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A colorful love (Private)


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"yes i would like that" said Celestia smiling

((sorry if i can't post as fast as you two using a 3ds for it sucks planning on getting a tablet if i do it will speed up also i do use the enter key to go to another line what ever you call that but it doesn't work on the 3ds))

Ezio walked back to the house in slence

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(I hate having to post on 3ds...... but posting on 3ds is better than not posting at all!)


Pastel beamed,"Really? What do you want me to draw?"


Frozen frowned, looking around awkwardly.

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((i know i can type her thoughts but i don't think i should if i just going to make them say it anyway. Also you have a 3ds? we could exchange codes in a pm if you want.))

Celestia thought for a moment "i was thinking of a one of you two." said Celestia to the them, Then turning to Luna "what do you think Luna or do you want to added anything" asked Celestia.

After they got back to the house he started to fly and headed to the Kitchen, He put the basket in there then headed towards the basement door he went in and made sure it was close and headed down.

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Luna was surprised she was noticed so fast, she was just walking inside just now! "hmm... how about of all of us?" She said as Darky came in. "You know, you, me, Darky, lightning and you Pastel." She said smiling.

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((now i don't know if you guys figure it out by now if not your in for a bit of a surprised

"great idea kinda of a family portrait without blue blood" said Celestia a bit giddy at the thought of the picture and disguise at that thought of blue blood, thinking of his high and mightyness over the well-fare of her subjects.

After Ezio got to the bottom he drop his disguise and lit up his horn so he could see himself in a mirror he himself broken fragments was missing, He used in his art he could see his ture self he looked pretty much the same expect he was a red changeling and his mane and tail became more transparent

"what did i do wrong" he asked himself, "you will never have a special somepony like you want your a monster!" he reply to himself as he talked his coversion got louder. "But i am different from the rest" he said "but you turely aren't for who could love a monster!" he reply again

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