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Love Knows No Bounds (Private)


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Zed stepped out of the shower, shivering a bit as the cold air reached him. He grabbed another towel and quickly dried himself off, before wrapping it around his waist. "That was... refreshing." He said.

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"oh...princess celestias spell over the whole country dose it, the question meant why dosent it effect you" thunder explained turning around and grabbed his clothes "and you dont mind if i wash these first before you change into them, do you?"

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"No, not at all." Zed replied, before continuing to explain. "Basically, it's very rare that anyone's magic will effect me... Within reason, that is. Magic that causes harm, such as fire spells, I can be effected by those. But I'm never effected by magic that physically changes my appearance or body. In fact, it'll sometimes backfire on those who try it... And I guess that's why Princess Celestia hasen't been trying to use it on me more."

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"oh...well....that dose make some sence" thunder said as she finished fussing with her mane to get it the way she liked it

"and you didnt awnser my question about your clothes" she added


he had worn them for the past three days at the least so she wanted them to be clean now that he was clean

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"why...its not like i havent seen it" she said winking at him as she left the bathroom


"plus who else would see you?" she added as she walked further into the cliff wall


who knows how far back her house went into the rock

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"obviously the living room" she said before pointing to a archway "kitchen"

she then turned away from the front door to the opposite side of the living room and opened the door

"my room" she said holding the door open for him

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"Ah, all right then." Zed replied, following her throughout the house. Of course, it was not hard to figure out the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. But he was curious to see just how far the house went into the cliffside.

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She then showed him the master bath then went back to the hallway

The doors on the left went Bathroom then laundry then the end of the hall way

The doors on the right went closet then spare bed then the end

CL finaly got to the door at the end of the hall and opened it

"And this is where I can expand...but....I haven't really needed to yet" it opened into a cave

The cave walls have been chiseled and blown back to make it seam more like a low ceiling hanger then a cave tho

"Have any ideas for what to make next?"

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Zed followed her around carefully, taking note of the locations of each room. To him, this house was about as nice as the ones in Canterlot. As soon as they came to the open cave at the end of the hallway, Zed pondered at her question for a moment. "Well... To be honest, I don't really know. You seem to have everything just fine for right now." He said, his voice echoing off the empty cave walls.

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"wait..."she looked"i thought i got ride of this one.....oh well"

she then put it in the dvd player and started it


then a white canvas started to come down from the ceiling in front of the windows


thunder went to the couch and pulled out a large foot rest from under it.....wait no that was a hide a bed


she then laid down and waited for zed

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Zed stood for a moment in surprise as a large projector screen unroled itself in front of the windows, blocking out the sunlight. "Oh... wasn't expecting that." He said with a chuckle, before lying down next to Thunder on the bed, snuggling close to her.

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