakes her head towards town.

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"So how's it going darky" brave said not knowing darky didnt know it was him


"It is fine" I want to see her and where she lives plus this is a supprise that I am here I want it to stay a supprise" he told sweet then leaning towards her her and whispers "plus brave deserves this at least for a few days after the last prank he pulled on me "

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"Uhhmmm... fine." Darky said after a moment. How did she knew his name? "Tell me, do I know you from somewhere? You look, rather familiar." He asked her after a moment as he got himself a glass of water.

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"What are you talking abo-" she started before the realization hit her "oh..it me brave shield" he said feeling embarised and her cheeks getting hot for not realizing it sooner

(oh right I blush a lot easier) she thought turning away from darky so he wouldn't see her cheeks

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"It's rare but my guess is because I'm normally so strong that the plant thinks its funny to make me fragile and weak" she said seeing darky blush through her curtain of hair

(did I just make him blush) she thought silently freeking out

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"Ok I'll just...be off" she said not knowing what to do

Then walking to the dinning room where everypony else was and walked up to midnight standing next to her close enough to be touching her side braves coat feeling smoother than when he was a stallion

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Brave stood there for a second before turning her head to midnights

"So what do you think of the new me?" Brave said meaning it more as a joke then an actual question


"Sweet am I to be correct in saying that this is the pony that will bring me to Zacora?" He asked turning to the host

Red heart:

Red was finished in the bathroom and was walking into the dinning room when she noticed a new mare she didn't ask who she was.....she didn't want to know right now they're were ponies coming and going so frequently that she was just going to wait to be introduced

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Sweet would soon return with what looked to be an earth pony with three apples on her flank and a hat on her head. "Everypony, this here's mah cousin Applejack." She looks at Zecrath. "She knows Zecora and well, would be willin' ta take ya ta Zecora." She turns to Brave. "And ah reckon it'd be a wise choice ya go too. Zecora's known to have antidotes for the effects of poison joke."


"Howdy, as mah cousin said, ah know Zecora, she's one of mah little sister's best friends. If'n it weren't for her, ah'd be... puny." Applejack said to them.

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Zecrath Looked at applejack

(Dang I was hoping he could stay like that for a wail) he thought


"Really?" She said looking at the orange mare wondering how long it would take to be normal again

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Applejack just smiled. "Yep. Ah reckon yew'd be normal in say thirty minutes, though you'd be bathing in the solution, much like ah did, but other than that, yew'll be normal in a short time." She looks at the Zebra. "Are ya related to Zecora by chance?"

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Applejack smiled. "Well, yer stuck permanently like that." She giggled. "Ahm kiddin'. Yew'll be fine." She looks at Zecrath. "When would ya like ta head out, sugar cube?"

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