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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Darky was laying down on top of the pearl as Cat talked. "Oh, Luna? Yes. Last time I checked she was in the castle." He said smiling. "But she told me she would come in a few days here."

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Catherine smiled as Redheart would get a miniature statue of herself with a note reading "Thank you for seeing to my daughter's well being. Princess Celestia." Cat looked at her. "I hope she didn't go overboard."


Sweet smiled her own teeth can be seen as looking good already.

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Cat nodded. "Will do." She looked at Lullaby and smiled. "So... care to be Redheart's assistant for this?"


Sweet smiled and went to lie down by the lake watching the waves hit the shore.

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"Good you can start with getting me some gaze, I thought I had some in my bag but I don't" she half ordered the princess

(If she wants to play nurse I'm not treating her any different then any pony else) she thought as she finally removed the bandage relieving a nasty burn

"And don't use your magic when fixing it cause it was a fire from an everfree tree"

Red then leaned in her bag and pulled out tweezers and started to pull dead and loose skin off


Lucky and Colgate walked to the lake

Lucky walked over to red and Colgate sat under a nearby tree

"Need any help?" He asked red


Red shook her head before pulling a large pice off of cats back

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Cat giggled. "Easy, remember, I'm a bit ticklish back there.... especially between the wings." She says. "Lullaby, Redheart is the most gentle nurses you'll get, unless you disobey her orders when healing." She looks at her. "And I do greatly appreciate what you do." She looks over and smiled. "If your mom and dad weren't together, I'd say Darky has a thing for Sweet but from here I can see they are great friends." She looked. "Say, whatever happened to that Zebra?"


Sweet sighed. "Ya know, Darky, among the Apples, ahm probably the most unusual." She giggled. "Ah think mah share will all go ta givin' Redheart her very own clinic. A way ta say thanks. She takes care of all of us and she's got little ta show fer it." She looks back at her.

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Lullaby smiled and nodded. "Sure. I will do what you tell me to." She said. She heard all what Cat said and giggled. "Oh, dad is just like that.  He.. had always had something for mares. He manages also to get between a group of them a lot of times. Still, I know he only has love for mom." She said smiling before going to get what nurse Read heart ask her to.


Darky turned to Sweet. "Unusual is a fancy way of saying it, but what you are doing is really noble from your part." he replied smiling to Sweet after she said that. "And indeed she does take care of all of us." he finally said before laying down on the grass.

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"who, zecrath? if my memory serves me right he left for personal reasons...tho he wouldn't tell me what they were" red explained to cat as she took the last of the dead skin off and took what swabs she had on her to soak up the blood that was oozing from a crack in the scabbed skin from when cat was running


lucky went to go sit by Colgate who leaned into him as she watched the lake


brave sat by the pierl watching everyone and for anything that would try to endanger every pony

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Cat giggled as she looked at Nurse Redheart. "So... that big kitten over there..." She pointed at the manticore as he played with a giant ball of yarn like a kitten would, "scared you near death?" She giggled when it fell and hit it's nose on the wall. "Oh... poor dear."


Catherine giggled. "No no... I mean.... among Apples themselves." She extends her wings for emphasis. The manticore jumped and looked around ears twitching like crazy. "Wonder what's gotten to him." She says looking about.

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Cat looked at the nurse. "Can I ask something pretty dumb? Shouldn't my burn have healed, I mean it has been a few years."


Sweet sighed as she stood up and walked back up to the farm. She went in and began cooking something. Soon the smell would flow outside, filling the air with a rich aroma.

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Darky's nose perked up. Hey! Whe was the cook here!

He stood up and went to the kitchen to see what she was doing.

Lullaby sighed. "What she says is true." She started thinking. "If you allow me, perhaps I can do a spell that will cover it up so it doesn't look burned." She said.

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Sweet sighs. "Well, hello, Darky. I figured we all may be getting hungry so I'm fixing supper tonight. You have the day off today." She giggled.


Cat sighs. "Not only did I get a injured back.... Lullaby, but I was way worse than I am now. Redheart had to reset my wings three times cause of them not healing right. However, I can feel the burn is smaller than it once was." She looked. "Oh right.... Zecora sent me with salve not long ago. She thinks it may help you with other kinds of injuries." She pointed to her saddle bag.

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Darky smiled to what Sweet said. "Oh, really?" he chuckled a bit. "Well then. I shall enjoy my day off as much as I can." he said as he sat on a chair. "By the way, what are you preparing?" he then asked her.


Lullaby shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I hadn't got to that part in my medicine training." she said a bit embarrassed, then turned to cat and nodded after she said all that. "Oh, alright." She said.

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Cat smiled. "You never do any less than your best, Nurse." She stretched her wings. "Um... hmmm.... Um... you may want to watch your tail, Redheart. Sap is playing with it." She points her hoof. "Sap no. Be nice."


The Timberwolf pup nuzzles into the nurse's side before running off and rolling into the leaves. "Puppies." She giggled.


Sweet look a bit of salt. "I'm fixing food. You'll find out when it is done."

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Lullaby giggled at what the timberwolf pup did and then went after him to play a bit with it. Ahe was in a playfull mood this day.

Darky cuckled a bit. "Guess you are right." He replied to Sweet. He stood up and gave her the salt using his magic. "Here. I remember wher I put everything in here." He said smiling

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Sweet smiled. "Thank ya." SHe says to him. "Ahm just about done here."


Cat smiled. "Um.... since I got you here, um.... well, I need to make sure it's nothing to be concerned with. You see, I've been up all night again and fell asleep at the telescope and..." She giggled pointing to her head where a bump rested.

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