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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Caper read the note and gulped a little. He couldn't tell from the note what sort of mood Celestia was in, so he supposed there was only one way to find out...


"I've got to go and see the Princess, Sis," He said, getting ready to leave again, "If I'm not back in a day, send out a search party," He added, semi-jokingly. 

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Caper looked at her for a moment, then nodded. "Thank you, your Majesty," He said, sitting down. 


"Have you... thought any more about... well, you know...?" He asked, awkwardly, still confused by the whole situation. Seeing her again though, he was reminded how beautiful she was, and it helped calm him a little. 

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"I.. think I know what happened... and..." Celestia closed her eyes and turned to him. "I will ask you too keep it between us." She said, then walked to his side and sat with him, then explained what happened that night the best she could and what she remembered

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Caper blushed as she explained, but couldn't help grinning a bit. He wished he could remember that...


"I... I swear I won't tell anypony," He said, holding a paw over his heart, "But... was it a bad thing? Because I'd really like to spend more time with you, Princess~" He added, gently taking her hoof in his paw and smiling at her. 

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Caper smiled brightly upon hearing they could still spend time together, then chuckled at what she said. "Yeah, that was the first time I ever drank, honestly," He admitted, a little sheepishly, "It was fun though, I'd like to do it again sometime. Although, maybe I'll have a bit less next time..." 


He chuckled, then sighed, giving her hoof a little squeeze, "So, are you busy now? Or can I stay with you for a little while, Princess?" 

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"Great!" Caper said, happily, smiling back at Celestia and still holding her hoof,

"So, what about that kitchen in your bedroom then?" He asked, chuckling a bit; he remembered that much at least. "So that you can have cakes on demand, any time?"

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"Sure. I remember that. I already contancted some workers. They will soon come to work." Celestia said smiling. "I will be staying in anothrr room in the mean time, but they will come in a week, so we have time." She added

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(Oops x3 Well, it might have happened at one time... ;3)


"Well, not very much, really," Caper admitted, smiling and playing with Celestia's hoof a little as she sat beside him.


"Missy- er, Mischief and I went to the library, and then had lunch at that cafe at the edge of the city, the one with the great views?" He blushed a little and looked at her, "No very eventful compared to your day, I'm sure, Princess..."

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Caper smiled as they got to her room, closing the door and leading her over to the bed. He laid her down on her tummy, then knelt on the bed next to her to start rubbing her shoulders.


He summoned a little bottle of massage oil, and as he was putting it on his paws, he was suddenly reminded of his experience with Luna, on the beach. He coughed slightly and shook his head, trying to shake the memory. As he started working his paws into Celestia's neck and shoulders, he hoped this wouldn't end in the same way; there was no sea to hide in here...

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Celestia laid on top of the bed when they arrived and placed herself so he could start massaging her,

She smiled when he starte "Oh dear, looks like you are somewhat skilled~" she said smiling as Caper started.

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Caper blushed happily at that. "Thank you, Princess~" He replied, working his paws into her muscles to relieve any tension there, and thinking about how lovely and soft her fur was. He took his time, not as nervous as he had been around Luna. 


"You have beautiful mane, Princess," Caper said, after a few minutes, "I don't think I've ever seen anything else quite like it..." He'd been admiring it as he worked, and had had to move it out of the way to get at her neck; the way it sparkled and seemed to move around on it's own was fascinating, and it felt like silk to touch.

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