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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Sweet giggled. "Brave, if a single pony could move this without notice, and tried ta steal it, he can have it. Thought it'd be kinda hard ta hide a jumbo pearl."


Catherine thought and pointed a hoof at the distant observatory. "And as for them, Cadance, you will love. Blueblood, not exactly. He's an annoying spoiled brat who I'd rather him be imprisoned in the moon than Aunt Luna. Only instead of a thousand years, permanently."

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"And we haven't felt with whole thieve bands before?" Brave said refuring to last year where a band of thugs tried to take them hostage for some money but were stopped when darky came back from his visit with luna

Brave had done well to hide every one when they had arrived but lucky sneezed giving them away

"I wouldn't put it past anyone to try to steal it...and if you that not worried about it being stolen how about some of it goes to charity?"

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Darky shrugged. "I think so." He replied to Brave as he looked at the pearl. He wanted to see if he could move it with his magic.

His horn glowed and managed it levitate it a pair of inches, but it was hard to nove, so he let it down again.

Lullaby turned to the observatory. "Oh. So there you work."she said smiling. "Cadence.... mom told me about her. I think I once saw her, but when I was a foal." She smiled. "But never heard about Blueblood. Is he that bad?"

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Sweet giggled. "Careful, Darky. And ah think that's a wonderful idea Brave. And ah know a trio of fillies who would be able ta use the bits." She says as she looked at Darky, she spread her wings and flew up to the top of the pearl, landing on it. "Hmmm. ah wonder if'n ah can't walk the pearl there."


Catherine nodded. "He's rude and obnoxious. Sometimes I wish he weren't even family. Claimed Rarity, a fashion designer here in Ponyville, was only with him to get close to mom." She giggled. "Yet he was expecting her to treat him like a colt should treat a mare."

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Darky turned to sweet. "Wait, trio of fillies?" He said. The CMC? Well, he thought she was talking about them.

Lullaby giggled. "Oh, Rarity. Mom told me about that also." She smiled. "Good thing I hadnt met him." She said smiling.

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Sweet smiled. "Mah cousin and her two friends are the ponies who started it, and ahm sure they could use all the help they can get. Ah reckon it may help them get more members." She looked at Brave. "So, what do ya think? Help cutiemarkless fillies and colts out?"


Cat giggled. "You should meet my little brother. He's just adorable. He don't talk much but.. he helps out around the observatory quite a bit. Especially... when helping with Sap." She points her hoof at the small timberwolf. "I saved this little one from a fire. that's why my back is bandaged. Speaking of which, I got to see Nurse Redheart about changing the bandages."

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Darky smiled. "Yeah, I know then. Lets help them!" He said smiling after sweet said that.


Lullaby giggled. "Oh, really? I actually met him. Solar right? Yeah. He is a cutie." She said smiling ((I have an rp with him, sort of dead, but still.)) She then saw the timberwolf and the bandages. "Maybe I can help. I'm studding medical magic, as well as being a nurse." She then said smiling. "This is basic."

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Sweet giggled and looked over. "Ya know, ah hope we get the rest of our crew back. Ah miss them."


Catherine giggled. "So, would you like to move in with me and see what it's like?"


Sweet pointed. "Ah think the two royal cousins are fast friends, Darky, what do ya think?" She walks over and thought. "Hey, why don't we go inta town and get Nurse Redheart and tell her the good news?"

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Lullaby smiled. "I would love to see the place." She zaid smiling. "Perhaps I can go there.'

Darky smiled and nodded. "Yeah, looks like it." He said smiling to Sweet before she left.

Lullaby turned to her. "Sure. We can tell her." She said smiling.

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Sweet giggled and spotted her. She walked up and nudged Nurse Redheart. "Nurse Redheart." She says.


Cat giggled. "Well why don't you come with me. I'll show you." She trotted on. "Just watch your head."

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Sweet giggled. "Havin' a good nap, Redheart? Ah want ya ta come back for a moment, besides, Cat does need her bandages changed, she's not hurt more but yer the only pony qualified fer removing her bandaging." She giggled.


Cat soon took her to the observatory and there led her inside. "Welcome to my home."

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Sweet smiled. "Ya know the lake near mah place? We found a.... well giant would be an understatement, pearl."


Cat giggled. "Well this is my home. Mom is steamed that I don't want to be a Princess, but... she don't push the issue."

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"mom doesn't do it with me also, although she is teaching me to be one." Lullaby said to Cat smiling. "She is also teaching me to go into dreams and manipulate them as she does. Belive me, is a natural talent she has and I think I also got but less than her."

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Sweet smiled. "Well, let's just say it is a pearl that took that Manticore, Big Mac and Bulk Biceps ta pull out of a hole."


Cat giggled. "Well, you can have the royal throne. I enjoy being where I am." She says. "Oh... I forgot. I got to get this to Luna." She says grabbing the star chart. "I suppose I could have Derpy do it but... that wouldn't be fast enough."

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