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A colorful love (Private)


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After she left he follow and left the house, "ok follow me he started to lead checking behind him to make sure she follows, after a bit and going up a hill "ok here we are" said Ezio then he processed to unpack his basket after he was done there was a blanket to sit on, a few candles for lighting and a plates for sandwiches, hay fries, also a bottle of hard apple cider he had.

((the two reasons why we don't move faster is because on the weekdays i have that couple hours days and i make big posts))

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(Yeah...... I type fast so I normally reply really fast....... I understand I used to have internet limits where I could get on the internet ONLY from 5-8)


Frozen followed. She blinked, looking around at the scenery. She then turned her attention to the basket, blushing a bit when he brought out the candles.


Pastel frowned,"Ok..... I'll be here.........."

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"Maybe I can convince the princess to actually get you a commission for her." He said smiling before he left. "I'll see what I can do." He giggled, then left. He felt sad for leaving her alone, but he had to work.


(*boops you*)

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Frozen nodded, before getting some food,"So........ what do you want to talk about?"She asked awkwardly.


Celestia shrugged.


(I am a no hug zone for a reason x3)

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