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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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"I'd like to be here for you when you do, Princess~" Caper responded, still smiling as he gently rested her hoof back on the sofa, and started on the other one. 


"Any time you feel you need to relax, please call on me, and I'm sure together we can find some way to help you~" 

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Caper chuckled a bit and nodded. "Certainly, I'm very attentive!" He took one of her hooves happily in his paws, and put all of his care into massaging it, loving the way it felt, and her beautiful white fur. 


"So how has your day been, Princess? If I may inquire?" He asked, looking up at her as he carried on what he was doing. 

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"Well... I think you are an amazing mare, Princess," He said, gently working his paws into her hoof, "The most amazing mare, in fact; I certainly wouldn't be able to do what you do!"


He chuckled, and planted a final kiss on her hoof as he finished, daring to give it a playful little nibble. 

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Caper blushed and giggled a little at the kiss, looking away shyly. "You're more than welcome, Princess~" 


He wondered what he should do now; part of him thought he should leave the Princess now, and not outstay his welcome, but most of him just wanted to spend more time with her...

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Caper looked at her, and then chuckled softly. "I'm not really even sure what time it is, honestly; I lose track of time when I'm with you~" 


He smiled sweetly, still sitting cross-legged on the sofa, looking up at her. "At any rate, I've only just arrived in Canterlot, so I have no plans as of yet." 

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"Hmm... That sounds more like Missy's kind of thing," Caper said, chuckling, "I think I'll just bake that cake." 


He'd never been that good at writing, and would probably be more of a hindrance than a help to her. He stood up and looked around, wondering where he could bake the cake...

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"Hehe, I see. Oh. And you can use the royal kitchen to bake your cakes, you will find all you need in there." She then added as he looked around. "Or, maybe I can get installed a small kitchen in my bedroom~" she said teasingly, just to see his reaction.

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Caper sighed, walking to the door.


As he passed Celestia, he stopped, and took her hoof again, kissing it before bowing deeply. "I shall return soon, my fair Princess, with delicious baked confections to save you from the monotony of the dreaded foe, paperwork!" He pledged, in his best knightly voice.


He chuckled, and then carried on to the door, heading for the kitchens. 

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Celestia giggled at what he said and smiled. "Thank you, my Brave knight. Oh, and take it to my bedroom once it is ready if I am not here." She added as she went to her desk to work

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Caper bowed one final time, and then went down to the kitchens. 


He only got lost once, and when he got there, he found it wasn't as busy as he'd thought it might be. He stayed out of the chef ponies' way, and found a corner to work in. Once it was in the oven, he made a not of the time, and then went to find Missy; he wanted to tell her about their fake parentage as soon as possible, in case anyone asked her about it. 


He headed up to their room, to see if she was there. 

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Missy was indeed in their room. She had finished umpacking and had summoned some stuff for them to make it feel more like home, but not that weird.

"Oh, Caper. How was your date with the princess?" She asked teasingly

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"It wasn't a date!" Caper said, blushing, "At least, I don't think it was..."


He shook his head and refocused. "Whatever it is, it's going fine; I'm baking her a cake! But she asked about my paws, so I had to make up a story about why we look the way we do; so if anyone asks, our mother was a griffin, our father was a unicorn, and his father was a deer. Okay?" 

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