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Terrorists and The News


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So this has been bothering me, we broadcast the news with what the military will do, but this puts us at a disadvantage as well. The enemy can view the news as well, and ambush us at any time. This may be insensitive, but may work: Try offering 25 mil as a reward, then let's see how loyal they really are. I know it's a slim chance of that working, but know that we are giving them information about the range of our missiles too, say one could go 2,000m, and they now have that information, maybe it's best if we don't announce our actions at all.

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Well, for the most part the news companies don't get that kind of information unless it's already out there, especially when it comes to military operations. Besides, I think the terrorists have first hand experience on the range of our missiles.  :smirk:

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Well, for the most part the news companies don't get that kind of information unless it's already out there, especially when it comes to military operations. Besides, I think the terrorists have first hand experience on the range of our missiles.  :smirk:

I wasn't being serious, I was joking.

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I'm pretty sure the military is aware of this and may even use the news to throw off the enemy.

The news may report that the military will be focusing all its efforts on point A, but really go in to point B.

We may report the range of our missiles at 2,000 m but it could actually be 5,000 m.

The enemy is aware of this too, so they probably take what is reported on the news with a grain of salt.

I see you were joking. Nvmind then. Haha

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I'm pretty sure the military is aware of this and may even use the news to throw off the enemy.

The news may report that the military will be focusing all its efforts on point A, but really go in to point B.

We may report the range of our missiles at 2,000 m but it could actually be 5,000 m.

The enemy is aware of this too, so they probably take what is reported on the news with a grain of salt.

I see you were joking. Nvmind then. Haha

I don't get what you mean :shock:


And I wasn't joking about offering a fake reward, and seeing who squeals first.

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Many terrorists don't care about money. They are doing it for moral, religious or political objectives. If they cared about money, they'd take their training and become mercenaries making money running illegal missions that legitimate organizations don't touch. 

Also considering that most of our current enemies (ISIL and ISIS) have a severe distrust of the west. So even if we did make a fake offer, it would be considered "more western tricks." 

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Many terrorists don't care about money. They are doing it for moral, religious or political objectives. If they cared about money, they'd take their training and become mercenaries making money running illegal missions that legitimate organizations don't touch. 

Also considering that most of our current enemies (ISIL and ISIS) have a severe distrust of the west. So even if we did make a fake offer, it would be considered "more western tricks." 

It wasn't a serious comment about the money offer, it was a joke. I know they would never take it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Terrorists may seem like the people who would go 'Allahu Akbar" but they are actually smart. I agree the Terrorists can access the news when every they want but in my opinion I think they perform these operations are already in action DURING the news.

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