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A colorful love (Private)


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Pastel started to color it in.


Frozen blinked, tilting her head,"Sure......."She replied, checking to make sure her wings weren't muddy, since she hated walking with mud in her hooves. Thankfully, they weren't.

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After a bit of looking around he found what he was looking for "There it is a black vase." said Ezio then he want and bought it after which he put it with the rest.

"Alright we can go now" said Ezio to frozen as he turned to head home

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Frozen nodded, flying behind him. She was staring at the back of his mane. What was wrong with that? He was cute after all... She glanced up at the house when it came into sight, blinking.

"Well, two days at least! Its for the princesses! It HAS to be the best piece of art I've ever done!"

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"well here we are just give me a moment" said Ezio then a key appear out of nowhere, He unlock the door then as quickly as the key came it vanish. "well here we are" said Ezio as he push the door open for both of them. The main room still looks the same as before

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