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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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Colgate looked at her confused as lucky looked at her

"I don't think she was eating it sweet" brave said smiling

Colgates and Lucky's cheeks reddened as they realized Colgate still had crumbs on her

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sweet looked at them going in and getting some more food as she looked at Brave. "You do know I was teasing." She says. She sits down. "Darky, when will yer friend and Luna get here? Ahm rather anxious ta find out about that massive pearl."

Vanilla looked. "M.... massive pearl?"

"Yeah, it's large, very large. In fact the pearl is what may help me make this place bigger with as many ponies we have in here." She giggled.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Luna smiled to Sweet as she spoke. "Thank you." She said happily.

The guard smiled and nodded to Sweet. She bowed to Luna and she gave him permision to go and rest.

The guard nodded and thanked her, then went to a free room to sleep and rest for a while.

Golden used her magic to pull the things and smiled to Sweet.

"I will look for a good place to make my workshop." She said to Sweet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

She smiled. "If'n ya like, Golden, ahm sure ya can use the part beside where the manticore sleeps. And well ah wonder if yew and Luna would like ta be a part of my hotel here. Perhaps... Luna, yew can move here with Darky and well, then Darky won't be so lonely." She smiled teasing him. "Oh ah fergot, ah should introduce ya to our new house guest. Princess Luna, Vanilla Cookie. Vanilla, ah think, if ya want to know everythin' ya need, Princess Luna is the best pony ta ask."

Vanilla looks at her and smiled. "Greetings Princess." She bows slightly. She looked down slightly a bit nervous to ask a few silly questions.

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Golden smiled to Sweet. "Thank you. I will go and see it." She said before trotting off to the see are she said.

Darky and Luna looked at each other when Sweet said that she could move with them and both blushed.

"Thank you. I accept your invitation." Luna said smiling to Sweet, then trotted over to her stalion.

She then smiled to Vanilla. "Nice to meet you." she said smiling.

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Vanilla looked at Luna. "Hello." She says. "Um... I think I'll go and fix some thing yummy." She turns and goes to the kitchen.

Sweet looks. "Vanilla is new ta Equestria, ah think." She looks at Luna. "Ya don't think perhaps yew could talk to her a bit, do ya? Ya don't have ta do so right now of course." She says to Luna. She moves over. "And because yer a princess, don't mean ah won't make ya earn yer keep." She giggled half teasing her.

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Luna giggled a bit to what Sweet said and smiled. "Thank you. Yiu are very kind." she said with a grin. "I will talk to her now actually." She said smiling as she walked to the kitchen.

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Vanilla was putting eggs into a bowl with flower and sugar mixing it. She sighs as she looks out the window. "Equestria has been very friendly to me since coming here." She says as she looks down. "More friendlier than I've ever seen." She giggled.

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"Well dear, you are an alicorn. It is to be expected." Luna said with a small grin as she sat down on the table. "All the known alicorns are related to royalty. You are the first one I know she doesnt."

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She looks. "Yes but I also noted, and forgive me for it, but I noted that there are not as many alicorns here in Equestria as there are back home. You see, where I come from, alicorns are as common as earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns." She sighs. "Mother and father were alicorns."

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She giggled. "Oh yes. You see, we don't have royalty like you have here. We have no monetary classes either. Everypony is treated equally. You have just about every pony you can think of. From sea ponies, draco ponies, bat ponies, earth ponies, unicorns, alicorns, pegasi, heh. It's a perfect place. Between you and I, it is too perfect. That's why I left. I used to go to the temple there to meet with the one who is in charge, well her statue, but she's not really in charge like a princess or prince."

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"That's... a quite interesting place..." Luna said, not sure what to say about that. It was perhaps too perfect as she said. She wanted everypony to be treated equaly, but... it seemed too much for her

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