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A colorful love (Private)


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Frozen blinked in surprise, not expecting him to fly. He seemed more like one of those pegasi that didn't really fly so much... She smiled at him when they got to the bathroom,"thanks...!"

Pastel closed her eyes to, wrapping her front hooves around him.

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"well then if you need anything i will be outside" said Ezio as he started to fly out of the room and closing the door behind him. After which he got the black vase then landed next to the picture he is working on and he broke it and began to use the broken pieces to make the picture and every now and then active his green magic to grab the next glass piece he needs with his magic.

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((yea i can i was just checking if you wanted to go first or not. Lighting works for Luna right?))

Ezio ears peck up at the sound of water being turned off, He quickly turned off his magic so he wouldn't get caught. After the door opened and Frozen came out "how was your bath?" asked Ezio

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(You don't have to play either of the princesses right now, unless you really want to... It's just really hard to think of stuff when Pastel is with them)

Frozen nodded,"its better than a mud bath in the market,"she said jokingly. She smiled a bit and walked over,"so..... What now?"

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"A full schedule!" Celestia said with fake enthusiasm.

Frozen frowned,"what's wrong?"she asked, blinking. She titled her head,"you seem kind of mad............... Your not mad at me, are you?"

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