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[Outside Canterlot] Jousting Lessons (Open; attn Lyi, Cerali, PrinceofNight )


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Celestia had yet to raise the sun, but one busy crystal pony was already at work, a trail of flyers and pennants left behind in his wake as he clopped across the cobbled stones. He wiped a hoof across his brow as he attached the last of his flyers to a wall, taking a moment to read his own handiwork.

"To Those Who Seek Courage, Challenge, or Sport,

Find the White Pennants and make a report,

To Emblazoned Charge,

trainer of knights,

To learn how to joust and to learn how to fight,

Find the hero within and be all you can be,

Everypony is welcome, but the best part?
It's Free! "


Emblazoned Charge grimaced and rolled his eyes. Of his many talents, poetry was not high upon the list, but at least it rhymed.

After a long trot out of town, he followed the white pennants he had set up outside of Canterlot proper onto a grassy plane, where he had laboriously constructed a small jousting arena and practice areas. It was primarily just some trodden down grass lanes with a small beam of wood to give the jousters a guide as they charged, as well as a few dummy pony’s to practice on, as well as a tent to rest in and cartful of equipment, but it had been a long haul.

Emblazoned Charge sat down and took in a deep lungful of the morning air as the sun rose into the sky, his blue crystalline hide gleaming in the morning light. It was going to be a good day, he just knew it.

Now all there was left to do, was wait.

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Agile Speeds

Agile Speeds was just Agile Speeds today.  Not Chief Master Sergeant of the Wonderbolts, not the considerate coltfriend, not the beloved son or brother.  Just Agile.  And Starry.  He hoof-faced.  His friend was making an absolute fool out of herself, with her usual eccentric jeweler, clothing, and outrageous tattoos.  Sometimes, he wondered why they were even friends.  Their personalities were almost opposite, and their interests reached the opposite ends of the poles.  At least they post had some form of social status.  He studied her.  And she was quite pretty, if you could look past her decor.  His marefriend, Prune Rose, was on a trip to Saddle Arabia with a few of her friends.  He was stranded with her friend-their friend-Starry.  They had agreed to meet each other at a local spot, only to discover that it was inhabited by some low-class idiot with jousting lessons.  It wasn't like he needed any, anyways.  She had insisted they stay for a few minutes.  Correction-she was loitering around and talking to a passerby.  An Elite passerby.  Another one of her scientist friends.

"C'mon, can we go now?  It's not like we're gonna gain anything from hanging around these...,"he stuck his snout into the air and mimicked the Canterlite that had visited the Castle earlier that week"Low-laying beggars,"


Starry Requiem

"It was great meeting you!  I guess I'll see you at work next week, then?  Bye," 

She turned to her friend and glared.  His marefriend was away, and he had taken up his free time to annoy her with his antics.  She glared at him and his high-class attitude, the whole snout-raising and beggar-calling.  Their mutual friend had been his marefriend, Prune Rose, and she had insisted the two continue their weekly get-togethers while she was away in Saddle Arabia.  Lucky her, now she was stuck here with her coltfriend.  Urgh...


She smiled, and felt a sniff of sarcasm pull at her actions.  She drew onto her well of passive aggressiveness, and gave a clever, sly grin, "Hey-you!" She cast her infrared spell and turned towards the pony hosting the event, "you 'low-laying beggar'!  You got room for two unlucky fellows?"  She gave a satisfied smirk at Agile, his joke fired back into his face.  She muttered under her breath, a sheer show of her immense knowledge, "And-he ain't a 'low-lying beggar'.  For all I know, he's neither lying down nor begging for anything,"

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Emblazoned Charge took a moment to look at the pair of ponies that had approached. Low laying beggar? He'd not asked for a single bit, and was doing this out of the kindness of his heart. Ahah! Kindness! The perfect weapon to slay the rudeness in almost any pony.

"Salutations my good ponies, and there is always room for those who look to learn, but why so unlucky? It is a lovely day in Equestria, the sun is shining, the grass is dry, and you're the first to arrive! It's often said that the early pony gets the cider. It may be some time before others arrive, so, tell me, did you come here for courage, challenge, or sport?" Emblazoned Charge asked, his head projected slightly forward, smiling broadly, but also studying them before moving to his cart.

Pegasus and unicorn, not of unusual sizes.  His thoughts moved quickly as he began to retrieve crystal empire armor from his cart, gripping and flinging pieces with his mouth, as he assembled a pile of armor that should fit the pair.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally, the place he was looking for! Daknress Knight had finally found that place he had heard about where he could go jousting. Today he had the day off from his usuall guard duties. the perfect moment to go and try this jousting thing out. He had previous expereince with it and wanted to practice some more, so this was the perfect place to do so, as he hadn't seen that many places that did it in his life in Canterlot.


Darkness walked over to the main area and started looking around. He had with him his old but trusty black shield, as well as a wooden spear of practice. The guard have had quite some jousts in his pasts, so this wouldn't be something new for him, but still, practice was practice!


As he looekd around, he noticed other ponies in there, but paid no attention for now as he looked around some more

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