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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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"I... no. I am not the one that should be. And it is not I who will tell you what to do. You are a grown up stallion." Missy said calmly as she laid back, then sighed.

"Well, I guess I can get rid of those Luna drawings now~" she said chuckling a bit.

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"Y-you still have those?" Caper asked, blushing. He shook his head; one problem at a time. 


"What should I do, Missy?" He asked, looking a bit lost, "I don't think I can just ignore these feelings, but this could turn out really messy... Do you think we should tell her who we really are?"

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Missy chuckled a bit. "Yes I do~"

She then calmed down. "No. Let her figure it out. For now we must get ready for her and... if you manage to charm her, she wont do anything to us." She then said smirking. Even though it was teasing, she has a point

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"Well. You are a pseudo knight. You can do it. Just carry on as you were doing." Missy said smiling to him. "Or you can ask Darky. I mean, he got Luna and ger moonbutt." She chuckled

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Caper assumed they'd be staying here a while longer than they did in the Crystal Empire, so he unpacked more properly this time. They each had a wardrobe, and a small chest to store things in, so he took almost everything out of his bags, storing all his armour, clothes, books, and his artwork, making sure Missy didn't see where...


When he was done, he sat back on his bed, having a bit of a rest. "You know... I was so excited to come out to Equestria, I never really thought about what we would do once we got here..." He said, looking up at the ceiling. 

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"It is big..." Caper agreed, hugging himself with his paws, "It scares me a little," He admitted, blushing slightly.


He hadn't really thought about it until they got there, but Equestria was huge compared to Discordia, and full of ponies he didn't know. Everything seemed unfamiliar and a little confusing, not least his feelings for Celestia. 


He looked at the ceiling for a moment longer, then got up and went to cuddle with Missy, hoping she wouldn't mind. 

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Missy scrunched her nose at the boop and giggled a bit as she froze for a moment. once she was back to normal, she cuddled him happily for a while.

After 15 minutes, she stood up. "So, want to go and see your... sunbutt?" She asked teasingly. "Or go out?"

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She giggled. "Alrighrt~ to see you lovely sunbutt!" She giggled and lead him out once ready to the top floor were Celestia was.

they went at least 2 floors up from their room to that place

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As Missy oppened the door, Luna was not to be seen anywhere.

Celestia was in the bed, reading a book. The way she was sitting made her flank look bigger somehow, as she salmly read her book.

(A decent idea of how)


Missy chuckled a bit and turned to Caper to see his reaction.

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"I... We're sorry to disturb you, your Majesty, but we just wanted to thank you again for allowing us to stay with you," Caper said, trying hard to keep his eyes on Celestia's face. Luckily, he found it just as captivating as the rest of her, so it wasn't too hard. 


"We are honoured. We were thinking of going to explore your city a while, and were wondering it there was anything we needed to know? If the castle gates shut at any particular time, for example?" 

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"Oh no, it wasnt. I lived in a castle in everfree." Celestia said, still, she seemed that she didnt wanted to remember it.

"Canterlot was built around 900 years ago if I remember correctly." She started saying.

(I dunno x3)

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