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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Sweet sat there as she looked around her table and then looked down. A smile on her face. "Ah want ta thank ya'll fer stickin' around. Ya know, it's like ya'll have become part of the Apple Family. Ah mean, we've come a very long way since ah moved here. No amount of bits can replace it. Darky, yew are the best cook ah know. Red, yew are top of the line nurse. But ah think doctor fits ya more now. Brave, yew protect us. Lucky, Colgate, ah welcome yew ta join us and work here with us on mah farm. Ah know ya got your dentist stuff, Colgate, however yer welcome ta come and go ta do your stuff too. Lullaby and Catherine just left on a trip. Ah reckon that it'll be kinda.... quiet fer us fer awhile. But... Darky, ah want ya ta make sure their rooms are set up fer their return. Ya understand? Brave, when yer out guarding, if ya see them, ya give the biggest hollar ya can, even if we're all asleep. Red, ah think yew and Zecora should have plenty of time ta figure a way ta reverse and get rid of Cat's burn by the time they return." She says. "Lucky and Colgate, yew and ah will work the farm and get the best apples, while.... hmmm.... hey, aren't we missin' somepony?"

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Sweet smiled. "Ya have ta stay at least one night, Colgate." She says biting down on something then wincing, however she hides it as good as she can hoping no pony noticed. She kept eating flinching each time she took a bite.

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Sweet shook her head, wincing as she ate. "Ah didn't break a tooth. Ah bit ma lip." She says hiding the fact that she had a bad tooth in her mouth. "It's nuttin' really." She looks down. "So, Darky, can ah ask somethin'. Ya probably answered this many times, but if'n yer married ta Luna, why stay here?" She asks him.

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"Sweet your talking to a dentist that had something to do with a tooth so don't you lie to me about biting your lip" Colgate sternly said to her

"Best to just admit it sweet she wont stop till you do" lucky said before taking another bite

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Darky payed no attention to that. "Oh. Why am I still here?" He asked smiling. "You need help, so I help you. Luna can handle her jobs pretty well alone." He added smiling. "And we see each other every week." He kept eating.

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Sweet looked. "Alright. Ah have a toothache. Ah've had it fer awhile. But ah've taken some medication fer it. So it's no big deal." She says. "The pain just came cause ah fergot ta take the medication." She says to her.


She then turns to Darky. "I see. You know, if she wants, she can move in with us. I want to discuss something with her anyway."

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colgate rolled her eyes before she finished her bowl and lit up her horn causeing a shield in the shape of a bubble to surround sweet

"now that your done come on" she said standing up



lucky snikered as he grabbed his and colgates plate

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Colgate smiled "that's better....now how long has this been hurting sweet?"

Lucky was stretching his wings

And Brave and red were still eating

"So darky....how's luna been?" Brave asked after finishing a bite

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