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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Just as he did that, Missy took off the illusion. She giggled and soon the door oppened... and the real Celestia showed up.

"Morning you two~' she said smiling before being hug tackled by Caper, bringing both to the ground.

Celestia blushed at that

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"I... Uh... wha?" Caper asked, thoroughly confused now as he lay on top of Celestia, still hugging her. "But... you were just, and then..." 


He looked around, then saw Missy laughing, and realised what she'd done. He blushed brightly, and looked back at Celestia. "P-Princess! Oh my, I'm so sorry!" he cried.

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"I-Is alright. I know perfectly well how pranks are made." Celestia said with a small smile.

Missy giggled. That last part was not part of her plan, but it made it even better!

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Caper smiled with relief, but was still blushing as he climbed off Celestia, and offered her his paw to help her up. "Well, I'm still sorry," He said, "for my sister's behaviour, if nothing else," He added, looking back at her with a smile that promised retribution. 


"So, what are you doing here, Princess?" He asked, a little more seriously. 

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"Oh, well, we're both fine, you Majesty," Caper said, smiling. "Thank you very much for your hospitality. Would you... like to have breakfast with us? I don't think you've really met my wonderful sister properly yet," He said, standing beside Missy and putting a paw around her shoulder, squeezing her and letting his claws dig in just a little; he wasn't going to just forget her prank...

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Missy giggled to what Caper did and snuggled him a bit, not minding the claws. "Try better~" she whispered.

Celestia giggled at that and nodded. "Sure. Lets go." Celestia said smiling to them

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Caper chuckled when he saw Lullaby, and ruffled her mane a bit. "Morning everypony," He said, cheerily, before heading to a table with Celestia and Missy. There was already a pile of toast in the middle of the table, so he shrugged and took a piece as he sat down. 

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Missy sat with Caper and smiled, then started eating breakfast also with them.

Lullaby giggled to what Caper did and smiled as she ate.

Celestia soon started eating also as a pony broght more food to then

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"So, as you may have realised, Missy is the academic one," Caper said after a few minutes, trying to strike up a conversation, "She's much better with magic and stuff than I am," 


Missy and Celestia were both very important to him, and he wanted them to get along...

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Missy smiled to celestia, making a small bow to her.

Celestia smiled to her. "She might be able to help me with my paper work." She said smiling.

"I would be honored to help." Missy said smilig.

Celestia smiled to her.

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Caper grinned at that; not only did they seem to be getting on, but Missy helping Celestia with her paperwork would give Celestia more time to spend with him!


He ate his toast happily, and drank some orange juice. "So, Princess, do you have anything planned for today?" He asked, "Except paperwork, of course," he added, chuckling. He wanted to spend time with her, but he Also needed to talk to Luna...

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"I have to greet some ponies and also arrange some stuff for the grand galloping gala that will be in a few weeks." Celestia said smiling to Caper. "And... paperwork." She giggled

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Celestia smiled to Caper and nodded. "I will keep that in mind." She said smiling to Caper. She got lost in his eyes for a moment before snapping out of it. She shook her head and smiled, then kept eating.

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Caper blushed a little and looked away when Celesia did. He finished his breakfast, then excused himself, before trotting over to Luna. "Uh, Princess? I was wondering if I could talk to you, when you have a moment," He said, smiling sheepishly, "In private?" 

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Luna rised and eyebrow as Caper said that. It either had to do with Celestia or their charade. Or both. She chose the last one.

"Sure. Meet me at my study in a few minutes.' Luna said

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Once everypony was finished, Luna took Lullaby to her room to bath her.

Darky decided to go and clean Luna's study.

Lightning thanked for the food and went with the guards for their report from yesturday.


Celestia smiled to Caper before standing up and going into the castle to greet the ponies.


Missy smiled to Caper and booped him. "Alright, what now?" She asked

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Caper scrunched his nose, and his eyes briefly both turned green, before reverting to their usual mismatched state. 


"Well, I need to go and see Luna in her office," He said, once he'd blinked a few times, "You can come with me if you want, and then after... Perhaps we could see if there's anywhere to swim in the city?" He suggested, smiling. 

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