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Sweet looked at Golden with a smile. "What do you know about Pearls?" She asks pointing at the large whitish pink thing underneath the dirt.


Cat lied down by the edge and watched the commotion going on.

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"I know a lot about almost any kind of gem. I know about them." Golden said smiling to her. "I had worked with them before."


Darky smiled. "She owns a jewelry shop at Canterlot." He epxlained

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Sweet thought for a moment and looked over. "Ah think ahm goin' ta need two stallions ta help. Mah cousin Big Mac and.... that rather big pegasus." She giggled. "Oh right, Bulk Biceps." She giggled. "Ah'll be right back." She galloped off towards Sweet Apple Acres.


Catherine rubbed her head. "Why would she need those two?" She asks curiously as she walked over. "So, is it just a fancy rock or what is it?"

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Catherine looked at Brave and walked over, nudging him. "Hey." She says to him. "Wanna make a wager?" She asks him.

Sweet would return with Big Mac and Bulk Biceps. She smiled. "Ah got the biggest stallions in Equestria, if they can't budge that thing, nopony can." She says and grabs a rope. She smiled and called her pet over to help. Three ropes tied around the big orb thing, each end tied to Big Mac, Bulk Biceps and the Manticore. She stood back and smiled. "Alright, everypony, stand back."

The three began pulling and after multiple attempts, the large thing was finally pulled free as water filled the hole it was in. She walked around the large gem and went wide eyed. Sweet looked over. "So, is it marble or is it, in fact a pearl bigger than the tops of the towers in Canterlot?"

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Golden smiled. "I might say, is really impresive." She said smiling. "I might be able to use it for jewelry and of course, give you the money... most of it. I also need to live from somewhere." She said chuckling .

Lullaby and Darky rolled their eyes .

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Catherine walked up and looked at her. "Well, if you need a place you are welcome to join me in my observatory."

"Ahm sure yer thought is genuine, however, ah do have plenty of space at home. And Brave, ya know, that isn't a good trade."

Catherine sighed. "I was going to make a bet that it was pearl but by the looks... I've seen many pearls but none this big." She giggled walking around. "But the question is... is it real or is it just.... fake that somepony burried?"

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"I know i was hoping you didn't catch that"

Brave said to cat be fore looking at the 'pearl' somemore

Lucky took a closer look at it

Although the was really looking at his reflection and how distorted it was

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Golden looked at the pearl for a moment. She then leaned towards hare and gave it a very gently bite with her theeth to feel the texture, of course, cleaning it beforehand. After feeling it, she then turned to Sweet. "It is real." She said smiling. She noticed that the colors and the light didn't matched, so yeah, it was real.


Darky smiled at that. "That is great!" he said smiling.

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Sweet looks at it. "Golden, I would like to sell it but, ah don't know. Ah was thinkin' perhaps seeing as big as it is, perhaps sell parts of it. Or would that hurt the value?" She asks.


Cat trotted over to Brave. "Well, I could still make a bet. Judging by the position of the pearl, I bet there's more here." She looks back.


Sweet sighed. "More? Ya mean there could be more?"

"Well, yeah. if you think about it, clams are what make pearls, and well, clams are seldom alone. So, perhaps if Darky, I and my dear cousin were to work together, we could unearth any and all pearls in the area."


Sweet giggled. "But yer nutts you know that?"


"Maybe, but... it'd be worth it if there are. What do you think, Brave? Darky?"

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"That sounds like a good idea." Darky said smiling.


Lullaby nodded happily. "Sure, we can help with that." She said smiling.


Golden turned to Sweet. "Hmm... Yeah, that will make it less valuable, but I can make jewelry with it and sell it, then give you part of the money." She then said smiling.

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Sweet smiled as she looked at Brave then Darky, Lullaby and Cat in turn. "Well, Ah think we're set fer life." She says. "Even if we find more of them pearls. Golden, listen up, ya figure the value, get the funds and pay each of us, also, set aside a portion for Nurse Redheart." She says to her. "Everypony tonight, we have a celebration."


Cat giggled. "Well, I bet that's a change, though I don't need the money. So, split my share with them. I'm a prin.... daughter of a princess, if I need any money I call mom." She says. "But I don't. As long as I can keep my Observatory going, I'm good."


Sweet smiled and nudges Brave. "Are ya in shock?"

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Golden smiled. "Sure. I will bring some stuff to see its value. I hope you dont mind that I stay in here for a while." She then said.

Lullaby smiled. "I also dont need the money.... but having some wouldnt hurt." She then said, giggling a bit.

Darky smiled also. "Well, this will help a lot." He said smiling.

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Sweet looked at him. "So, you guys, shall we dig to find more?"


Cat giggled. "Why not?" She says as she thought. "What do you think?" She asks Brave and Golden. She then looks and pokes Lucky.

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Sweet smiled. "And in the mean time, Miss Golden, ya can stay in one of our room. Ah've got plenty of space. And just so ya know, Darky cooks excellent meals."


Catherine giggled. "Oh yes indeed he does." She looks at Lullaby and smiled. "So what do you say you and I go for a trot, Cousin?"

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"Really?" Golden said rising an eyebrow to Darky. "I didn't knew you where such a good house maid." She chuckled.


Darky blushed. "H-hey, I'm not a maid!" He said embarrased.


Golden chuckled and turned to Sweet. "Thank you. I will bring some stuff to work. I will be back in a while." She said, then left to the train station to get her stuff from Canterlot.



Lullaby smiled and waved to her, then turned to Cat. "Sure, lets go." She said with a small smile, then followed her.

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Lucky snapped out of what ever trance he was in and started to pace around the huge thing

Brave shook his head "I'm thinking...how the hell has it not come up till today" he awnsered before he went back to being silent for a bit

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Catherine thought and paced. "Perhaps.... judging by the hole, it was pushing itself through to the surface. If I recall correctly, this area once flooded, half of Equestria was underwater and right here must've been part of the seabed. It would explain why it's so.... fertile and why this lake feeds from the sea."

Sweet giggled. "Had ta been one huge clam to have this, wouldn't ya'll agree?"


Cat would walk with Lullaby and look at her. "It's about time I met my cousin. Okay, I've met two, one is in the Crystal Empire and the other is a pompus prideful idiot." She giggled.

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Darky nodded. "That would explain it." He replied to cat before she left.

Lullaby giggled at what she said. "Really? I hadnt met them." She said smiling. "Perhaps I can meet them one day." She added as they walked. "So, where do you work?" She then asked.

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