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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Brave stood up stretching his wings and back "I guess it's time to wake every pony up" he said to himself before he flew to the front door of the house and went in

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Sweet Apple was already away, the assigned fields was being posted for everypony. She would stretch and look around. She then went back in and grabbed herself some Cider. She looked out and shivered. "Ah've certainly came a long way, farm has grown and now... it matches the size of Sweet Apple Acres, even touches." She laughed as she would trot up stairs knocking on each door. "Alright everypony time ta rise and shine. Yer goin' ta miss the worm if ya don't." She had bits and soon the buckets that hung in each door would hear a clink and a clank as she put bits in paying them for their hard work. She soon walked back out looking at the small camp near the Everfree at the young fillies playing. "Ah reckon things are going good." She looked up at Brave and gave the stallion a wave.

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"Morning sweet" brave said landing next to her "everything went well last night except for a manticore near the camp but it turned away hearing the campers"

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She looks. "A grown or a manticub?" She asks.


She looks at Darky. "Goodmorning. Well, everypony, I know usually you work but it's been awhile so, what say today we all go down to the lake and go for a swim? You to Brave, and I want Midnight there should she choose to sleep there that's fine." She giggled. "Think of today as a day to relax."

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"Grown" brave said before sweet told them about the lake

"I think midnight went back to the house to sleep" he informed her

((Insanity hasn't been on in five days so let's keep her off the scene till she comes back))

Brave then went to go tell red heart and lucky about today's plan at the little clinic they had made near the camp to see if they would like to join them

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Sweet smiled as she left a note for her should she come up. She would soon head to the pond and set up some stuff for a picnic. She would then go for a bit of a swim. "Ah.... such pleasant waters." She giggled swaying her tail.

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After a bit brave showed up at the lake

Brave was now in his unicorn self followed by a light blue Pegasus

Brave laid down under a tree relaxing from being up all night before he did anything as lucky approached darky and sweet

"Morning darky morning sweet!" Lucky said all cheery

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Darky smiled and smiled to Lucky. "Good day." He said, then turned to Sweet. "Yes. I will tell hers he can come." He said, then sat and made a letter. He then sent it to Canterlot. "She will arrive in a while." He said smiling.

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Lucky walked in and let his wings open cooling him off faster

Brave pulled up a book he had apparently brought and started to read as he stretched under the tree and then laid back down

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(going to join in if thats ok, the rp was open and its active XD)


A black cloud slowly moved across the sky before it blocked out the sun causing a brief darkness. A dark shape came down from the cloud and landed on the roof of the house (hope its a house where you're sleeping). The shape glanced around looking at her surroundings, it then disappeared before re-apiring inside the house, the shape had covered it form in dark shadows however it was definitely pony shaped.


Then Lightning began raining down around the house

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((Actually red heart is there))

Red heart:

The white pony was laying on the couch trying to fully wake up

Lucky had kept her up asking questions about the everfree and she had not gotten much sleep

Then out of nowhere she heard thunder

"AGH!" Red heart screamed

Brave looked up from his book "I've been wondering that my self....if you don't mind darky"

Lucky smiled then jumped into the air and cannonballed just far enough away from sweet that she was sprinkled with water droplets

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((Actually red heart is there))

Red heart:

The white pony was laying on the couch trying to fully wake up

Lucky had kept her up asking questions about the everfree and she had not gotten much sleep

Then out of nowhere she heard thunder

"AGH!" Red heart screamed

Brave looked up from his book "I've been wondering that my self....if you don't mind darky"

Lucky smiled then jumped into the air and cannonballed just far enough away from sweet that she was sprinkled with water droplets


The dark figure stopped eating stuff out of the fridge and stalked over to the screaming, the shadowy figure looked at the screaming mare and began laughing sinisterly. "you ever seen a thunderstorm, Inside?" it chuckled before making the thunder outside become larger. "maybe you will make a meal after all" it giggled as it began feeding on the mare's fear.


The Changeling then sat up on the sofa looking down on the mare, "what's wrong, you seem awfully pale" she smirked giving the mare a prod with her hoof 

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Red heart was confused scared and out right angry

Then a changeling talked to her making all the other feeling, espesaly the fear,go away

"What are you stupid! Of corse I'm pale I'm white!" She said angrily then turned to the pony "and what are you doing in sweets kitchen get out of there right now

(This is one way to wake up that's for sure) she thought to herself

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Red heart was confused scared and out right angry

Then a changeling talked to her making all the other feeling, espesaly the fear,go away

"What are you stupid! Of corse I'm pale I'm white!" She said angrily then turned to the pony "and what are you doing in sweets kitchen get out of there right now

(This is one way to wake up that's for sure) she thought to herself


"Well the fridge is empty, a Changelings got to eat too you know!" she snorted jumping down off the sofa and ending her feeding spell. "take a chill pill, its just the natural order, we feed of you lower forms" she informed going back into the kitchen, she began rummaging in the cupboards. She came out holding a cookie "so you know where they stash the bits?" she asked licking a hoof. 

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