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Chaos in Equestria (Private)


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Eventually, Caper reluctantly pulled back from the kiss, staring into Tia's eyes lovingly, and stoking her cheek. "I'd like to have a shower or a bath before we go," He said, playing with her hoof, "Could I use yours, Sunflower~? I think Missy's probably in ours."

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Caper followed Celestia through the streets, walking closer to Missy than to the Princess, in case anypony was watching; he knew Tia didn't want their relationship to be public, and he was fine with that. 


The theatre was only a short distance from the castle, as Celestia had said, and the signs said they were showing War Pony.

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Celestia grinned to them and nodded. They soon arrived to the top right area of the theather and a pair of guards oppened the door for them into it.

It was quite fancy, and had around 8 seats, apart of one for Luna and Celestia.

Celestia sat on hers and pulled Caper to her, sitting him between her legs.

Missy sat on Luna's chair.

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Caper blushed slightly at that, but if Tia didn't mind them being like that together in public, he wasn't going to complain. He supposed it would be hard for anypony else to see them up in the private box anyway...


He smiled, and snuggled back against her, gently pulling her front hooves around his waist as all the other ponies made their way to their seats. 

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