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The Dark Storm's Fallout, OOC Discussion Area


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We'll have to see tomorrow. If he cannot post up tomorrow, Alex will have to go next, since Prince will be busy from Friday till Monday.

At least it can be both of us RPing until Brave comes back.

That's only if he's not on to RP tomorrow, which I hope is not the case.

So, we'll see.


As for Prince, you may post something right now, so you won't have to be left hanging till you come back.

For example, put them in a "passive" mode, like background characters.

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Oh, I will be able to post tomorrow. From saturday onwards is when I wont be able to do so. Dont worry. I will wait till tomorrow to post and then do what you said. Still, I can carry on with then as background for now. Just wait for me when the alternative dimension group meets NMM. Remember I play her and she will be important. Out of that my other characters will remain pasive.

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Sorry Brave, I'm handling this poorly.

So, SilverSwirl left.

Since Brave posted, we'll stick to the list I mentioned a few days ago for now(Noedig> BraveShield> PrinceoftheNight> AlextheAngel, repeat...).

After Prince is absent on Saturday, it'll just be the three of us.

Until PrinceoftheNight comes back, we'll go with this turn list:


BraveShield(Brave, if you'd like, you can be last or second. It's up to you!),



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I'm debating whether I should keep Zed where he is in Canterlot, or have him leave in a rush to tent to Cloudsdale, leaving his wife and child vulnerable. The latter might be a bit interesting... having Dark Storm ... er... "storm" the castle looking for Thunder and Alex, all the while Zed is frantically racing back to Canterlot to save them.

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Mainly cause he's never seen somepony do that before

But he was also more or less hoping that he would vomit his insides out and die so lullaby could hurry up and be heading to the crystal empire

Or something to that nature

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Hmmm......I don't quite think it matters

He follows nightmare moon meaning if she turns back to luna he will still follow her disisions and wont argue

Although it would be a change from what he had been used to

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