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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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"Sure. Lets go then." missy said smiling, then lead Caper to Luna's room.


Luna and Lullaby were in the bathroom, Luna outside the bathtube as she bathed Lullaby, who had a small ruber duck, the same she had when they visited Moontown.

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"Hullo," Caper said, knocking on the open door as they entered, and smiling at Luna and Lullaby, "I just happened to have this plushie, and wondered if anypony wanted it...?" He asked, grinning and waving a plushie near Lullaby.  


It was a timberwolf, based on Courage, and was how Thunder had been practising his conjuration. He still had a long way to go, but it was recognisably a timberwolf, though a bit too cute and cuddly to be a lifelike representation. It was about the size of his foreleg, and had buttons for eyes. 

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"yay!" Lulaby said, splashing some water around and making Luna a bit wet thanks to that.

"H-hey, careful." Luna said giggling as Lullaby splashed her some water.


"Let the plushie in the bed for now, you can play with it later, alright?" Luna first said to Caper, then to Lullaby.


Lullaby scrunched her nose adorable, a bit annoyed at that, but nodded her head, still having that silly scrunchy nose in her face.

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Caper chuckled, ruffling Lullaby's wet mane gently, before floating the plushie over onto her bed. He sat down on the floor next to the bath, and grinned at Lullaby. "So, is it nice to be back home, silly filly?" He asked, chuckling a bit more. 

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"OH, sure." Luna said. She floated Lullaby to her bed and then made a sound bubble. She couldn't hear what was outside.


Lullaby titled her head in confusion before going to her with her plushies.

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Caper smiled, "Thanks." 


He coughed and looked at Missy, before turning back to Luna. "Um... I don't know if you know, but I've been... spending some time with your sister, and I was wondering how you think she'd react if I told her where Missy and I really come from? I feel a little bad about lying to her..." 

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"Yes... I noticed that..." luna said rolling her eyes to the first part.

"And about your father... don't adress it yet. Wait a while longer." She then said. "It is not the time yet."

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"Celestia has changed trough the years. First loosing Thunder, then loosing me..." she turned to a side, clearly not wanting to remember that.


She then sighed. "Only for now, until you find a good time to tell her." She then added

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"Celestia still doesn't feels that way with you still. She had grown quite keen to you, and she told me she likes you a bit, but... she still doesnt seem to love you. If you really want that, then make her fall in love with you." Luna then said a bit serious

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That hit Caper like a buck to the stomach. "Sh-she doesn't?" He asked, quietly, starting to tear up a bit. As far as he knew, you couldn't make somepony fall in love with you, it just sort of... happened. Or, it didn't... He hung his head, looking at the floor, sadly. 

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"No... not yet​." Luna said, making emphasize in that last word​​. "There had been many ponies that had tried to win her heart, and only one managed to do it. Your father, but we all know how it ended." Luna said smiling. "But I think you are in the right track!" She then said smiling a bit more. "You had made progress far more better than anypony, even your father didn't got her that quick. It took years for both to even just like each other, though it never went that much further, just a compromise to have a foal and love was never there. You already won part of hers!" She added happily. Odd, but... oh well, her family was a complete mess now.

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Caper looked back up at Luna and blinked slowly, his eyes wide. "M-My father?" He whispered in disbelief. Thunder had been with Celestia!? "I don't... I... huh?" He mumbled, not able to process it. 


He stood up, looking dazed. "I gotta... I gotta go..." He said, still looking shocked, and starting to walk slowly to the door. 

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