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A colorful love (Private)


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Lightning looked a bit nervous. "Well, you know that my marefriend, Pastel, is an artist and... I would like to know if you like her work." He showed her the drowing Pastel made the other time of both of them.

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"ok well this might be a bit awkward because we haven't know each other very long But." said Ezio after taking a few deep breathes he started to blush and you could even see it over his red coat "wouldyoubemymarefriend" he said very quickly

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He smiled. "Thank you princess! I will bring her so you can tell her what you want her to do." He said giggling as he went back home.

(He sees now Pastel's house as his new home. [emoji14])

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Her eyes widened,"The........................ princess? For real?"She squealed happily, hugging him and nuzzling him.


Ok, so I need some help........

So me and one of my friends were playing match maker at school. I said maybe, MAYBE about one boy. I made it very clear I didn't want her to tell anyone. So then I mention it to one of my friends in front of her and she takes that as a sign to go around blabbering about it........

So then I started joking about a boy she said yes to, who is a total brat. Then she gets all mad at me, and then she just texted me saying she was sorry for 'being mad at me for no reason' and that she 'needs my help with something'................ what should I do?  )

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He nodded happily, kissing her nose. "She really liked it." He said.

(Perhaps you should see what it is or what she wants help with, at the end you are her friend no? Remember what the show is about. Of course, just be careful and hope things dont go crazy)

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