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The lullaby of the Stars (private)

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He blushed a little and smiled at her looking into her eyes.  His heart skipped a beat hearing that he started to hum happily.  Then his happiness died down a bit thinking of what Twilight would do to them or...her parents.

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Lullaby smiled and nuzzled him a bit. "Dont worry, we will be fine."she said smiling as they arrived.

The guard looked at them. "Wait here." He said as they arrived to the map room door. Then he went in,

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Lullaby smiled after that and smooched him in his lips instead of his cheek. "Is alright." She nuzzled him a bit.

The guard came back. "Princess twilight wants to talk with you." He said ti both of them.

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"Alright." Light said to the guard before walking in.  When he entered, Twi was standing up looking at a scroll before looking at the two of them.  "Light, Lullaby." she said in a soft voice.  Light gave a small bow and raised.

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Lullaby nodded to the guard also and walked beside Light, this time not teasing him. She looked at Twilight and just moved her head down, then up. "Twilight..." she said.

The guard walked inside. He had already told her what they did back at the fair, or what he saw.

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"So I have heard about the fair... incident. Tell more of your side of the story to make sure I have all the details." she said still watching them.  Light went up and said, "Well...at first it was just jokingly to get on the guard's nerves." giving the guard a look, "It then more turned into what you probably know already."  he said giving a little look at Lullaby.

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Lullaby just nodded after Light said that. "Yep. That pretty much sums it up. I took him to a cloud to play a small prank on the guard..."

He frowned.

"... but the kisses..." she looked at him. "I really did it."

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"We really did it." Light said looking back at Lullaby giving her a small grin.  "We both did it, together. Not one but both of us." now looking back at Twi, "If we are going to be punished then you must punish both of us."  Light's face being worried but ready.

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Lullaby smiled at Light. It was good to know he was by her side. "Yes, and that is not all." She then added, walking to Light's side and kissing him in a deep and long kiss. "I think we love each other." She said smiling to him.

The guard was not sure what to say.

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Light put his hooves around Lullaby, "I think we do as well." giving Lullaby a smile and looking back at Twi.  Twi thought for a bit, pacing around before saying, "So it does seem like your love for each other is quite strong. This isn't something princess's usually do...but if you say it is true then I believe you.  There is no need to worry you may go."  Twi thought if she should report this to Luna while walking away.

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Lullaby smiled to Twi, mouthing 'thank you' to her. She then turned to Light and kissed him yet again, then lead him outside. "Well. That worked better than expected, dear." She said smiling and stroking his chin with her tail.

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Twi grinned to her.  Light sighed, "It did indeed turn out for the best." grinning at her and kissing her more.  Light was quite relieved from that situation.  He nuzzled her more with his head to hers.  The guard started following them again, a bit irritated how it went but was satisfied that Twi now knew.

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Lullaby smiled and nodded in agreement, then nuzzled him back. "Now comes the hard part. Dad." She said smiling and giggling a bit. "Even if Twi says it is ok, dad wont take it so easily." She added as she walked down the hall with him, nuzzling him a bit more.

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Light laughed at that, "True it will be an interesting thing to see." still a bit worried.  The ride back was a pleasant one without much silence between the two.  Light would kiss her once in a while while the guard was looking away.  He truly loved her and how she acted.

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Lullaby kissed back everytime she had a chance also, gently cluddling him and snuggling him. Well, he wasnt that bad, and perhaps having herself a stallion like nom would be nice.

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When they arrived, the guard got out and opened the door for them, releasing the stairs as well.  The city looked like a black and white film, having many shadows where the light wasn't.  Light got out first and offered his hooves to Lullaby to help her get out.

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Lullaby smiled and accepted his offer, using his hoof to get off, then nuzzled his mame a bit. She then turned to the guard and follwed him, warping Light with her wing as they walked.

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