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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Celestia snuggled the bed a bit and smiled as Caper massaged her. It felt rather good.

"Thank you, my cake knight~" Celestia said smiling after he complimanted her colorful mane as it waved around, making his job slightly harder.

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"I only baked you the one cake..." Caper said, as he started to gently rub her wings; they were bigger than his, but seemed finer and more delicate; lovely, like everything else about her. 


"...but I suppose it's as good a title as any," He chuckled, running her feathers between his paws. 

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"As many as you want, your Majesty," Caper said, quietly, her moan making him blush a little. 


He spent quite a while on her wings, making sure to work every inch of them, all the way up to their lovely tips, then paused, looking at the next area; her flanks... He stared at them for a moment, then started to gently run his paws across them, squeezing ever so slightly. 


"You have lovely... Cutie Marks..." He said, blushing even more as he carried on, slowly...

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Celestia blushed and squeaked a bit as he reached her flank, but smiled. The softness of his paw made it rather amazing and interesting.

"Thank you~" she said smiling as she blushed a bit more when he took his time back there.

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Eventually, Caper moved onto her long back legs, then took off her golden shoes to work on her hooves. He smiled as he did so, sitting cross-legged behind her with her hooves in his lap, looking up occasionally to admire the view. 


"So... would you... like to have dinner with me, after we're finished getting you nice and relaxed?" He asked, hopefully, as he carried on. 

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Caper chuckled a bit and kept rubbing her hooves. "Well, I've only been her a few days, so I don't really know any of the nice places to eat," He admitted, smiling sheepishly, "That's even assuming you'd want to be seen having dinner with me in public..."

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Caper smiled at the cute giggle, and sighed. "You're so lovely~" He said, dreamily as he sat there admiring her. 


He laid down beside her on the bed, and took her front hooves in his paws, looking into her eyes for a moment as he held them. He blushed and looked down, finishing his massage with her front legs and hooves. 

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Celestia blinked when she said she waa lovely and blushed a bit, then more when he stared at her eyes, to what she did the same before turning away in embarraament, letting him carry on with her hooves

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Caper smiled and gently brushed her mane away, stroking her cheek with his paw. "So lovely~" He murmured, before giving her a final warm smile, and standing up. 


"So, where to, your Majesty? I'll let you pick where we eat, if you don't mind; just take me wherever you take all your important politician ponies," He said, chuckling.  

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Celestia blushed a bit more at the rubbing but smiled, then stood uo when she calmed down.

She then giggled to what he said and nodded. "Alright. Lets go." She said smiling, then lead him out of the castle to the city

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Caper looked at the restaurant, then down at himself. He hadn't been anywhere as fancy as that before, but at least he'd had a shower today...


He opened the door, then held it for Celestia. "After you, your Majesty," He said, smiling pleasantly. 

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