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Spell Mannor [Ponyville] (Open)


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"Hm, yes, I can imagine keeping up a house like this would be quite the effort."  Spoiled Rich had to admit, looking around the place.  Impressive as it all was, the manor was still mostly wood, not the most durable of materials.  There had probably been no brick kilns or stone quarries set up, and certainly nopony built their domiciles with concrete in the old days.  Spoiled, for her part, was willing to chalk up a point for modernity internally, but kept the observation to herself.


On beign offered a tour, she gave a shrug and a smile.  "Well, I don't see why not.  I'm not in any hurry to get back."  It wasn't as if returning to the office any earlier would make the end of the workday come any faster.  And even if it had... returning home was less and less an attractive prospect these days.  Sparing a glance up at the portrait, she gave a dutiful chuckle at Tarot's joke about bad mane days, a little too absorbed in her own imagined version of such a picture of herself to note such details as devil horns.  "And that, madam, is why we never should neglect our beauty sleep or self care!  I don't think I should have aged half so well without constant effort to keep up appearances!"  Laughing lightly, she followed her hostess up the hallway.


"Apple Bloom?  Ah, so that little... filly is working on your house's restoration?"  There wasn't exactly the best of feelings between Spoiled and the younger mare, though that was honestly the last of the Apple family that she'd reckon she'd had any bad blood with.  Applejack had proven a staunch political ally, and Spoiled herself had subsidized the poor mare's hospital bill after the sporting accident.  Insurance companies could be so stingy these days...  "As for a good maid, I got mine from a Canterlot placement agency.  There's not much in the way of a market for maids in towns like this, so you have to import them from a city with a good density of servants.  The best are trained in the great houses, and later go into service on their own once the lord or lady of the manor can no longer afford the indefinite extension of their staff.  I have some contacts that I can make inquiries of, but supplies are a little more constrained these days.  Prince Blueblood's staff used to be the one that usually shed excess maids, but not so much these days, now that he's started having foals, not to mention the sphinx that lives with him!"

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Tarot would give the mayor a fake smile as she mentioned ageing. "If only I would have had the luxuries while I was a way from Ponyville to hone my craft. Comforts such as spa treatments where not as common in Hayseed Swamp and Neigh Orleans as they are in Canterlot or even Ponyville, though I found other ways to keep myself youthful," as she'd smirk.


"As for Apple Bloom, she has such a talent with rare plants, I feel rather proud to have her help tame that conservatory while I work on...other aspects of the restoration." Tarot would tap her chin though as Spoiled would talk about maid services. "Perhaps I shall have to wright the agency in Canterlot then. At my rate without help, I may have the first floor done in a year, and this ballroom....maybe a year on it's own." She'd laugh. "Once the spring comes, I'll need a contractor of course to repaint the manor in it's entirety, sticking to the muted color pallet it was built with...."


"Now then, before I boar you any longer with history, let's head back down to my library and get that paperwork out of the way, shall we? We both have things we must do today....Unless you'd like a card reading after...you know, as my first 'official' customer." She'd chuckle, motioning for Spoiled to follow down the back stairway. "I wonder, dose Ponyville offer historical status for structures? Maybe we can get that paperwork rolling as well?"

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As one who by nature and profession wore proverbial masks of moods in public, Spoiled Rich knew and respected fake smiles when she saw them.  She couldn't bring herself to strip the mask off any mare of a certain age; especially not when she felt they could do her some favors.  "Oh?  I might be interested in learning what other little ways you've found to resist the tyrannies of time."  Spoiled would say with a smile and a nod.


Following her down to the library, Spoiled tilted her head ot one side.  "No, now that I think about it, we don't have any historical designation in Ponyville for buildings.  Yet, anyway; it is the sort of thing that we ought to start getting around to, given the number of now famous mares that call this town home.  Not to mention the Palace, and the Friendship school... still, I won't pretend that the lack of any such designation wasn't a an ease to our development over the years.  At the end of the day, sometimes you have to tear down the old to build anything new.  Of course, when one gets older, one is no longer entranced with such revolutionary notions to a large extent..."  She sighed, as they came to the desk where they would be signed.  "Not that such measures ever cease to be necessary.  On that note, actually, I would like a reading once we finish here."


Not that Spoiled would have said she believed any of this mumbo-jumbo.  Of course not.  But there was something she wanted, something that she couldn't quite bring herself to pursue, just because of what she'd have to tear down to get it.  All she needed was just a little push from outside, no matter how silly it might be...

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With the paperwork laid out before her, Tarot would quickly read over every paragraph, making sure there was no fine print that she wasn't prepared for. Nodding, she'd levitate an ink well and an old quill over to sign her name with a flourish before levitating the documents to Spoiled. "Now then, follow me."


Tarot would move to the den where her main reading room was. "So, shall we began?" She would levitate the deck of tarot cards to her, her eyes matching the glow of her green aura. The first card she drew was the lovers, in the reversed position. "Hm," she'd say looking over Spoiled. "Marital problems I see." The next three cards she drew would only have her shaking her head. "Two paths lie ahead, both with their own pain."


She'd pull one final card, looking Spoiled over from ear to tail. "It appears that your brain has made a decision, though can your heart handle it." Flipping the card, she'd sigh. "A deviance is in your future. Though civil, it will bring much heartache. Though you will be well off financially...still the richest mare in town, you will be lonely. A child chooses her father as her bond with him will only grow. Though you and your husband may remain friends, your friends an colleagues will fill the need to choose sides."


Flipping the last card, Tarot would laugh. "It would appear that your parents are coming to Ponyville, expecting one happy family. For their sake....and yours...hold off on any action till after their visit."

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The paperwork was simple, perfunctory even.  Mayor Rich had made genuine efforts towards keeping her campaign promise not to tie down Ponyville's entrepreneurs with red tape.  Especially when she was interested in their services.


It was perhaps a negative stereotype that mares of her age and class paid too much attention to astrology, crystal-gazing, and other such 'superstitious' rituals, but Spoiled herself could never articulate the difference between them and legitimate wizardry... other than the fact that they were the sorts of magic non-unicorns could do.  Perhaps that accounted for the stigma, one tribe trying to monopolize non-physical power and the prestige associated with it.  Spoiled could certainly believe that of other ponies, even if most around her seemed too naive for that...


The first part of Tarot's reading confirmed to her that she was either a genuine psychic, or just sufficiently good at observation and deduction to be worth listening to.  "I would hope I hadn't made it too obvious, but... well.  Things certainly haven't been the easiest lately."


The fact that she was in for a rough time no matter which way the chips fell was not exactly shockingly original as an insight, but at least she wasn't being dishonest.  "I wouldn't engage in an exit unless I felt that I had a place to go, at this point..."  From the way Spoiled was talking, Tarot might guess that she was already having someone else in mind.  A new life to start after severing ties to the old one.


The last card, though, that was a surprise, not a pleasant one, but still good to know.  "What?  After all this time, they dare darken my door again-"  The outburst came out suddenly, speaking of bad blood between her and the house she grew up in.  She cut herself off, snorting.  "Huff, all I'll say about that is... I want you to picture in your mind the sort of mother who, having 'Milk' as her last name, decides to call her daughter 'Spoiled.'  I'm not giving their feelings any more consideration now than they gave me while I was growing up."

For anyone who, having problems with Spoiled's attitude or behavior, wondered just how a mare could get that way, that little glimpse into her early home life was about as good an explanation as they were likely to get, straight from the horse's mouth.

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Tarot would rub a hoof to her head. "I see," before she would re-stack her deck of cards. "I guess it is true. You can choose your friends. You can't choose your family....though it appears that is exactly what you are trying to do, isn't it." She'd raise an eyebrow as she would pull the top card off and fling it at Spoiled. It would land face up just in front of her. It was a card that was not in a normal deck. It showed Somnambula and the Sphinx. "This will be the final nail in the coffin between Diamond and yourself should you choose it. Vous avez obtenu ce que vous vouliez mais vous avez perdu ce que vous aviez. You get what ya wanted, but lose what ya had." She'd sigh, leaning back into her chair. "I swear, all Equestria would be happier if everypony was a changeling." Tarot would begin to laugh manaicly. "And to think, all my happieness cost me was my soul," as her laugh would change in tone to a more joking tone.


"Did you ever think your family chose your name based on the life you would lead? I often wonder how our parents seem to know what our talents will be when naming us. Now then," she'd say, standing and walking toward the foyer once more. "I can only hope for your sake that you and your parents can make amends. Guilt is a two way street you know......"

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It was quite true what Tarot was saying.  Spoiled Rich wanted to choose her family to fit her ambitions.  She had always wanted that; her driving ambition took pride of place in her heart.  It wasn't that she didn't love, or at least hadn't loved, Filthy and Diamond, but what she most wanted to get them was a place beside her once she reached a position equal to her self-estimation.  Failing that, she had at least wanted to push Diamond Tiara up to the top of society.  But when her daughter spurned her ambitions for her...


She wanted another.  And there was only one way now she could get what she wanted.  The sphinx on the card didn't even rouse her suspicion; for all she knew that was a regular part of the deck.  "A trade of all one has... for all one could ever want." Spoiled looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully, before saying, "I'm trying to find the catch, but I'm not seeing it.  It's just an expensive but profitable trade."  Thus a mare decided to toss her origins and prior life aside.


The mere suggestion that her parents could share in some prophetic powers elicited only a snort from her.  "I hardly think my destiny lies in their expectations.  Had they shown a little more faith and affection, perhaps I would have been more content in their world."  She stood up, frowning thoughtfully.  "Well, no need to rush, I suppose... but if I do what I want, I'm not sure they would ever understand, no matter what I say or how I behave when they visit."

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Tarot would sigh deeply. Spoiled had made up her mind, or perhaps even had it made up before they even met. "The catch? THE CATCH?" She'd say before lowing her voice back down. "Starting over may not be as simple as it seems. Have you done your research on this new life of yours? It may seem like a dream now, but wait until the hardships, and there WILL be hardships." She rolled her eyes before continuing. "Not even alicorns have the perfect life you seek." Scoffing, she'd levitate Spoiled an old golden mirror. In it, Spoiled would be able to see her 'new' self, as Sphinx kittens ran amuck in the background. "Tarot would laugh. "I hope your ready for many litters of little ones."


"Now then," as Tarot would look her dead in the eye. "There is the matter of my fee..." She'd chuckle. "1,000 bits. I mere inconvenience for somepony, somesphinx of your standing." as she'd laugh, her eyes glowing a soft green."

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It was true enough, perhaps, that Spoiled's decision was pre-made.  And really, what was the talk about hardships supposed to do?  What did Tarot think her life had now, if not the hardships of scarcely existent family?

Perhaps this source of discontent is why the mirror may not have left the intended impression upon Mayor Rich's mind.  What she saw there was a magnificent beast, a matriarch of many, any of which could and one of which would grow up to be the queen that Diamond Tiara didn't seem to want to be.  The attempted lesson only made her sigh wistfully, and reinforce her convictions.  "Having more is one of the reasons I desire this change.  Filthy certainly won't give me any more foals..."


Sweeping the curtain back down with her hooves, she stared the fortune teller dead in those glowing green eyes.  And they were glowing, of that she was certain now!  "Extortion,"  She said, cooly, "As well as price discrimination, are valid reasons to revoke a business license."

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Tarot would raise an eyebrow. "Oh. Perhaps I did forget the SHOW to go along with reading." She'd give a crooked smirk. "Tell ya what... Let's make our own little deal...and by the way, that was the discounted rate. Since you are sooo gun ho about leaving your life in Ponyville behind, why don't I give you a preview of what your family would be like without you!" as she gave a menacing laugh. "On the house."


A dark shadow would envelop the whole room. The only light coming from Tarot's glowing green eyes, as well as her horn as the crystal ball would flash. Filthy would be shown sitting at his desk, going over a few basics of business. The room would pan around to show a new portrait of the Rich family, without Spoiled. Their facial expression was that of natural happiness, unlike the old one that hung there....with forced smiled. Next to it hug a degree from a prestigious university with Diamond's name on it. Next to it was a certificate from the Ponyville 4-H club. "Seems they are doing alright in your absence. But wait, what's this?" 


Filthy's secretary would enter the room and give him a letter. He'd smile as she left. Opening it, he'd read it aloud. The image on the crystal ball would rotate to be behind him so the letter could be seen. "Dear Dad, I'm having a great visit on the farm with grandma and grandpa. It's hard to believe that Mom never let me visit. I've had so much fun. Today a new caff was born. We named it after my mother. If you can, please send the attached photo to her. Love Diamond. Be home soon." 


The shadow would fade returning the room to normal. "Seems like the sooner you plan to break the news to them, the better. Oh, by the way, when is your term up as mayor? I'm pretty sure there is something in your oath about your resignation? I hope your deputy mayor is up to the task."

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Okay... now Tarot's behavior was really starting to get on Spoiled's nerves.  Unreasonable overcharges, tasteless laughing, and as for this little 'on the house show'...


The mayor watched through the whole thing with a flat expression, giving the the fortune-teller mare a look that would have pickled a ripe watermelon.  "I don't know what that was all about; it had the air of something our resident princess would contrive to persuade a pony to change their ways, though I'm hanged if I can tell what that was supposed to show me, except that perhaps I'm making the right decision."  It seemed that she wasn't in the mood to be rebuked from her current course of action right now, and this whole experience was just the sort of thing that would motivate some retaliatory red tape in giving the license Tarot had just signed for.  Petty, perhaps, but mares in this town had to realize just what consquences upcharging city officials just because you thought they could afford it would being!


Nevertheless, she did not lose her temper, just becoming frostily polite as she took her leave.  Which, as Tarot might be able to tell, meant that nerves had been struck for Spoiled.  "In any case, it was so delightful to welcome you back to town once again, madame.  I trust that your future enterprise here will meet with the success that it deserves."

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  • 6 months later...

Tarot would force a crooked smile as she showed Spoiled out of the manor. "I wish you the best as well," she's say following her to the front door. She'd give a friendly until the mayor had passed the old gate and was on the road back to Ponyville. Giving an irritated sigh, she'd roll her eyes. "The sooner that one goes off to live with the Sphinxes, the better..."


As Tarot entered the house, she'd slam the door behind her. Soon after all the shutters of the house would shut. Before long, she's be sitting in her study, reading a few books dealing with the occult.



It had been a few days since Tarot had received anypony... or even ventured out of her grand old home. Today was going to be a bit different though, She could feel it. Another of the Apple Clan making their way to her doorstep...or perhaps this one was an Orange...

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Trot trot trot came the excited quad of hooves, owned and operated by a filly- nay, young mare- of unquestionable good nature and impeccable good looks and a saddlebag neatly attached. If you doubted it, just ask her- she would be happy to tell you! Not that she was unnecessarily arrogant. She was simply proud of all she had done. She was a top student, had tons of friends, and knew she was drop dead pretty! If anything was left of that silly old colt from Manehattan besides what he knew, don’t tell Moonlight ‘cause she wasn’t here to hear any of it. 


Apple Bloom had talked this mare up. She was a fortune teller, a mystic, a mare of the hour. Of course it was known to be nothing more than a nice production similar to Trixie but hey, Moonlight wasn’t above playing her part. Apple Bloom had been a little reticent to discuss what she had been told. Same with Applejack. They both had...strange looks in their eyes, though both soon defaulted to repeating that it was all in good fun. Or if not good fun, it was interesting. Interesting good fun. That was enough for Moonlight, so one day between classes she trotted her way in.


The house certainly worked to be spooky. Apple Bloom was doing her best to help tidy the place up but the house needed weeks of effort to look appreciably better. Moonlight wondered why they didn’t take the Nightmare Night decorations down but quickly retracted that thought. It wouldn’t be as spooky then and this house was totally and radically spooktacular from the outside. She trotted up to the door and knocked quickly.


“Hey hey hey there! My cuz Abby told me this place is like totally cool!”

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The door would swing open on it's own as Tarot approached, ominously down the hall into the foyer. She'd give the older filly a grin as she got closer. "Ah, yes. Miss Moonlight. I thought you may swing by today. Your cousins have told me about you. They are good company and neighbors. It can get lonely in this big old house and sometimes it just nice to have someone to talk to." She'd motion with a hoof for Moonlight to step inside. The door would seem to close behind her seemingly on it's own.


"So, Apple Bloom has been talking up this old family home it seems," she'd chuckle. "I know to somepony with the name Glitter in their name, old Victorian things are nothing compared to the....razzle and dazzle modern, sleek things." She'd stifle a laugh. "It's more a restoration then anything. Honoring the history of the house. Some of the furnishings in here predate Ponyville after all. History and apples go hoof and hoof after all," as she pointed up to the painting of the house being built by Spells and Apples. "Or should I say almost all Apples or an Orange." She'd give her a quick smirk.


"So young mare, are you here for the tour....or to see my family's namesake talent at work?"

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Moonlight couldn’t help but feel a shiver gallop down her spine as the door opened up and Tarot stepped forward, her smile promising- neigh, threatening- to speak into existence things you could scarcely admit to yourself. It was, in other words, a very effective bit of theater and Moonlight couldn’t help but have her smile take on a playfully scared energy. “Ooooh, you’re good, Tarot! Very bitchin’ presentation,” she said as she trotted in when Tarot offered. “You betcha that Abbz is talking you up. Like, both she and Jackie are totally like, ‘oooh she is pretty cool’ and stuff. But they do pull a bit of the, like, shush game when you ask for sparkles. Totally not squad material, right?” She asked with a giggle as her eyes darted around, taking in details.


Unlike her cousins, Moonlight had an eye for detail. She always had an eye for detail, ever since she was a foal. Facts, figures, schoolwork, seams, dresses- everywhere and everything. Interior design was not one of her suits, but she noticed the eyes on the paintings, the way the shadows seemed to dance. The smell, the sounds far off in the distance- this mare was good, but Moonlight had a part of her start to raise some alarm bells. The whole time though she did fish for something else to think about. “Ooh, is that…” she took a bigger whiff, “dragon’s blood incense? Ooh, I heard those are very popular in, like, Neigh Orleans. Abbz said you lived there, right?”


She smiled.
“I like some old fashioned things! Like, glamor and elegance is glamor and elegance no matter the age, right? Some of the most beautiful buildings in, like, the whole nation are totally old and ancient. Besides, you can’t judge books by the cover. Unless they’re sports almanacs. Gag me with a spoon, like, two bad things one awful night,” she giggled before sighing. “Well, I dunno. I was thinking maybe a spooky reading! Like, maybe a tour too. But I also brought you a gift,” she said, shaking her saddlebag a bit.

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This young mare, Moonlight Glitter, was exactly as described by Applejack. She was different then most of her visitors... other then the difference in vocabulary, she seemed to have an eye for detail. A good thing to have, but perhaps not in this house. Tarot would have to be careful with this one. Things that she could play off as tricks of the shadows or parlor tricks, or just some showmareship...


When she mentioned Neigh Orleans, Tarot would nod before responding in the local accent. "Vous etes une jeune femme tres obsrvatrice." as she'd grin. "It seems that you have found quite a bit about me from Apple Bloom. I wonder what else she has disclosed." Tarot had to think back. Where any of her guest's family present when she was doing some of her more...powerful, unnatural spells? Oh well. Perhaps Moonlight would think her full Voodoo power was....what was the word she used? bitchin?


"If you'll fallow me to my parlor, I'll grab us some tea, or are you more of a coffee mare?" She'd chuckle as she lead the way down the hall and would point a hoof to the red velvet sofa. "Have a seat, I'll be back in a moment and then we can look at this gift. You know, I'm not used to receiving presents I don't know about," she'd laugh before returning with a tray of tea and some crackers.


"It's coming along quite well," as she pointed to the self painting portrait, hoping that Moonlight wouldn't notice how it was beginning to depict her too much. She used to be able to play off what appeared to be horns as a bad mane day however as it grew closer to completion. "My portrait ," she'd laugh. "It's enchanted to paint one's true self. It was a gift from a friend down in the bayou."

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Moonlight had to keep herself together as they went deeper into the mansion. Her overdeveloped sense of self-preservation was triggering left and right. Something was off. The way the air seemed to thicken and cool before warming and thinning out. The sensation of eyes coming from directions that should not be. The feeling of wrongness that seemed to tap the tip of her horn playfully, but she kept it all under her pelt. She knew that Tarot was all about the spooks and she seemed to pull out all the stops for the right atmosphere. At least that is what she told herself as she followed.


"OH, tu es beaucoup trop gentille et douce, petite sorcière tapageuse," she responded with a wink. She liked being able to speak in Prench, even if she spoke with an accent closer to Cloudsbeck than proper Prance. "She's told me nothing but, like, totally radical things. She made you sounder super dope and, like, totally with it," she said with a pleasant giggle as she followed directions and laid out on the sofa, putting her bag down. 

"Oh, I'll take some coffee! I could use something. Light on the sugar and cream, I like mine black!" She said as she laid out and got comfortable. She noticed the portrait quick and clear, biting her lip in concern. That was going a bit far for the gimmick, and her heart beat told her it was not.


Too late to back out now though. "Though if you have, like, something harder I wouldn't be opposed..." she let out slowly, her tail slowly doing a circle on the sofa.


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From the tray, Tarot would levitate a rather large mug of coffee to Moonlight. "Made the way we did down in Neigh Orleans," she'd say with a chuckle. She'd levitate herself a cup a tea and begin sipping it in a demure manner. "You know, when I was just a filly, I could never figure out why nopony would come and visit. Even in school, most ponies avoided me for some reason, except your cousin that is, and that was even in moderation. It's where I got my nickname, Solitare."


"I guess every so often, this house calls out to an Apple or three to return. First Apple Bloom, then Applejack, and now you." She'd swirl the little bit of remaining tea in her cup before refilling it. "Oh by the way, Je suis plus une sorcière que tu sais," she'd say with a ominous laugh. "Ca va être amusant."


As she finished her tea, setting the cup on the tray, she'd rise. "If you'll follow me, let's get you a tarot reading. It's been so long since I've be able to use the full extent of my power." Standing by a large painting of her grandmother, Tarot's eyes and horn would glow green as it swung open to reveal a hidden stairway going down. "Mind your step."

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It was very enticing, allowing herself to believe in the danger that was so much a part of Tarot's personality. There was something enriching about feeling your heart pound in your chest like drums echoing in the deep. Still, she had to tell herself that nomatyer what, Tarot was a friend. Weird, yeah but that was cool. Dangerous, absolutely but then again most of her mentors were dangerous. Scary? Ha, she'd never admit to that!


"Eh bien, je suppose que le plaisir d'une jument est le danger d'une autre," she replied back as she followed Tarot down, enjoying the fact she had somepony to speak Prench with. She had studied it extensively under Rarity to go on some trips that ended up canceled. "It's totally cool that you, like, speak Prench. Isn't it a s-super cool language? Very, very, l-like radical."


It also allowed her to focus on other things. Tarot's eyes didn't match her magic. That wasn't as strange as it used to be, ponies wore all sorts of eye contacts. But going into the basement...the horns...so much was telling her no. So why was she saying yes? Uggh. Why was danger so appealing? "So, uhhm, like...hopefully...oh, I'm not gonna be a frog tonight, am I?"

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As they descended, Tarot's glowing horn would light the candles as the portrait closed behind them. "There's no turning back now," she'd chuckle. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, a large round table sat in the center of the room. An antique crystal ball sat in the center on a burgundy table cloth. She'd point a hoof towards a chair. "Take a seat young Apple. The show is about to begin....but before we do. I must thank you for your consideration. It has been so long since I've received a gift from anypony. Now you'll only become a frog if you wish to be," she'd chuckle in an evil tone before opening it.


"A new cloak," she'd look over and smile at Moonlight. "And a very stylish and well made one at that. Hmmm." She'd say looking it over. "The care in every stitch. The attention to detail. Are you sure your not Rarity's cousin?" Putting it on, she would flip up the cloak. "So then, shall we begin? What fortune would you like to see?" Her eyes would glow green as would her horn as a deck of tarot cards would levitate to her.



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Moonlight had to fall back again and again and again on the idea that this was a show, despite all of the  mounting evidence that something was wrong.  A lot of it could almost be written off as showmareship.  If she was trying to create an environment that made fortune telling seem threatening and spooky, then there was a lot of a unicorn like her. It was a magical world after all. So many tricks and spells and ways to manipulate the world around you while never truly threatening anypony. But a unicorn could innately feel that. It was easy enough she guessed for a lifelong unicorn to not notice these things, but she understood it better. She had been an Earth pony. She could sense the magic around her acutely. The change in currents that a normal unicorn would ignore as background noise or involuntarily she recognized.


Which meant she knew something was wrong. As they went down, the magic was acutely disjointed. Tarot’s own magic, yes, but other- stranger- powers were at play. It felt like something was flicking the very end of her horn and threatening to crack it. It didn’t hurt, it just felt...sinister. Oppressive. She started to sweat when the path closed down behind them, and followed Tarot down less out of an interest and more out of a knowledge that she had no other choice. She obeyed rather than played, and laughed nervously in response to the mare’s evil chuckle. “Ha. Haha, well, they’re slimey so...no thanks...” she said as she sat down.


Once she sat down she quickly produced the cloak and gave it to Tarot, though now it had all the character of an offering rather than a gift. At least she seemed happy with it, and her happiness with it seemed to calm Moonlight down as well. She took a few moments to collect herself before responding. “Glad you like it. Apple Bloom described what she had seen and I was totally like, ‘filly, the family emblem would look rad on a cloak’. I’m happy you like it! I’ll admit to, like, asking Rarity’s opinion before I was done but I was pretty sure I totally nailed. Like, first shot, best shot,” she said, happy to lose herself in a job well done before coming back down. “So...how does this work? Like, can’t say I’ve ever tried to, like, guess my fortune before. Unless you count spin the bottle, but that doesn’t count. Right?”

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Tarot would chuckle as Apple Bloom’s name came up. “You cousin seems to be doing a better job of advertising for me then I ever could. Now then,” as she shuffled the deck with her aura, “Shall we begin.”


She would pull four cards from the top of the deck and place them face down in front of Moonlight. The first card she would flip would be the lovers. Tarot would laugh. “Spin the bottle is a game of chance. It has no connection to any mystic energy or power.”  

“So, you have a little colt friend,” she’d wink. “I see a Pegasus with glasses. A classmate perhaps?” Flipping the next card, she’d sigh. “I see that your relationship seems to have stalled. He sees you as a friend but you want more.” A smirk would form on her muzzle as the third card was flipped. “There is a secret between you two…isn’t there Valen?” Her eyes would narrow on Moonlight, glowing green. 

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Moonlight gave herself the space and grace to allow reason to project itself in front of what could behave been quite the outburst. An outburst of what, she couldn't quite guess. It wasn't as if her past was a secret to Apple Bloom and Applejack, after all. Heck, Applejack was probably the pony second most responsible for how it turned out! Both knew well what Moonlight thought of Remington.

Heck, she imagined most ponies who knew her knew she crushed on and crashed against that colt pretty hard. Logically, it was easy to say that Tarot was putting on a great show and doing a good combination of cold reading and mixing in known facts.


Logically, anyway. But she knew that wasn't true. The magic was flowing around the cards, but it wasn't aether the way she was growing used to feeling. It felt off kilter, less restrained in how it moved even if it felt oddly neutered in capability. She could not describe what she understood it to be. All she knew was that while she could not discount more mundane factors entirely, Tarot was playing a more straight forward game than she would want to admit.


She would try to play it cool. She would fail, but she would try. "Well, you don't believe in a spoon full of sugar to make the medicine go down, dontcha?" She said aith a dry chuckle, marrying it with a flip of her mane. "Yeah, he's a real cutie. Total dork patrol too, but, like, I dunno. I like dorks I guess," she sighed. "I'm not sure how you know about, like, my past and stuff, but it is totally not relevant here now. Valen's the past, I'm the now."

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Tarot would sit back in her chair and chuckle. "You know, your right. The past can be learned in a history book. Ponies come to me to learn of their future." Tarot would pull another card from the deck, shaking her head. "It appears that your dork is a bit too old fashioned. Your relationship has stalled. He sees you as a friend. A close friend." Smirking, she'd flip the final card. "He needs a nudge. A bit of encouragement...."


"You know, the cards can be influenced," as her glowing green eyes looked directly into Moonlight's from across the table. "Relationships...luck...all can be altered with the turn of a card. It's rare that I would even consider doing this, but I like you." She'd chuckle rather sinisterly. "I learned quite a few things in the bayous of Neigh Orleans," as she's smirk, the shadows of the room would seem different now then when they entered as the flames on the candles now burnt the same color green as Tarot's glowing eyes. "It's been a while since I've not had to hold back. What do you say?"

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"Yeah, you could say that again. I mean, like, he isn't like totally old-fashioned like an old mare or something totally joanie like that, but he absolutely likes things in the, like, least radical way possible," she giggled, "I mean, gag me with a spoon but I just think it helps him! Can't say I felt this way in the past. We were just good friends back then- like, less bitchin' back in the day for sure, but we still rolled it," her smile shifted, becoming a bit more bittersweet. "Now its all...like, its different. And like different in a good way, but totally weirder now, especially when I KNOW what I KNOW and I KNOW he wants it. I mean, how could he not? I'm hotter than, like, the summer sun...but..." her head hit the table. "Uggh. It's so confusing, I could barf."


Her head was done a few seconds, and she only elected to bring it back up when she felt- no, she saw the way the energy in the room changed. When she brought it back up, it was easy as a lilly to see what had happened. The green eyes burned and so did the candles, the change happening with a strange whiplash of magic that signaled something new was happening. She didn't need to feel it because she heard it. What Tarot was offering seemed dangerous and maybe wrong. Well, not maybe, certainly was. However, she was overwhelmed. The situation was escalating and she felt like if she said no, then something bad would happen- to her. And well, Tarot said she liked Moonlight. She was talking like she wanted to help- maybe in a funky way, but then again, Tarot was a funky, funky mare. "Uhh..." her eyes darted around before she took a deep breath, "w-whatcha. umm, thinking? Haha, not going to do anything...wrong, right?"

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