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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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"For now, at least until I figure out what happened." Celestia said. She sat and looked around, and noticed she had the flavor of an apple cake in her mouth, and they ate a chocolate cake... odd...

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"Alright..." Caper said, a little sadly, before climbing out of the bed. "I... um... Well, you now where to find me," He said, turning to give Celestia a little smile as he left the room. 


He sighed, then trotted down the corridor, heading for his own room, trying to remember what had happened, and feeling that he really needed some breakfast...


(Apple cake x3)

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Caper opened the door to their room quietly, in case Missy was still sleeping. He poked his head through the door, then blushed slightly as he saw her. 


He stepped inside, and his blush soon disappeared, being replaced with a bright grin as he saw the plate. "Ooh, is that breakfast?" He asked, trotting over and sitting down. 

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Caper smiled at her as she floated the plate over, and dug into it ravenously. It was delicious, and somehow the fact that it was unexpected made it even more so. 


He soon finished, and sat back, smiling and sighing contentedly. He felt much better now. "Thanks sis," He said, after a minute, "Oh, and, uh... good morning!" 

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"I'm not sure how we'd ever find out," Caper said, leaning back against his bed, "There may have been wine involved..." He admitted, sheepishly. 


He sighed, then looked at Missy, slightly more seriously. "I don't really know what this means though; the Princess just asked me to leave..."

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Caper nodded, sighing a little more. This was all very confusing for him...


"So, do you have any plans for today?" He asked Missy, after a brief silence, "Any libraries to visit?" He thought spending some time with Missy might take his mind off things while he waited to hear from Celestia. 

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"Well, I want to see the royal library!" She said happily with a small giggle and smile.

"It may not be as big as the one at the crystal empire, but it has a lot of spells to learn!" She added happily.

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Caper nodded, smiling back. "Sure, sounds good!" He stood up and stretched a little, then sniffed himself and blushed a little. "Um... do you mind waiting while I just have a quick shower?" He asked, grinning slightly, "I won't be long," 

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"Sure. " missy said smiling, she then started to pick up the plates and put them back into the cart.

She then went to look for.her saddlebags to see if she could borrow some books

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Caper headed into the bathroom, and after a short while, steam started to come out from under the door, and faint singing could be heard along with the falling water. A few minutes later, he re-emerged, drying himself with a towel, and then sitting on his bed to dry his mane.


"Hey Missy, do you think this library might have books on... relationships?" He asked, purposely covering his face with the towel as he kept drying. 


(ToE, Princy! ;3 And Fallout, too...)

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(Oh, alright!)

"Books on... relationships?" Missy asked, then started giggling, then laughing a bit.

"Oh, are you serious, let me laugh harder then." She said as she started to laugh more.

She then calmed down and smiled. "I dunno, honestly." She said.

(Got the reference?)

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Caper blushed as she laughed. This was exactly why he had the towel... 


When she'd finally finished, he put it down and shrugged. "Guess I'll just have to look around when we get there." He said, writing a quick note to Celestia, telling her where he was going, just in case. He left it on his bed, then stood up and walked to the door. 


"Come on, Chuckles," He said, dryly, waiting for Missy. 


(Anope. Sorry x3)

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(Futurama!? You get bonus points for that! x3)


The library may not have been as large or as old as the one in the Crystal Empire, but it was still quite impressive; mostly made out of marble, it was built in the classic Canterlot style, and was about three stories tall. 


Caper nodded, impressed, as they trotted in together. 

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Caper chuckled, glad to see Missy so happy, and left her to it. He went to the desk, to ask about relationship books, and then headed to the top floor, having been directed there. 


He took a book which seemed vaguely suitable, then sat down on a sofa to read it.  

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