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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Caper dipped his paw in the water, and found it was pleasantly warm. He smiled, and lowered himself in, then proceeded to swim lengths, finding a clear lane near the edge. Like flying, it helped him to think, and also kept him fit; laying around eating cake was all well and good, but he didn't want to get all flabby! 

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"I said stop!" The mare said again before she teleported out of the group.

She ended up infront of Caper and stumbles with him as he walked away.

The mare had a white fur just like Celestia, but a golden mane and tail, as well as eyes, and she was a unicorn. A really beutiful one.

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"Oh, I'm so sorry miss!" Caper said, catching the mare before she fell. He looked at for a second, enchanted, before letting go of her and blushing slightly, standing up straight. 


"Ahem, please forgive me," He said, giving a slight bow. 

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"Oh, no, it was my fault." The mare said with a small smile to Caper as she looked at the bow. "Uhm... the bow was not neccesary." She said giggling a bit as the stallions started to walk away.

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"Nice to meet you, Golden," Caper said, smiling warmly, appreciating that this pony hadn't commented on his odd appearance. "Would you like to meet my sister?" He chuckled slightly, "Perhaps she could help you ward off the unwanted advances of stallions,"  

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"Good day." Golden said smiling.


Missy looked at her for a moment... then squeaked in joy. "Oh my gosh! Is her!" She said happily. "She is the creator of one of the most succesful jewelry shops in Canterlot!" She squaked

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Golden blushed a bit in embarrasment.

"Luna told me about her not so long ago, she made some really beaiful jewels." Missy said smiling to Caper as she showed her a really beautiful moon necklace.


"Oh, I remember that one. Luna asked me to do it for her daughter," Golden said smiling

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(No, I must go and make 7 alicorns Ocs to compansate x3

One will be princess penelope buttercup!)

"Since you know Luna, by any chance, do you also know Celestia in person? I need to talk with her." Golden then said

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(Nuuu! Caper will fall for them all! x3)


"I... ahem... Yes, we know both the Princesses," Caper said, blushing slightly, "Princess Celestia will be busy with work for a few more hours yet though..." He said, looking up to see the sun's position, "You're more than welcome to stay with us in the meantime," He added, smiling at the mare.

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