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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Sweet smiled. "Ah guess he does. Ah've had so many ponies here in the past few years that ah well... ya know, ah lost count of who does and who doesn't sleep here. Though ah reckon ahm going ta send Darky on a small vacation, after the hardwork that stallion puts in, ah reckon he deserves it."

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[i was thinking of introducing a new character if it's okay.]


Sweet smiled. "Darling, if ya love him, ah don't see a reason ya can't. Ah mean, Lucky is a hard worker and all, but ya know, if ya want him ta move in with ya, tell him."

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Sweet shook her head. "Not at all, Sugar, he's his own colt, he can come and go as he pleases. As long as ya don't let him quit workin' fer me." She giggled.


While Sweet and Colgate were headed to the dentist, there would be a knock on the door. Outside stood a mare with a mane and tail that resembled cotton candy, her wings were small, and resting on her head was a rather small horn, her coat was the coloration of white frosting on a cake. On her flank rested a cupcake and a rollingpin for a cutiemark, She looked about sighing, holding the flier up, well by holding meaning it's stuck on her horn.

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She giggled. "Ah know, hun." She walked with her. "Sorry fer the hassle, hun. Ah don't usually get this stubborn." She says to her.


Again at Sweet's house there would be a knock on the door. The mare would sit outside as the wind would pick up. She called out. "Is Anypony here?" She asked, letting out a slight eep as a cloth flew and hit her head from one of the opened windows.

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