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The lullaby of the Stars (private)

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Light laughed, "It was. Besides the part you decided to get me too." smiling at Lullaby still with the memories of being tickled.  "But fun none the less."


"That daughter of ours." she laughed.  "She never stops amazing me."  Luna nuzzled Darky back.

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Lullaby giggled. "Yep. Never let your guard down." Lullaby said smiling to Light as they walked.

"Indeed my love." Darky said as he laid his head in her shoulder. "It never does."

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Back at the city, Lullaby looked around for something to do. Canterlot.had quite some things to do, but she couldn't decide.

Darky felt completely asleep after a short while, snoozing a bit as he snuggled Luna even more.

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"Hmmm... today... not that I remember, but the Grand Galopping Gala isbreally close." Lullaby replied to Light as they walked around. The way she walked was both elegant and a bit seductive. "But there might be something in Ponyville." She added.

After a while, Darky woke up. "We should go back to the castle." He whispered to Luna's ear.

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Light was affected by Lullaby's walk.  He liked the idea of going to Ponyville with her.  "Yes we should try to go to Ponyville to see if there is anything."


Luna awoke.  She looked at Darky and nodded, "Yes we should return now." saying while getting up.

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Lullaby smiled and nodded. "Alright then, lets go." She said as she lead him to the train station to go to Ponyville.

Darky also stood up and took her back to the castle so they could rest after all the fun they had.

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Lullaby smiled back and got into the train once they arrived to the train station and the train arrived. She lead him to the royal waggon.

Dakry laid down in the bed, just beside her, and cuddled her, soon falling asleep again.

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Lullaby giggled at that. "I know." She said smiling as she sat in a big chair with Luna's cutie mark in it. Beside her was a smaller one with a winged sword in it. Darky's cutie mark. At the ither side was another one with Tia's one.

Darky nuzzled back as he slept before falling completely asleep.

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"Is alright. You can sit in the one of my father." Lullaby said smiling to Light aa she sat on the one of her mother. "There are also a few extra seats in there." she said pointing to some seats near the window.

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After a while of looking out the windows and feeling pretty comfortable, Light said, "So do you do this often? Just take vehicles that your parents own. Or do they not care." giving a looking at Lullaby with a curious look noticing that her chair is a bit higher than his.  

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"Oh this? They don't mind to be honest. As long as there is a guard with me." Lullaby explained as she gestured to look near the door. There was a royal guard in there, sitting beside the door. "And I tell Twilight that I came to Ponyville. The only places I'm allowed to go are Ponyville and the Crystal Empire." She added.

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"Indeed." Lullaby replied. "Mom trusts Cadence and Twilight, that is why the places where they are are the only ones I can go." She explained as she got a bit more comfortable in her seat, her mane and tail starting to wave a bit happily. "But I don't mind that. I like the princesses, they are quite good with me." She smiled.

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Light smiled back at hearing this, "They are quite amazing. I have heard about there accomplishments about Tirek, Chrysalis, Sombra, and recovering the crystal heart. I am still surprised that they could reform Discord the king of Chaos."  His hooves tapping a little just thinking about how good the books were and hearing the news about them being defeated.

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