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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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(Sorry, college and driving consume time :$)

"Oh yeah, sorry." Lullaby said as she came back from playing with the pup. She looked to readheart. "Alright. What do I need to do?" She asked smiling.

Darky went to the dinning room and started putting plates and glasses around the table.

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Cat giggled. "Wrong side, Lullaby." She points to the bump on her head. "Right there, hon." She says.


Sweet smiled as eventually the smell would file outside reaching the others' noses. She sat back and waited for it to finish cooking.

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Red slowly shook her head before smelling a wonderful smell

((Wow I just realize how many oc's I'm using))

Lucky and Colgate were to busy making out by the tree to notice

Brave sat up and took a long wiff of the air before licking his lips

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"Oops, sorry." Lullaby said shrugging shyly, then went to see her head. She saw the bump and grabbed some stuff to work with it. She smelled the food, but focused on the healing.

Once Darky was finished, he sat in a chair and waited for everypony.

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Sweet smiled as she came out with a type of gumbo and sat the pot on the table. She looked at Darky. "Could ya be a dear and get the bubbly pie fer me? It's desert." She says. "There are two but one is still cookin' the other is on the stove." She looked and sat what looked like a gem into a bag. "Found a gem embedded in one of mah apples again." She giggled. "That's twice. Ah have ta look at the north orchard and see what the hay is goin' on. But at least ah know somepony who'd love them." She giggled.


Catherine looked down and sighed some. "You know, I sorta envy you, Lulls." She says to her some. She looks out at the sun as if to be looking at her own mother.

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Lullaby nodded to what red hearth said as she worked and turned to Cat. "Oh, why do you say so?" She asked smiling.


Darky nodded and wen to the kitchen to get what sweet asked him to get

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Cat looked at her. "What? You don't know, you see them a lot while I see one of mine." She says to her. "You see your mom and dad and all I have is my mom. I've never met my dad. However it would be interesting to go look for him.... if he's still alive...." She smiled. "Say, Lullaby, would you like to go on a journey with me to find him?"


Sweet smiled. "Thank ya hun."

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Lullaby smiled as Cat said that. "Oh, that is why."she said smiling as she finished working. "Sure. I would like to go. I will just ask mom and dad, but I'm sure they will be alright with it." She said smiling.

"No problem Sweet." Darky replied smiling as he waited for everypony to go and eat.

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Cat looks at Redheart. "What do you think? Am I clear to go on an adventure with my cousin?" She asks teasing the nurse.


Sweet smiled and went to the porch and range the bell. "Come and get it EVERYPONY!"


Cat stood up and smiled. "Let's go now. Your mom will watch over us. She does all the time." She says and looks at Nurse Redheart. "Thank you for all you've done for me." She starts off towards Canterlot. "The first place is to ask mom for clues."


Sweet sighs looking out.

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Red smiled

"Limit flying to a minimum and avoid carrying heavy things...same warning as always" she then got up as sweet called everypony in

Brave got up from his book and quickly made his way to the house

Lucky and Colgate walked around the corner as sweet called out and sat down at the table

"I hope you don't mind if Colgate eats with us" lucky said to sweet

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Lullaby smiled. "yay!" She said happily, almost squeaking a bit. She blushed a bit at that and smiled shyly before shaking her head and calming down. She then heard Sweet and turned to them. "Hey, why don't we eat first before leaving?" Lullaby asked Cat. "I still have to tell my dad." she added.

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Cat smiled. "Lullaby, trust me.We do and we'll be here all night." She starts heading to the train station. "It'll be fine." She says to her. "Besides if your dad is one of the typical dads, we'll be here forever with good byes."


Sweet looked on and watched as everypony went in, looking at Cat and Lullaby waving a wing and turning to go in, shutting the door. "Everypony is here." She smiled. "Ah hope ya'll love it." She says joining them.

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Sweet walked in and looked at Darky. "Cat and Lullaby won't be joining us. I think they are going on a trip together." She sat down and began to eat.


Catherine giggled as she trotted beside her cousin. "So... I suppose the first thing is... Mom. Perhaps she could give me a hint on who my dad is." She says to her. "What do you think?"


Sweet joined them for their meal and gave a big smile. "I have a feeling they'll be back in what... a year?"

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Lullaby smiled to what Cat said. "Sure. Lets go and see Tia." She said smiling to her.

Darky sighed. "She loves doing that... going out on 'adventures'." He said as he started to eat.

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