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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Celestia smiled to what Caper said and did. "Told ya." She said smiling as she finished her more calmly than him.

She started drinking more wine to and noticed he was looking a bit... lost.

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Caper put his glass down, sitting back and sighing happily. He had a tummy full of delicious food, and was spending his evening with the most beautiful pony he'd ever seen; he couldn't keep the grin off his face. 


The waiter pony returned, and smiled a little at the look on Caper's face. "I see you enjoyed your meal," He said, with a satisfied tone, "Will there be anything else for the two of you? Coffee perhaps, your Majesty?" 

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"Ah, tea sounds good," Caper said, happily, "I'll have one too, please," 


The waiter pony smiled and nodded, "Two teas, right away," He picked up their plates, and bowed slightly to Celestia before leaving again. 


Once his back was turned, Caper took Celestia's hoof, and gave it a quick kiss, still grinning joyfully. 

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Caper blushed a bit at that. "I'm absholutely fine," He protested, then giggled at his slight slur. "Or maybe you're right... you're so wise, Princess~" 


He smiled at her, still blushing slightly, then looked up as their teas arrived. "Ah, thank you, kind sir!" He said merrily to the waiter pony, as he set it down in front of him. 

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Caper smiled to himself as Celestia paid the pony; surely this couldn't be the same Princess that tried to kill his mother? He shook his head, dispelling the thought as they trotted back up to the castle. 


"If I may ask, Princess, have you ever... been with anypony else?" Caper asked carefully as they walked down the corridor towards her room. He didn't really want to think about it too much, but he felt he needed to know. 

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She nodded. "Yes. I had only been with two. One is Darky's brother, but things didnt worked out properly." She started saying with a small smile.

"And the other one..." Celestia said a bit serious. "I rather not talk about that." She then said

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Celestia blushed brightly at the kiss, not expecting it at all.

She then smiled to him. "It was quite the evening. Thank you." She then said smiling to Caper. "But it is getting late, and I must bring the sun down." She added

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"Of course," Caper said, smiling, "It has been a pleasure and an honour, your Majesty," He added, bowing deeply. 


He'd have liked to come in with her, but he didn't want to rush things if she wasn't ready. Besides, If he didn't return to Missy, she might actually take what he'd said seriously, and come looking for him. 

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Celestia smiled to Caper as he did so. She turned to the sides of the hall quickly and when no pony was watchig, the quickly leaned forward and.gave him a quick kiss in his lips, then closed went to her room and closed the door before he could react

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