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A colorful love (Private)


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((ok i am done with that game because blue clearly don't understand do you understand it Night it started on page 27 in a post where i sent Ezio to get a Porter from upstairs take a look to see unless you been keeping up with us then do you understand what i was doing))

"As frozen got closer to take a better look Ezio remove the white sheet THAT WAS COVERING IT and after he did it was a stain glass picture of nighttime with luna looking towards the stars and the stars looking back down at her like nightmare moon.

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(I'm sorry, I try to understand most of your posts, since your grammer (Not trying to be mean, it's kind of hard for me to understand) isn't really the best...)


Frozen stared at it, looking a little awestruck.


Pastel kissed back.

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(I would say that you should use more , and . so it is easier to understand, blue makes a valid point.)

Lightning pulled her closer as they kissed. What a lovely place to do it, just like when they first did it.

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Pastel closed her eyes.


(Well, mainly try to stay away from run on sentences..... typing on the internet is basically like talking.... you could try to say it, or something, that may help.... idk.....)


"I-its.................. its amazing....."

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