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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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"She was nuzzling my paw at the time!" Caper protested, blushing even more, "It was the best explanation I could come up with, distracted as I was..."


He sat down, and looked around the room, noticing for the first time everything Missy had done to it. "Hey, it looks great in here, Sis!" He said, grinning at her as his blush faded; what with this and the idea of spending more time with Celestia, he'd almost completely overcome his homesickness.  

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Caper smiled at her, and gave her a quick hug.


"Thanks Missy. Now I'd better get back to the kitchen; can't be serving a Princess a burnt cake!" He chuckled lightly, and released her, before heading back down to the kitchen, to take the cake out of the oven. 

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Caper took the cake out of the oven before assembling and decorating it into a fine chocolate fudge cake, complete with chocolate frosting. He grinned, happy with his creation, and put it in a special tin, so it wouldn't get damaged. 


He floated the tin onto his back, holding it safely between his wings, then headed back upstairs, to see if Celestia was still in her study...

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After a moment, the door magicaly opened. Celestia was in her bed, drinking some wine.

The pose she was in that moment was quite teasing. Perhaps she was a bit drunk.


"Oh, Caper~" she said happly as she saw him walk in.

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(Careful Princy... x3)


Caper's wings poofed a bit, and he blushed, but he smiled dreamily at her as he walked up to the bed. "I...um... cake..." He mumbled, drinking in the sight of her lying among the cushions. 


He shook his head a little, and coughed. "Um, I mean... I brought you your cake, Princess," He said, carefully floating the tin off his back, and removing the cake, before placing it on the bed beside Celestia. 

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(What? It is still sfw x3)

Celestia giggled as he reacted like that. She smiled when he floated the cake and then looked to him. "Thank you my cake knight~" she said giggling a bit. "Now, you have how to cut it or do I have to do it with my own hooves?" She gigged

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(I know, maybe I'm just overcautious now x3)


"Your... Hooves...?" Caper repeated, his eyes glazing over as he got an image in his mind of Celestia covered in cake, having eaten it with her hooves. 


"Um, yes... sorry," He said, as he blushed and shook his head, dispelling the image, and used his magic to summon a small knife, then cut the cake into slices. He could do that much with his magic at least. 

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(Maybe? X3)

Celestia didnt noticrd that he summoned one and just smiled when he gave her the slice. She smiled and levitated it, then started eating it happily. "Wo, chocolate, thank you~" she said smiling.

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"Um, Alright..." Caper said, taking the glass with his magic. 


Caper and Missy had never been allowed to have wine at home. They were old enough, by pony standards, but Eris had seemed to think two drunk draconequui would be bad news for all involved, and thought it best to play it safe. 


Caper sipped the wine, and pulled a face, not liking the sour taste. He forces himself to drink a bit more though, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Celestia, and by the time he'd drank half the glass, he found he quite like it. He also felt a little funny, sort of... happy, and floaty...

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Caper blushed a little, but smiled. He moved further back on the bed, sitting cross-legged in front of Celestia, cradling the glass in his paws, and sipping it occasionally. 


"And do you like shilly ponies~?" He asked, slurring a little, after he'd emptied the glass. He had a feeling this was going to be a fun evening...

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The following morning, light flooded in through the large windows in Celestia's bedroom, illuminating the two of them, entangled together under the sheets. 


Caper was beneath Celestia, cuddling her gently in his sleep, but as the light fell across his face, he stirred a little. 

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Celestia was snuggling him a bit as she felt the sun... wait, if the sun was up... must had been either Lullaby or Luna... meh, what ever. She smield a bit more and cuddled him a bit, still sleeping with a small smile, the bottle of wine in the floor and the cake half eaten next to the bed

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(Crap! I forgot about the sun! x3)


Caper opened his eyes, slowly, blinking and shielding them from the light. He didn't really remember much of what had happened the night before, and he felt slightly ill, but as he looked over and saw Celestia's peacefully sleeping face, he felt as happy as he ever remembered being. 


He smiled and cuddled her more, loving the feel of her warm body against his, and gently stroking her amazing mane a bit. 

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(silly tony x3)


Celestia smiled as she felt something or somepony cuddling her. It just felt too good~

She giggled and soon woke up, her eyes still closed though. "Morning~" she said happily as she yawned

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