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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Caper followed after Celestia, and looked about; the place was just as fancy inside, with waiter ponies wearing bow ties, and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. 


He looked around, impressed, as a waiter pony walked over to them, smiling at Celestia. "Ah, your Majesty! What a pleasant surprise, should I take you to your usual table?"  

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The pony guided them over, then gave them two menus, and a complimentary bottle of wine. Caper looked at the bottle, then coughed, blushing slightly and looking at the view instead. 


"It's lovely," He said, looking at Celestia and the landscape behind her. Mostly at Celestia though...

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"Thank you, Princess," Caper said, smiling at the glass, then picking it up and taking a sip, but only a sip.


"So, you wish to discuss furthering relations between Equestria and Cakeland?" He asked, with a small, joking smile as he studied his menu. 

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"Maybe someday you can show me a few, your Majesty," Caper suggested, eating a bit more of his omelette; it was delicious! 


"Now, Cakeland and Equestria... what is their relationship, would you say? They seem to be close, but are they to be... partners?" He asked, chuckling a bit and looking hopeful.

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Caper chuckled and put his glass back down, then finished his meal. When he was done, he looked around, then cautiously slid his paw across the table, and rested it on Celestia's hoof, giving it a little squeeze. 


He looked at her and smiled, admiring her beauty in the low light of the restaurant. 

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The waiter pony nodded, and gave them two menus, before picking up their empty plates, and heading back to the kitchen. 


Caper waited until he was gone, then grinned and put his paw back on Celestia's hoof again while he read the menu. "This one looks like it might be an apple cake," He said innocently, studying the menu, "I think I may order that," 

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Celestia blushed a bit more as he said apple cake, remembering the taste she had not so long ago.

She smiled though. "I think I will pick the same. I am starting to like it." She said smiling a bit

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"A good choice, your Majesty; apples are delicious," Caper said, grinning. He'd definitely inherited his father's love of apples...


When the waiter pony returned, Caper removed his paw from Celestia's hoof again, and ordered two slices of the apple cake, using his best politician's voice. The waiter pony nodded, then returned within a few minutes with their desserts. 


Caper thanked the pony, then picked up his fork with his paw, looking at the cake and licking his lips happily.  

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Caper forgot about being a politician pony, and finished his cake in record time, before blushing a little and wiping crumbs off his muzzle with a napkin. 


"Delicious," He said, after he'd cleaned himself up, "You were right Princess; this must be one of the best restaurants in the city!" He chuckled a little, and had some more of his wine, starting to feel a bit giddy and loose again. 

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