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A colorful love (Private)


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"well i don't know" Ezio said sarcastically turning to look at her "if you tell somepony how you feel about them, and they don't give you any answer at all how would you feel!" said Ezio Getting slightly madder as he goes on but still keeping his inside voice

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"well it's easy just look inside of you at your feeling and tell me what you think do you like me as a friend, do you hate me, or do you feel like i could be a mate/coltfriend. said Ezio going from happy to sad to happy as he explain the list

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Frozen frowned, obviously thinking about it. After a few minutes she replied,"Well...... I certainly don't hate you........ but...... I dont know about liking you as a friend, or as a coltfriend..................... hm........................ I guess I'll give you a chance......."

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Frozen nodded,"Ok!" She replied, smiling and flicking her tail. She started to slowly walk towards the door. She glanced at him, blinking to make sure he was following.


Celestia went to do some princess things.

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Frozen was following him. She smiled at him when he turned to make sure she was following. She flicked her tail when he started moving again and followed.

Pastel was working on the commission.

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