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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Sweet looked. "Come, you know he's sweet. He's actually been whimpering since you left." She giggled trotting with her back to the farm.


Cat giggled. "Sure, but I think I should make sure I can fly first. I got hurt during the fire a few years back and it's just near done healing. I figured my burns would have healed but... something is odd about them."

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Cat giggled. "Yes you can look. However, I promised Red Heart that she'd get to see the healing through. She's trying to learn the recovery of an Alicorn for future references. After all, it'll be useful if it happens again." She thinks. "Speaking of.... shall we return?" She asks grabbing the maps and putting them into a saddle bag. She walks up and giggled. "And just so you know. On occasion I'll have a black eye, that's cause I fall asleep at my Telescope and..." She giggled.


Sweet smiled as they approached even at the distance Red Heart could see the pearl. At the distance it looking like a normal sized pearl. "There she is." She points a hoof at it.

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Sweet nodded. "Eeyup that is the pearl. Ah reckon yew are about ta need a doctor yerself, cause yew will be gettin' a share of the profits. Perhaps open up yer own clinic like ya wanted or go on a cruise. As fer Cat ah reckon her and Lullaby should be here shortly."


Cat giggled. "How fast can you gallop cousin?" She asked as she stepped out she began to trot and eventually pick up speed.

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red looked at her in shock

(a share of the profit.....that thing is huge!)




lucky was walking back from ponyville with Colgate when he caught up to sweet and redheart

"hay sweet, hi red!" he said waving as they approtched them


"so your sweet" colgate said once they stopped near them

she then held out a hoof "im colgate ma'am"

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Sweet smiled. "Welcome." She says. "Yer the dentist, are ya not?" She smiled then looked at Lucky then to Redheart. "Are ya okay?"


Cat giggled as she zipped right past Sweet, Redheart, Colgate, and Lucky, soon sticking her horn out to go faster.


"Wow.... did ah miss somethin'?" She rubbed her head. "She was runnin' like her tail was on fire or somethin'." She giggled.

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red shook the shock of her face seeing cat



"yes thats me" colgate said to sweet then gave her a smile that rivaled Celestia in brightness

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Sweet giggled. "Ain't ya the one also known as Minuette? Or is that a different mare. If ya are ah think we've met. Cause ah had mah teeth looked at once due ta biting into an apple with a rock embedded inta it. Had a tooth pulled cause of it."

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Not so long after, Lullaby came running past them. She wasn't as fast as Cat running, but she sure was better flier thanks to her father.


She also tried to run even faster, but not that much since she wasn't that skilled on it.

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Cat came to a screeching halt right next to the pearl. She sat there giggling. "Did I just hear Nurse Redheart yell?" She giggled.


Sweet looked at her. "Well, either way, it's nice ta meet ya." She looks about. "And welcome to mah farm."

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"Thank you" Colgate said as she looked at her home

Red started to trot after the two Alicorns

"Is there a reason why you ran here" brave said looking around the peril at cat and lullaby

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Cat giggled. "I just had so much energy I wanted to see if she could keep up and she did go." She says to Lullaby. She winces a bit as she had stretched the still burned skin on her back. "That hurts, but it was worth it." She giggled.


Sweet trotted down and smiled. "So... might ah ask.... um.... why did Lucky get ya fer?"

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Red came into view and she looked irritated

"Did you even listen to me" she asked

"Oh....ya why did you want me here?" Colgate said turning to him

Lucky looked down

"I....I wanted you to see it....and....brave wasn't all that convinced that me and you were an item"

Colgate moved to him and kissed his cheek

"Well that was sweet of you" she said meaning the peril and not the thing about brave

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Sweet giggled. "Yer cute, both of ya." She says. "So... how's mah cousin's teeth, Ah hear ya look at Applebloom's every year, Colgate."


Cat giggled. "Sorry.... I just... I'm just getting to know my cousin, Nurse Redheart." She says to her. "I...." She sighs. "I suppose I  best lie down and let you look at it."

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Cat smiled as she did so. "Oh, Nurse Redheart, my mother sent something to my observatory for you, as thanks for helping me." She says. "It's in the right saddle bag." She says then looks at Darky. "Have you seen Luna lately, I have something for her."


Sweet smiled. "So... perhaps ah should hire ya as mah personal dentist to." She says and giggled.

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