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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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"I just find you fascinating, Princess," Caper said, blushing slightly, but smiling as he found some courage from somewhere, "Not to mention beautiful, if you don't mind me saying so." 


There were butterflies in his tummy, and he seemed to be buzzing slightly, blocking out everything around him as he looked at Celestia. 

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"Oh~" Celestia said smiling. She blushed a bit at what he said and smiled. "Thank you. You flatter me." She said with a small smile.

Missy decided to walk slowed, leaving the two alone. She giggled and gollowed from afar.

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"I only speak the truth, your Majesty~" Caper continued, encouraged by the Princesses' smile, "I have never seen a pony so radiant as yourself..."


He didn't notice Missy falling back, having eyes only for Celestia, walking a little closer to her. 

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Celestia giggled and blushed a bit more, her face turning a bit red. "Your words are quite elocuent." She started saying after a moment. "Say. Would you mind soending the evening with me?" She then asked smiling.

Missy jusy giggled.

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Celestia smiled to him as he sat down, then took his paw. "Tell me, how did you got this?" She asked smiling. "They are sort of cute..." she giggled and nuzzled it a bit. "... and rather soft!" She added happily, giggling a bit more

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Caper blushed madly at that, feeling Celestia's wonderfully warm and soft muzzle against his paw. The question worried him though; he had to be careful how he answered, and he was finding it hard to think straight...


"I... Um... Griffin!" He finally blurted out, remembering seeing one in one of Eris' books, "My Mother was a Griffin, that's why I have wings and paws, and my father was a unicorn, which is why I'm mostly pony shaped, and have a horn." He grinned, pleased with his explanation, until he remembered his antler.


"Oh, and uh... deer. I think there's some deer on my father's side too," He added, quickly, smiling and looking at her adoringly with his mismatched eyes. 

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"What?" Celestia asked, making a slightly confused yet cute face. "So your grandfather... and a deer.., then your father... and a grifin... oh dearn what a family..." she said, then giggled softly as she kept his paw between her hooves, smiling and giggling a bit more.

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Caper chuckled, breathing a secret sigh of relief. "You don't know the half of it," He said, honestly. He seemed to have gotten away with it... He hated lying to her, but it was necessary. He'd have to remember to tell Missy their new backstory...


He shook his head a little; he didn't want to be thinking about his sister now! He cautiously placed his other paw on top of Celestia's hooves, holding them the way she was holding his paw. 


"You really do have lovely hooves, Princess," He said, sweetly, "I did not kiss them purely out of courtesy; though I believe every courtesy is due to a leader so exquisite as yourself~"

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Celestia turned to him as he placed his paw on her hoof and looked at him, then blushed a bit at what he said and smiled.

"Thank you. You seem to know how to make your princess happy." She said as her blush faded and smiled brightly to him, then nuzzled her other paw. It was so soft! She couldnt help it!

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Caper smiled sweetly as he sat back into the sofa a little. "How could it not be?  You are here, Princess~" 


He sighed a bit as he leant back, looking at her. "If I may ask though, why spend time with me? Surely there must be hundreds of worthier ponies vying for your attention?" 

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"Oh, but not all of them are quite like you. There is something I still can't figure out... that had drawn my attention to you." She admitted as she leaned back and smiled. "I will find it one day I'm sure."

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"Hmm, I suppose we'd better spend a lot of time together until you do then, Princess," Caper said, chuckling a little.


He was less nervous now, and took her hoof again, kissing it, before starting to gently massage it with his paws. He hoped he wasn't overstepping the mark, but he couldn't resist.

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