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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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((Ok how'd he get banished))

Red heart was about to say something to the pony but when she turned around there was nothing

She looked around now alone right next to the everfree forest

"It's ok red heart" she said her tail and ears drooping "your outside of the forest not in it"

She was now close enough to the lake that if she screamed they would hear her

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Red heart turned to see what it was

The manticor looked at the pony angry as it growled

Reds lips trembled as she tried to scream

The manticor took a step forward as red heart regains contole of her vocal cords and screamed as loud as she could

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[sorry folks, I've been busy with work. I'll post when I can.]


Sweet looks ear twitching. "Darky, Brave, it's Redheart." She spread her wings and took off into the air flying towards the scream. She would soon land and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Easy." She turned to see the Manticore. "Oh sweet Celestia and Luna."

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Darky heard itand then Sweet. He nodded and also flew up, following her. Once they sae the manticore he took his shield from hia side and got ready to defend Red Heart.

(Is alright, dont worry.)

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"Hay what about me?!" Lucky said following them

Brave got up and ran after them not transforming it he saw the beast

Red heart pupils were nothing more then pin points as she steped back once more

The manticor roared again and raised its huge paw to strike at them

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She would walk up and looked at the manticore, she looked at it. "This is my property. The forest is yer domain. Now git befer ah have ta hogtie ya." She says grabbing a vine and pulling it off a tree, it being very thick. She stood between the manticore and Redheart. "Lucky, get Redheart back to the house."

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Red heart was scared out of her mind as lucky landed next to her and started to pull her away

Brave flew into the air as barreled into its paw as it was coming down making sure it didn't hit anypony

The manticor roared at the pain cause from brave and seated him away making him rag doll over a tree out of sight

It then turned and tryed to hit sweet

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Sweet then wrapped the vine around it's forpaw and moved, she flew up and flipped the Manticore onto it's back, soon tying it's paws and tail up. She finished by wrapping the rest of the vine around the muzzle. She landed and moved over. "Now, what was all the fuss about, big guy?" She soon looked at the others then backed up, to allow the Manticore to calm down.

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The manticore whimpered once it calmed down but still looked angry

Brave came into view and he was limping

His right hind hoof was in the air so it wouldn't hurt any more than it did

"Sweet I think we need fluttershy for that" he said as he passed her on his way to red heart and lucky

Red was shaking with her muzzle in Lucky's shoulder

It felt awkward for him but he still let her cry there until he saw brave

"Darky...or sweet could you go get the red potion out of the medical cabin brave looks like hell need it"

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Darky nodded after Sweet said all that. "I will bring Fluttershy, I will be back in a short while." He said, then flew up and went to get her.

Not so long after, a beautiful alicorn mare with a charcoal fur and a night sky mane and purole eyes came to the lake. "Uhm... hello." She thrn saw Brave and gasped, then used her magic to heal him a bit, but they still would need that potion.

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Sweet looked at the Manticore. "Okay big fella, ahm going to untie ya, but no fussing, show me what is wrong and ah'll see what ah can do until Fluttershy gets here." She looks. "Nod if you understand." She reaches and scratches with her hoof, behind the Manticore's ear. "Ahm not yer enemy."

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The manticore growled as sweet scratched its ear

Brave momentarily freaked out at the heal spell as it wraped around his hoof then calmed once he realized it was lullaby

He turned his attention to her "wow you've gotten big last time I saw you you were a filly" brave then smiled

Th few other times he's meet her was when he was doing guard duty at canterlot

Lucky took his attention off red to see who it was and was hit with daja vu

She looked familiar but he couldn't figure out why so he turned back to red and patted her head

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Sweet patted the Manticore on the head and untied him. She would offer him some food and looked at Darky with Fluttershy. "Howdy Fluttershy." She would smile. "All things are under control. Ah think he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."


Fluttershy smiled as she walked over. "Yes, I think you're right." She walked up to the Manticore and petted him. "Though I think it's more than that. This is perhaps a lonely Manticore." She noses it and pats her head.


Sweet thought. "Hmmm.... well, Ah could use a pet who could protect mah farm." She smiled looking at the Manticore.


Fluttershy giggled. "I think that is a great idea. Don't worry, he won't hurt any of you now."

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Darky put his shield back to his side after fluttershy said that. A manticore pet. How interesting. He smiled and walked towards the manticore to see if what fluttershy said was true, gently patting its head.

After a moment, Lullaby finished with Brave.

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