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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Caper kept flying for quiet a while, not noticing Missy following him. He headed North, until he came across the peak of a mountain sticking up through the clouds, the mouth of a cave visible near the top. 


He flew down to it and landed, trotting into the cave, and sitting against the wall, his head in his paws. 

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Caper jumped a little when she first hugged him, but when he saw who it was, he turned around and hugged her back, burying his face in her mane. 

"I just... I don't know what to do, Missy..." He said quietly, muffled slightly by her mane. 

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Caper let out a quiet chuckle at that, "Oh, is that all?" He asked, having cheered up a little. 


He still didn't like having to lie to Celestia, and worried about what would happen when she found out that he did, but he loved her, and felt that their relationship was going somewhere...

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"Aww..." Caper moaned, sitting down; he had the money, but it was in his saddlebags, back at the castle! 


A light bulb appeared over his head as he had an idea, and he closed his eyes tightly, sticking his tongue out a little as he concentrated hard and... 


...teleported a small pile of bits into his open paw! He grinned, and gave them to the pony in the pool's pay booth. 

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The pool was more crowded than the places Caper was used to swimming, but it wasn't too bad, and some of the mares weren't bad looking... 


He blushed a bit as he caught himself looking, and turned away, trotting over to the pool's edge. 

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Missy giggled to what he did and then went to get a place for them to sit, as well as she summoned some stuff they needed to be there like towels and some money for them to buy food

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