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The lullaby of the Stars (private)

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"Yes. It is amazing all what Twilight and her friends did." Lullaby said smiling to Light, then looked up. "I'm so happy that we have them." She added and looked outside the window. They were not so far from Ponyville now.

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Lullaby smiled at the view. After a few minutes the train arrived and Lullaby lead him down. The guard was walking behind them. "Alright, lets have a look around." She said smiling.

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Light follows Lullaby to the castle seeing many ponies doing many events while passing by.  Light, never seeing the castle up close, was amazed at how high it was and how it was made of crystal.  "Wow." Light could only think of.

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"Quite princess." Solar said unchanging his expression.  Light looked at Solar now knowing his name.  Light follows Lullaby inside seeing Twilight laying down reading a book not noticing their presences.  Light waited for Lullaby to engage in conversation.

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(Oh crap. Sorry, wrong rp xD lets call the guard Solar.)

Lullaby stepped forward and went with Twi. "Hello there." She said smiling.

"Oh, Lullaby." Twi smiled. "Nice to see you. Princess Luna came?" She asked, and Lullaby shook her head. Twilight then noticed Light. "Hello." She said smiling to him.

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(It is no issue I thought it was a bit odd but just played on it. Hahaha.)


Moving forward towards Twilight, Light says, "Hello Princess." giving her a quick bow and smiling.  "It is truly nice to meet you and be allowed inside your lovely crystal castle."  Light said while looking around seeing crystal doors, windows, etc.

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"Hello Light." Twilight said smiling to Light after he greeted her. "Is good to have you here." She added as she stood up. "So, you came with him, didn't you?" She asked Lullaby.

Lullaby just nodded. "You know what to do." She replied

Twilight nodded and started making a letter.

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Light looking at Lullaby saying, "Is she writing a letter to Luna to say you are here? Also what do you mean with "You know what to do" after she said you came with him?" giving her a sideways look being prepared for some kind of betrayal like the last time.

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Lullaby looked at him and smiled after seeing him prepare for something, then just giggled. "Yes, is a letter for mom. I told her that since she knows what to put in it." Lullaby explained to Light, giggling again.

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Once Twilight was done, Spike sent the letter to Princess Celestia. (Since his flames send things to them.)

"Alright, done." She said smiling.

Lullaby nodded. "Thanks Twi, see ya." She said, then turned ti Light. "Alright, lets go now. "

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Lullaby looked at the place and smiled. "Sure, might be interesting." She said smiling and lead him there.

Apart from those foals, there were several other activities, like some ponies making food with apples and many other things.

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Light's stomach growled.  "Oh looks like I am hungry. I haven't eaten much since breakfast. Can we stop there?"  he started slowly walking towards the area full of food looking back to check that Lullaby was okay with that.

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Lullaby nodded and followed him. "Yeah, I'm also a bit hungry." She said with a soft smile, then giggled. "You know, dad would love this place." She said. "Apples are the second thing he really likes."

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"I remember you saying that he likes apples. Maybe we can bring him back some." Light said giving Lullaby a smile.  "Even if he always seems busy with Luna." chuckling a bit at that.  Light made his way to the food stands and bought a slice of apple pie from a yellow Earth pony.  "Want one too?" looking at Lullaby.

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Lullaby smiled and nodded. "Sure." she replied smiling to Light and bought herself one to. She smiled and started eating it, letting out a small squeak of happiness as she ate it. It was quite good. "Yeas, we should take some for him. He usually buys apples from Applejack's stand, so going there would be a good idea." She added smiling as she kept eating her pie happily. Her tail and main started waving around also, showing she was happy.

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Light smiled while eating his pie, it was quite delicious.  Light looked up from his and saw Lullaby enjoying herself.  "It seems you like apples a lot as well." Light said giggling a bit.  The guard was watching near Lullaby for any threats.

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