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A colorful love (Private)


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He looked at the bush Luna was hiding, then turned to the table, then to her. "Well, this would be like our first official date." He said giggling a bit as he looked at the atmosphere Luna made for them. It was really lovely.

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"don't forget about beautiful, like you" he said after giving her a moment to response to it or not. "Hold on i will be back" said ezio as he started to fly after which he headed to the stairs and headed upstairs after a couple of minutes of him being upstairs he came back down carry what appears to be a portrait cover by a white sheet to prevent dust and prying eyes from seeing it.

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"now before i show this to you as i told you before i am an artist of sorts, and this broken glass i have around as i am sure you notice it i use it for my art. I Want to see if you could guess what i make as art, To make it a bit easy. I am an artist i mostly deal with glass when i work, and if you want i could give you one final hint if you want it" said Ezio As he hover in the air in front of her holding the portrait

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((ok blue is that for me if so i am confuse because one the post where i made it him get it i said at the end or near it there was sheet over it so nopony could see it then in my next post i started a guessing game where frozen guess what kind of artist he is. So since i never said he remove the sheet all she is looking at is a white sheet, hope that helps you understand))

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