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The Dark Storm's Fallout, OOC Discussion Area


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I was just suggesting it if I had to guess......it would pass around Canterlot, merged with the whitetail woods on the other side and made it far enough north that with clear weather you could see some spires of the crystal empire on the horizon if you have good eyes

But I would guess that towns that are the size of ponieville or bigger would still be clear of most vegetation if not all

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So, I'm thinking that after Zed gets his medication, he tearfully refuses to help Gale any further, because he's afraid of growing attached to anyone. But later on when they're in Nightmare Moon's palace, he storms in and offers a few arguments of his own (That is, if Nightmare Moon refuses to listen to anything Gale has to say). He probably throws out a few more caring words like he did earlier.

Also, he might be a bit drunk when he does this...

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She'll finally find her special someone to stick with, although I believe it should be different than usual...

It's like Mac n Cheese. You got the macaroni and cheese together, and if done well in time, they'll taste great. If you got it less than well, it'll still be good to eat, just not as good as what you hoped for.

Point being; Their relationship will be just newly met, so it'll probably take more time for them to be lovers than as they have been originally.

That's just a suggestion, not an necessity. What do you think?

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