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A colorful love (Private)


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((sure i guess i don't want to hurt your feeling or anything but you have a developed pony, and i am sure an app for her knowing you i don't and need to work on his yet i still type more. now i am not saying go crazy and type alot just every now and then do it so i have something to work off of, as they say a relationship is a two way steet it can only work if both people/ponies work as hard together to make it work, About early where you was asking help about your friend. I believe maybe that could help in someway idk the sit of it but that is my advice i don't don't have one, thats a reason i want my ponies to be happy for me in that way :`( ))

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Pastel nodded.

Frozen was walking around the market, buying food. Her hair was fixed up and she seemed to be in a good mood...... That is, until she tripped, and then a cab went by and splashed mud on her. Her food was, thankfully, safe. But she now had muddy hair, and a muddy coat. She stood up, blowing part of her mane out of her face. She grumbled a bit.

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Ezio was Shopping for some Glass items that variety from plain colors like red,blue,green and yellow and all like that and some of more complex colors like rainbows that have multi colors, the items was of different sorts like vases, flower pots, and glasses there was more then that.

He was troting along to hurry and get home when he saw a familiar mare cover in mud. He was in a pretty good mood before then it turn a little bad he could have just went pass her, but its not his nature to ignore a mare in need so he went up to her. "Hello Frozen i see you took a fall, hope your ok" he said trying to fake his good mood

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Frozen looked at him,"Im fine..."she mumbled. She shook her coat a little, for no apparent reason, since it didn't do anything. She sighed, returning her gaze to him.

Pastel nodded,"yeah...."

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