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New Apple In Town (Open to All)

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She would soon return, the doctor behind her. She would look at Redheart and smiled. "Ah got the doctor right here."


Silver Needle would walk in looking about. "What is it that is the problem?"

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((Brave isn't in the house cloud he's by the orchard talking to Dawn))

Red Heart:

"Don't you lye to me young man I can tell when someone cracks a rib and has internal bleeding.

Now get back to bed before you open one of your stitches" Red Heart ordered with a look that said that it's not a request

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"I'm a god! I have a healing factor. If you don't believe me, just watch this." Cloud then unsheathed one his blades and cuts himself, the fur and skin around the cut start to automatically repair and fix itself. "See? I told you." Cloud says like a smart plot.

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((Lol we posted at the same time))

Red Heart:

She turned to see the golden unicorn with the silver mane standing in the living room

"Oh good Silver, this alicorn has his forth rib on his right side cracked and has internal bleeding somewhere around his left breast. I've stitched and cleaned all his open wounds but I'm done as much as I can." Red Heart informed the doctor as she put a loose hair back into her bun

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"But your rib hasn't healed right and because your an alicorn we're going...to have to break it to put it back properly" Red heart pointed out

"And on top of that we still need to drain all the blood that has formed pockets around your lungs. And god or not it still hurts and you can still die"

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Cloud's eye twitches at the sound of that. "Great, more damage to my sexy body. It's had enough that I have an alternate side that is far more evil and crazy than me living inside of me. Now I have to undergo surgery to have my rib broke into place to where it can heal right and I might spit up blood after surgery." Cloud says boh annoyed and sarcastically.

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Darky moved a little in his bed. There was too much noise outside that he couldn't sleep... since he was nocrunal, he wasn't used to sleep during night, and all that noise made it harder for him.

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Sweet walked upstairs and looked at Darky. She went in and shut the door. She walked up to him and smiled. "Here ya go dear." She hands him some ear plugs before exiting the room.


Silver nods. "Well, Redheart, I shall do what I can. Sir, can you please do as Nurse Redheart asks?" He leans up and whispers. "At least until she leaves." He would walk him up to his room and soon get to work. He'd break the rib and replace it, and wrap him up. He would soon drain the internal blood and start fixing the insides. "You're as crazy as Rainbow Dash." He laughs.

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While also listening to the ruckus in the house, Dawn nodded at Brave's question. "Yes, I remember. I was setting up for a concert when it happened, but we had to cancel it." He replied, rolling his eyes and shrugging. "Cost me hundreds just to get everything set up, too...."

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"well as you can see i kinda look like Shinning Armor and a few days before the wedding i was ambushed by Crisalis and before she realized I wasn't Shinning she had put a spell on me but......im guessing it didn't work cause she looked vary mad."Brave stoped for a second to take a drink of water

"anyway long story short i had gotten a voice in my head that had diapered sense then end of the wedding but its now coming back...i need you to snap me out of it when it happens so i dont blank out for hours on end. But i understand if you don't want to i could ask Sweet to do it instead"

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"Maybe worse"Red Heart said to Silver

"Now let's get you back to bed and give you some anistesia"she told cloud as she gently nudged him up the stairs

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Silver chuckles as he follows him. "Don't worry, it's a nice smooth procedure." He follows him to the room.


Sweet giggled before stepping outside and trotting over to the edge she thought would be good for camping. She would be seen off in the distance moving logs to set up a perimeter for it. She looked about it. Soon she would sit down on a log, rubbing her chin deep in thought.

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Dawn flinched a bit at what Brave said, and for a moment, he had half a mind not to believe it. "Wait, so that was you the entire time?" He asked, before shaking his head. "Y-yeah, okay. I'll make sure to help you out."

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"No not the entire time only that day after she figured out I wasn't Shinning she sent me to the crystal caverns under canterlot"

After dawn agreed brave thanked him and when to help sweet

"I wouldn't use that tree for a bench if I were you it's rotten in the middle you want to use that green one next to it" brave pointed out to sweet

((Maybe 4 or 5 p.m))

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Sweet Apple looked over giggling. "Ahm not using much, just gettin' an idea of the bandary for the camp. That's all, Sugar." She thinks. "But, yer right, it is rotten. Hmmm... what do ya think? Should ah make it square, rectangular, or circular?" She asks him.

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"hmmm...rectangle but that one there has too many knots in it it will be really hard to cut to make it rectangle" Brave noted to Sweet "that one there would work would work though"

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She smiled. "Good idea." She says. "Hmmm....." She pushes a good log to the spot where the rotten log was. "Perhaps the rotten log would be good fer firewood." She looks about. "Apple wood makes excelent firewood, gives a nice smell."

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"nah its too wet maybe if you set it in the sun for a few days but if you ever do need firewood i got a logging company back in Garden Gait i could get you some" brave told sweet wail looking at the rotten log "ya that's true apple wood dose have a lovely smell but you got to save it for special events cause apple trees aren't cut for wood"

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Dawn trotted back into the house and poured himself a glass of water, wiping his brow. He needed to get used to being around people when he isn't on stage. Especially if he was going to continue helping Sweet around the farm and she planned on putting a bed and breakfast in. He quickly downed the glass of water, before washing the cup out and putting it away. Walking out, he found Sweet and Brave. "Hey, is there anything else that I could help with? I could practice bucking apples, if it's all right."

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Sweet looked at Brave. "Well, ah have a sayin', trees that bare no fruit come down. Trees that come down, ah put on the fire." She smiled. She turned to Dawn. "Well ya can practice buckin' if'n ya like or ya can help us here. Ah won't twist yer hoof ta work. First day of work is tomorra. Ah work ya'll six days a week, the seventh is used ta rest or have fun, go ta town, visit with folks, and get supplies or other things ya may find ta do."

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"Well if you ever change your mind let me know" brave said with a smile

(I should get my bag before Vynal left for one of her parties)

"Talk to you later" brave said to both of them


When brave returned from his quick 'mission' he when upstairs to find a room to put his bag in

The first room he checked had voices in it talking about cloud so brave figured that's where Nurse Red Heart was with the doctor

The next room had no voices in it so he went right in....most likely waking midnight

and making him blush because he knew he was in trouble with her now


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Midnight's ears picked up the foot know moving and the hooves of a pony.

Her yellow eyes shone like the sun in anger as her she bared her teeth with a frightening growl.

"Who dares distur...oh it's you Brave, what time is it? Maybe 7 hopefully?" She asked politely and mentally hit herself for letting her real guard side show.

"So do you know the time Brave?" She asked politely as she twisted upwards and her eyes fell upon her saddle bags Brave was next to.

(Please don't trip!) She mentally kicked herself a second, the bags had blood packs in from the hospital, it was her food and she was frightened to think what he'd think of her if they were seen.

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"um...ugh...I..was trying to find a room to put my..ugh...bags in and I didn't hear anything from this one so I just came in with out checking cause um....I forgot you were here" brave stammerd


braves cheeks were getting redder the longer he stood there so he looked down to attempt to hide his face he noticed the bag that was open and saw the blood packets in it


(why isn't she refrigerating these?

"I don't know"

wasn't talking to you

"you mean thinking to me"

shut up)


"um...the time....mmmmaybe around 7:30ish" brave told her

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