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The things we do for love... and land (ATTN: Steel, Dusty)

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‘At the moment, I do not believe it is wise to change you in full to become a Sphinx.’ North knew well this was going too be the outcome. It hurt regardless to see that such a thing was possible, truly and openly achievable, and outside her reach. To spend years following some dream was one thing. You make peace with a dream and know it to be such. Wanted but intangible… But what came changed the dull pain of knowing something was out of reach into the sharp pain of dagger between the ribs. She stared blankly at the dark purple gemstone and found her teeth grinding and wings fluttering gently, hardly kept in palace by her side. Did Twilight fail to understand how this looked? How this felt? She didn't did she. She was like all the ponies here. Soft, cuddled and born into a world that hands them everything on a silver plate. Blissfully unaware of what the world was like outside the garden walls. 


This. This was not a gift. This was a bribe sitting on a hook. ‘My final permission’ was spoken so softly and kindly, as if the words were not a threat. Did Twilight truly think so low of her? Or maybe Twilight was so blinded by years of being the saver of this land to not think past her own muzzle. So used to being the hero she never ever wondered how her words sound to another that doesn't worship the ground she trots on? Twilight was not even in charge of this land when North first stepped off that old ship, ponies packed together like fish in a hold. Where was Twilight when North felt a whip crack on her back. Where were the ‘elements of harmony’ as her own mother sold her into slavery as a filly. And here she was, sitting across the table from the mare that can with a wave of her horn change her life forever. And the mare did nothing but rub that power into her face. 


She felt enraged, eyes looking across the table at Twilight as her hoof kicked out and slapped the gemstone across the table back to its maker. She felt words swelling into her muzzle to dismiss the offer and flat out retract asking to be changed. But the slamming of hooves on the table knocked her focus and the words out of her muzzle as she looked over at Blueblood. She looked over at him, seeing the glint in his eyes… And felt ashamed at her oncoming outburst. What will Niil think? She let out warm breath and sat down as Blue spoke with more grace than she’d muster in the moment. When he was done speaking she felt more balanced as the outburst passed and she had a moment to gather her thoughts. “With all respect Princess, I can not in good faith take the… Gift.” She forced a smile on her lips. She didn't’ feel anything of the sort. Just bile. “With how it is offered as it will break my own oaths given unto my Lord, soon to be Tyr, and my duty unto him.” She kept it short and sweet. Blue gave all the context needed and spoke it better than she’d be able to in the moment. She hoped Twilight would see the way the wind was blowing and simply retracted the offer and let them all move on.

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Twilight was not phased, if somewhat displeased with how Blueblood conducted himself. "Don’t smack the table. You might hurt your hoof, and I am pretty sure your herd might ask questions of my husband," Cadance replied flippantly and mischievously. Twilight decided to not think on it and pushed ahead, though a full second passed before she could form a response as she tried to fight off other thoughts.


"Cards, Blueblood?" she turned to North Wind. "I have given you the ability to transform into a Sphinx when the time comes. When you are ready, when the spell foci on that crystal has found your soul and heart in sync with its magic, then I will turn you for good. If you do not wish to avail yourself of the opportunity, then so be it. The offer will stand when and if you change your mind," she looked at both, her expression still even as the crystal floated over to her. North Wind’s renunciation of the gift was of course her choice, but she knew full well the outrage that boiled beneath her pelt and the fact that Blueblood’s easing approach to the matter came with his own hidden frustrations with Twilight.


To say she found the implication that there were hidden cards in play, as if the fate of nations and species were to be toyed with, was greatly frustrating to her. She had a delicate balance to strike, yes, and she would not divulge her thinking behind every decision and move. Yet at all times, these decisions were made with their benefit in mind. The Hyatrian Delegation had been showered with more affirmation and gifts in one day than they could ever have hoped for, yet that had earned her what sounded like distrust. 

North Wind was a mare broken by time, being molded into something better by service. It was the very gears of hers that needed mending before she could actually become the creature she thought she wanted to be. She had to come to that peace herself, that understanding, that growth. It could not be forced on her, she could not be led to it, there was no program. She had to do it. If that never changed, then all she would become was a wounded sphinx. What would North have then, when she had gotten her heart’s desire and still found her wounds unhealed? Dark clouds were made of lighter airs than that.

Would she be blamed then as well? Was she expected to answer their every whim and desire, at all times, and when she did not was she to be shamed for it? Seeds of resentment? How much more were they wanting from her? How much more could they realistically ask of her?


Twilight looked at her glass of water briefly for a moment and took a deep breath before they came back up, narrowed around the edges slightly. "Before this day, Hyatria did not exist, your Tyr was a slave whose master merely had velvet gloves, Jizara was an idea rather than a reality and my sister-in-law had a full Empire," she started simply, the crystal given to North turning to dust and reforming in the aether. It would be ready for future use, when and if North became serious about the beatings of her own heart.


"Now I must inform my citizens that their great Empire has had a part of it sold off, it's pride humbled like a gelded stallion, and I have had to personally endure the humiliation of watching my younger sister in law sign away that very land," Cadance replied with the first sign of bitterness during this entire ordeal. She had been talked into this deal and had agreed to take the most substantial loss in the territory of the Empire since long before Sombra. The fact it had not engendered in them a sense of the benevolence of the two Alicorns in these dealings was troubling.


"Yet at all times, we have only asked for pittance in terms of financial compensation. You have paid below market for the land," Twilight added. Indeed, even at the price they had agreed upon she fully expected the details to become scandalous in the Crystal Empire and Equestria alike, and for her economic advisors to lose sleep over what had been ‘lost’.


"I have given your Tyr economic benefits the likes of which will enrich him and his land for generations."


"I have broken his chains and asked for nothing. I gave Jizara the chance to save the Sphinx," Twilight replied with a nod of satisfaction, even if her face stayed even. She felt happy about these things, even if their existence seemed to do nothing to earn themselves the benefit of the doubt.


"I ensured that the fruit of their love will be bountiful,” Cadance replied warmly, standing up ever slightly so, wings flared not as a threat but as an embrace, a smile with closed eyes speaking far more than any words could as she imagined how they felt at this moment. Her eyes opened and she shook her head. “We have asked for nothing for these services!"


"You have been put into a position to fulfill what you believe your purpose is," Twilight used one wing to point at Blueblood. Then she used her other wing to point to North Wind, "and you have been given the chance to evolve and change and become Sphinx in time. And in this, I have asked for nothing, and will continue to ask for nothing. I will never put a price on my affections and my care for the creatures of not just Equestria, but far beyond its borders."


There was a small pause. Twilight sighed, her expression softened and she allowed the minor passions of her heart to settle. She understood intellectually that the entire Hyatrian delegation had come here to haggle and fight, at least to some degree. They could not have reasonably guessed that in one meeting they would get everything they asked for and significantly more. And sometimes when you were prepared to fight and found nothing to do, you kicked at something. Twilight could rationalize it that way, even if she did find the fact that her previous fair dealings and good nature had earned her no real purchase in either of them when it came to this matter disheartening. 


"The kindness and generosity with which you have been treated is far beyond anything you could have reasonably expected. Such gifts will continue regardless of how you choose to receive them. I am not here to play a game; not when the lives and fortunes of my little ponies and the future of a species and nation are in play. Are you playing a game with these weighty matters? If so, know that I have no cards to play, so I suggest you get used to Equestria’s love and the Empire’s patience. We will be here for an eternity.,”

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In relationships, as in diplomacy, one of the most important things was to establish and map the boundaries.  Prince Blueblood knew that he had pushed them here, but he also had his reasons.  "For all that you seem to dislike the metaphor, that's as good a showing of your hand as I could ask for.  All such discussions in Hipposition, or indeed most lands outside Equestria, are games, however high the stakes are placed.  Such generosity is typically seen as weakness or deception, rather than kindness in good faith.  It's important that everypony," here he gave a pointed look at North Wind, "Leave the table understanding that things are different here, lest three generations from now an exaggerated story leads someone angry to do something stupid."  He was an ambassador from ponies to sphinxes as much as sphinxes to ponies.  He'd made North's feelings, he hoped, clear enough to Twilight, and with all luck North would also leave with some understanding of the Princesses.  As understandable as North Wind's decisions were to Blue, they didn't exactly make his job any easier, nor that of the Tyr's, for that matter.


Turning to Cadence, he spread his hooves somewhat apologeticially.  "Not that you won't have a harder time with domestic turmoil over this yourself, I know.  I don't envy you... though perhaps an opportunity for the ponies of the Crystal Empire to meet Niilaavin and Jizara would help?  It's a lot easier to accept generosity on the behalf of a face and voice you know than a minority about which one has only heard."  Political minorities, such as sphinxes were, could only exist by exaggerating their claims, which often led to friction.  Now that the limits were established, he felt, it was time to smooth things over.

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North was not shocked by the oncoming storm, she was more shocked at how in the grand scheme of things gentle the winds were. Some deep part of her wanted to see the princess get more enraged and slip the deck. But still, she got some enjoyment knowing she at least flustered the Princess of pony-kind by not rolling over like some trained dog. North may have been trained and lived a life of duty, but she was her own mare now and she’d not slip an inch on that rope. So she let the winds blow over while still sitting tall, that trained smile on her lips and made no movement to show agreement or disagreement. She simply let the other side get it all as she peeked apart the words in her mind what she wanted to hear. 


The mare was not wrong on some things. Things have gone better than reasonably expected by some extremes without counting the changing of Jizara. That alone will be a burden she knows Niil will work well and hard to repay. Along with every other act of generosity given like coins to beggars. The sooner it was repaid the swifter one was free from the favors implied by the act. She did have too choke down a scoff at the remarks of the ‘gift’ for becoming a Sphinx. Becoming one at what cost? Did Twilight forget her own words? ‘My final permission.’ That was not even a dagger in the sheath, but one placed on the table. She had no regrets rejecting the offer and found herself feeling more justified by the moment in doing so. She didn't need Twilight to become one. 


Niil himself told her Jizara was a Sphinx by soul. She will become the same and even if her body stays the same, her heart will not… And then an epiphany struck her. Sharp, strong and like ice under a hoof. What WAS a Hyatrian? Nothing. Not at the moment. Other than herself. She was the first Hyatrian wasn't she? The first given a title. The first to bow at the Tyr. The first to trot into a new court, new kingdom, new culture… It made all the world around her seem to muffle out into the background. She was the first and the one prime of place to lead this new culture. She may not be a Sphinx, but she was a Hyatrian. She didn't even know where to start with such a journey. But it lit a blazing fire in her chest that filled her with new found purposes in life. 


It was euphoric and made the loss of one dream easier to stomach. She was Hyatrian, and proud to be such. Even if it took lifetimes, Hyatria will stand tall and proud. Rising from nothing much like her Tyr, it will open its wings and embrace the sun with its evident place in the world. But everything starts with the first unsteady steps. Even her Tyr nursed and fell about on his perfect paws before he mastered them. His fangs were once dull nubs. Claws harmless tools of a kitten. He had to make do, lay low and weather the storms. So she will as well. For now she was a kitten and lacked the grace she so wished to hold. She overstepped and was given a swift slap on the muzzle. Nothing grave, or lasting. But something to learn from. What if she messed up more? What will her Tyr think? She was the first Hyatrian, she MUST conduct herself in a way befitting his glory. 


As such she found it unfitting to drag out what was done anymore than it has been. The offer was rejected, let the next act start and a new deck snuffled. She nodded over at Blueblood. “I think that is a good idea, most find him rather alarming until they speak with Lord Niilaavin. You must see the lines of foals that cue up on Nightmare Night to ride on his back, or pose around his claws and fangs. If he can win over the trust of a motherly mare to place her foals in his very jaw, well. A speech to your subjects will do wonders, and give him a space to make clear how open he is with how they feel. If they wish to leave he will not stop them. Hearing that from his own muzzle may win much in the way of goodwill and trust.” She added with a soft nod of the head. “And I’d like to add that maybe Cadance will take part in the speech as well. Not before, not after. Together with Lord Niilaavin to help show some unity between both?”

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North’s moods and causes were known to her. She did not expect North to easily stomach the thought of a gift. It had been one reason among many her gift came last, so she could see how condition-less Twilight’s gifts were. Her refusal of them was, indeed, a product of her own lifetime and Twilight held no ill will there. Her life was short and Twilight hoped she made the most of it, becoming the first great Hyatrian citizen in the process. 


Instead, her ire existed mostly for Blueblood, who knew full well what Twilight had done and what Twilight had meant with her actions and had not even once, on behalf of himself or Hyatria, said thank you. Why, he had only said thank you telepathically when she had personally complimented him on his growth. He had never thanked her for anything else she had done, which was well enough. She did not require thanks.


But to have him, who knew better, knows better, treat her as rudely as he had in this matter? He spoke of generational decay of relations due to poor wording, forgetting that long after he had passed away and was remembered justly for his glory as leader, ponitarian and savior of species, she would be here and with more than one way to show the minutes of this meeting. The true threat to the future was Twilight’s warm greetings and tidings becoming cooler in time with Blueblood and his positional descendants if they adopted such a disrespectful tact with her. Blueblood was closer than he thought when he said boundaries were being established.  He just may not have known who and what was existing within those boundaries.


Cadance nodded. “I was planning on speaking to the Tyr regarding a short tour of the Empire. I do doubt that it will change to any real degree the short-term reputation damage to the Empire, but it should make long-term processes a bit easier,” she offered with a friendly, dismissive wave of her hoof. “Besides, he hasn’t tasted the Faire’s best crystal berry based desserts yet saved for the royal family, and I have a feeling he would adore them,” she smiled before her magic started to slowly work on fixing the table. It was a mess of food and drink, even if the occupants had been careful enough while feasting.


“Hmm, I cannot think of anything else to discuss. I do believe this concludes the thrust of these negotiations, beyond some wording on the treaties and documents.”

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Blueblood let out a sigh of relief, his chief concerns seeming to be easing, with the potential spat between North Wind and Twilight.  The Princess might have been wise, powerful, and possessed of meeting minutes, but if there was one thing that he'd seen more of than her, it was stupid and belligerent creatures at a negotiating table.  Contradicting documents in a foreign country never got a cassus belli out of their heads once it was there, thus prevention had to be priority.  He wondered if Twilight understood that; still a scholar at heart, she had faith in documented facts that he simply did not share.


But with the conclusion of the negotiations, he permitted himself to relax.  "That should finish it, yes.  Thank you all... for your patience as much as all the rest.  This can't have been easy."  He didn't want to seem ungrateful, but it wasn't done to express gratitude until the deal was finalized.  Protocol, and all that.  In all reality, it was as much as he could expect from Twilight and Cadence, what was beign signed over.  But one didn't say 'good game' until the end of the match.


And that was the difficulty, he supposed.  Twilight had made it clear that this wasn't a game for her, that she took every step with sincerity... without the light touch of separation that a magic circle of play provided.  Some thought a mental construct made negotiation frivolous, but Blueblood saw it as a necessary separation of the personal and political.  Barristers had to carry their briefs regardless if they personally agreed to the side, and should not be held to task as if they did.  They both had briefs to carry here, though this was the first time she'd been on the other side of the table from him.  Had she ever watched him at work?  Or did it just look different from the other side?


Of course, there were elements of family and personal loyalty at play, too, perhaps that might take a few personal tea visits to patch up.  Speaking of... "I don't actually know how big a sweet tooth Niilaavin has, but I'd be shocked if it wasn't large enough to accomodate that!"  He chuckled at Cadence's mention of the desserts.

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North seemed too ponder something a moment, as if she wanted to speak up. But seemed to let the moment pass with the talks about desserts. In truth she wanted to say something, but felt it may be taken as rude. Niil will of course eat it and enjoy it… But as the cooks well know with how, he rather lacked a sweet tooth. In fact, he can’t seem too taste sweetness at all! A rather well known pink mare put that too the test. But North can’t think of a way to bring it up without sounding rude about making something that must mean much to the ponies here. So, she’d play along like she knew her Tyr will. He was used to ponies and sweet food. But it did make her think she’d need too try and change her own tests more… She needed too eat more spicy food, he loved spicy food and she will to. 


“Well, if that wraps up this day’s meeting we can move onto more pleasant and fun matters. Cadance, if you want to have your head of staff meet with me I’m welcome to help plan events, food and so on. I have years worth of time under this belt pandering to my Tyr, I know just how much food…” She trailed off, looking into nothing for a moment. Blinked and focused on Cadance. “You…  Insured that the fruit of their love will be bountiful…” She blinked, thinking deeply for a few moments. “Oh, by the All Mother I need too start preparing. How many will she even have? How much food? Toys fit for a kitten!?” She spins on the spot and trots for the door, her voice booming with command the moment she pushes them open. “WHERE IS QUILL SWIFT? GET HIM!” She barked at the first servant she saw. “YOU! Head too my room, get the log books! You three! You will be on help duty for Quill! And you! Change outfits for long flying and grab a nap. You will head out before sundown with priority mail.” With a herd of servants rushing away she took a breath and looked back at Blueblood. “Prince, do you need me for anything more?” She asked, staying by the doorway with a wary smile on her muzzle. “As I may be… Very busy soon with just two sphinxs to look after. And must prepare for the litter. You know well the logistics of feeding one sphinx. Half dozen…”

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Twilight, part by part, signed the documents and sent them away. They had finished the meat of the world. There would always be a need to go over small details, and somepony would of course find some minor technical issue that she would delight in working out in further meetings with Blueblood that were in no way, shape or form intentionally placed there to allow her to have a meeting with Blueblood. She enjoyed mixing business with pleasure, after all.


And so did Cadance. Right now, her pleasure was in watching North Wind lose her mind as she realized just what Cadance had meant by ensuring that the fruits of their love would be bountiful. Considering the prospect for a kitten to even be born was far-fetched a mere hour ago, it didn’t surprise Cadance that such a devoted servant started to lose herself in the prospect of what was coming into her life. 


“Oh, I don’t quite know exactly how many kittens she may have. Perhaps one. Perhaps ten,” she smiled, leaning in even as North Wind started running about, speaking to other aides and trying to arrange what she could now. “If you’re interested, I can give you the address to the specialist who has made Flurry Heart’s newer toys. If it can survive an alicorn, I’m sure she can help with kittens. Even...big ones,” she winked.

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There was something so... delightfully adorable about North Wind's sudden flustering.  She cared so much, deep down; nopony who didn't care would be so careless of their dignity.  It reminded him a bit of himself when the reality that he was going to be a father hit him.  "Nothing further, North Wind.  Take all the time and assistance you need."


Toys that could stand up to physical as well as magical stress to that extent were a marvel indeed, and he himself had confidence in Cadence's recommendation.  He felt full of that warm glow that all relatively new parents have when seeing their peers join them in family formation.  A fraternity and sorority of the future-oriented, it was a grand thing!  
"I think that for the most part concludes the meeting... unless there was anything you wish to discuss in private with me, Twilight?"

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  • 4 weeks later...

--Time skip! Evening.--


Lord, soon too be Tyr, Niilaavin laid out over a dozen large pillows watching two servants all but lose their minds. North and Quill were no longer even discussing finances and seemed more keen on trying too murder each other. Honestly it was a welcome break from hearing numbers vomited forth for the better part of an hour. He was well aware of how grim his finances looked just founding a kingdom, a few more muzzles too feed hardly seemed noteworthy. It seemed he was wrong… No wonder his kind took over kingdoms. But such was fate and here was to pick up the pieces. “North, no biting.” He muttered, watching his Huntsmarshal trying to maul his Steward. This was hardly the first time. You’d think Quill will have learned by now not to bring up Norths… Dressing habits on her off time. 


He was about to break it up properly when a servient rang a bell. It was just about the only way to be heard over the ongoing shouting match. He waved her over and dropped his head low, leaning an ear close to the mare as she spoke up. After a moment he nodded and raised with a yawning stretch and nuzzled at Jizara he muttered into her ear. A few moments later both cats slipped away, leaving Quill and North behind… He had to blink a few times as he adjusted to the sun outside. He never did like being up in the day, yet everything happened in the day. But with his eyes adjusting he looked around and found the pink mare enjoying the evening air. She wanted too take him and Jizara on a tour of the city. Something he wanted and gave him time too speak with her outside some formal meeting. 


He was, honestly, planning to not pay her much mind before today. But she impressed him at the meeting. The kitten had some fangs and was willing to flash them. She had more backbone than he was expecting and that was a good thing. She may be worth working with closer. Time will see. So he made his way over. “Greetings Princes, I hope the sands bring you on good tides?” He said with a half-bow before her, then looked around the city and up at the sky. “Well, there is a lack of stands blowing for such. But the air is nicer for it I think. I have yet to miss grooming out a few pounds of it every evening.” He chuckled softly and looked back down at her. “But soon I will replace tides of sand with drifts of snow… Time will see what is worse.”

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Jizara, for her part, was just a bit too happy to bother about whatever the servants were squabbling over.  Not that she interfered with the 'Help' on a regular basis before; she usually gave orders, and a deadline by which she expected a task to be sorted out with associated consequences for failure.  Beyond that she had no concerns over how the sausages of housework or legislation were made...


And, frankly, after the big changes performed and... consumated over the course of the course of the afternoon, she wasn't much in the mood to do anything right now except rest against the side of her new matek, purring softly half-asleep.  Resting in bliss, daydreaming (rather selectively) about what a second go at parenthood would be like... but the reality check of rambunctious kitten litters was for the future, for now, Niilaavin was rousing for some fresh air, and the pink sphinx stretched out, paws out and rump up, instinctively falling into feline movement.


"Arrawwrrr... Ah, you know, this is my first time in the Crystal Empire.  I don't think I've ever seen its full extent."  Padding along with her mate outside, she nodded towards Princess Cadence.  "I need to thank you again, I think.  I sensed the presence of your blessing, and I hope to soon show you its fruits."  She beamed, with a glow that would tell the alicorn that said hope would not go unfulfilled.

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Princess Cadance had an eventful day after the meeting. Some if it was the standard day to day of running a country. She attended a short banquet honoring a mare who had worked at the Crystal Cavern’s Geological Survey for seventy years- not including the thousand years she was trapped in time and space. She settled a few disputes and wrote the first draft of her Royal Proclamation regarding the forfeiture of land and the introduction of a new nation at their borders. Trade discussions with Polyneighsia business interests had been delayed a day due to poor weather hampering the arrival of one of them, so she used that time instead to write some notices to the various provinces of the Empire, recalling some petty officials for reassignment.


When she was done with that, she tended to even more important duties. Her husband needed a wife, her daughter needed a mother, and she could use some love. She had broken the news earlier. Now it was about enjoying their time together and working through the wonderful day to day mechanics of the family. She loved the Crystal Empire and all her subjects, but she could not imagine for a moment anything in her life approaching the smallest fraction of how much she cared for them.


When the time came, she made her way to visit the new couple. She had helped as much as she could to ensure that the love they shared was as honest as it could be. Not beholden entirely to the fetish of the ordeal, not tied to a sense of power and prestige, but firmly connected through their own unique mental and spiritual connection that was formed through any tight bond of love and respect. As long as that held firm, Jizara and her Tyr would prove wonderfully fertile partners. 


“I come bearing nothing but warmth, Tyr. I hope you’ve been enjoying yourselves? Well, shouting match notwithstanding. Their voices really do carry, don’t they?” She laughed. “I am pleased to help, Jizara. I have no doubt you will make a wonderful den mother.”

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  • 3 weeks later...

Niil let out a mused chuff as he looked over his back at the large doorway, the echoing shouts seemingly only increasing in pitch as he can hear other servants joining in. “Half my staff are making bets if they kill or marry each other. Despite how it sounds, they get along more than chaff but when they do rub it's all claws and fangs… But when they are done mauling each other I can bit we will find them drinking together off on the rim of the city. Hard too say where that coin will flip. Maybe the Princes of love will join in on the bets? Pot is sitting at 780 bits.” He let out a putting chuckle before looking back at the pink pony with a warm smile. “And speaking of you, some warning next time you sling spells on my mate. I was rather unpaired.” He chuckled more and shakes his head gently with a playful head bump at Jizara. With keen eyes one can see neither cat seemed to have made it too the evening without new scars. More so Niil… Someone was still learning how to keep her claws in sheath. 


“Regardless, I am thankful and do wish to pass along my thankfulness. I know North may have put some into a less joyful mood but she is… Well, driven to do the best for me. I hope she did not overstep. Your kindness will not go unpaid and I hope I can offer my paw in friendship, not just for papers but with earnestly. You are the closest power to are borders, obviously, of note. Herds will overlap and I believe customs will mix and dance together into something new. More so than with Equestria. We are bound, that is the obvious truth.” He gave her a full bow this time until his muzzle was flat on the ground and his wings opened wide out. He then lifted his head so his neck was exposed to the mare. An act of ultimate trust and humility for his kind. And the first time Jizara ever witnessed him do such.

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Jizara had the effontry not to blush at all at Niilaavin's words; it had been a long time since she'd had so good a time and wasn't the sort to apologize anyway.  Well, aside from giving one of the rawer-looking claw marks a cleaning lick.  "I for one appreciate pleasant surprises, so you can enchant my mate all you please~"  Perhaps in future nights she'd have cause to regret that... but that was for later.  Staff disputes meant little enough to her at this point, but she did chime in to take the opposite bet of whatever Cadence chose to put money on.  "Just to make things even and interesting."


The newly-minted sphinx was a little surprised to see Niil bow so, and wasn't quite sure what to say to it, standing aside a bit awkwardly, caught between staying put and joining the bow.  Eventually ending up doing a little dip and still not feeling comfortable either way.  The high of elation could only take you so far through the changes of a lifetime, and they were starting to sink in a little now.

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Cadance laughed impishly. Oh, how she wished she was not so well mannered a mare who could not and would abuse her powers. Then she would be named Heart Stopper and she would be a truly contemptible figure. She could, of course, manipulate the feelings of the two to achieve the desired pairing easily enough. Her magic could not create love, but it could amplify love as it existed or (more menacingly) she could morph strong emotions into a loving bond. She could easily do that, or she could simply sense it. Knowing that two figures were destined to love one another even if they did not yet understand it was potent on its own, and she could feel the answer already.

She could use it to boost the national treasury of course. Bet the whole thing. Keep the Sphinx in her debt ten thousand years. Get permanent rights to all marriages in the nation. Become Grand Empress of Love. Lead a war. Her mind wandered naughtily, so she instead just tossed her mane. "Oh, no thank you. I'm not a gambling mare by nature," she lied, "though if you need any help setting them up on romantic encounters like a romantic comedy, feel free to ask. It can be a lot of fun. And less property damage on your end. Not zero damage. Just less," she said with a wink.


The Tyr showed his humility and showed him her neck, a sign of respect and trust. She was touched. It was a big step for such a creature. She brought her hoof down on his head gently, then brought it down to his neck and gently swept aside it, completing the act first on him, then her. "You may rise, dears,” she said, before she took a step back. She followed suit herself, with her own willful submission. For a pegasus, that came with a lowered, bowing front half and a flex of the wings before a demure and contrite withdrawal until they were tight against her.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jizara was not alone in feeling uncomfortable. Niilaavin felt a rolling feeling of disgust and uneasy anxiety feeling that hoof touch his neck. Being submission was never an easy or enjoyable act for his kind even among each other. To do so for… Something that was viewed more as food than remotely on the same level of worth was worse. Yet he was better than most of his lost kind and knew he must swallow his pride. He was in a way, paying for the sins of his blood. For if the All-Mother loved them so, she’d not let his kind be left in such a sorry state of things. Humility. An idea viewed as sin now sat on his back as a raw truth. He needed this humility to earn his place in the world. Humility now, for pride later.


He lifted himself up, rising up before the princess to his full height as he watched her own display of humility. At least both were bearing the burden of such and made all of this feel less heavy on his own shoulders. He did not know what was fitting to act on this, so followed in the way he knew. Simply popping a claw and bushing the dull edge over the back of her neck, keeping the sharp tip as far away from her as best he can. Soon as it was done the claw snapped back into place out of view. “Jnn’ḫpj  ꜥqꜣjb.” He muttered in a tongue long lost but with a warm smile. “We walk with our hearts a straight path.” He added with a purring chuff. “It means the path is just, may it stay so.” 


He looked over at Jizara and flashed a toothy grin. “And for the sake of amusing myself, she is my ḥmt. I am her hj.” He chuckled some and nose bumped her. “And someday soon I shall torment her with more words, maybe are cubs will learn them as well. But that is getting ahead. Shall we see this grand city? I feel we may see it often in the decades too come.”

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Jizara managed a chortle to the Princess' obvious attempt at humor.  "Just as well; I shouldn't like my new home to get wrecked...."  She trailed off, though the keen hearing of her new mate might have heard the soft suggestion of the word "...too."  Come at the end of that faded sentence.  But any guilt that might have lingered over the path she took to get here was fleeting, or else suppressed.  Whether that path was straight or crooked, she was committed now.


"Hmt."  She repeated the word, a much sweeter taste upon her tongue.  "Your words, my love, are never a torment to me."  She flashed him a loving look with glowing geline eyes, before giving a very feline stretch, from toes to tail.  "Nryaaahhh... Yes, I think a nice walk would do some good.  Perhaps with a bite to eat?  I feel in the need for some replenishment."

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The Princess rose, accepting the Tyr’s own gesture with the same grace with which it was intended, even if it was not delivered with all the culture with which it would one day come to be given. This would not be the last time that a royal of the ponyfolk gave so reassuring and submissive a gesture, just as it was unlikely to be the last that Tyr were give himself. Humility in leadership was an important, critical attribute to have. It was essential for every good ruler.  Without it, pride could easily lead you astray and dramatically increase the odds that you would rely too heavily on your own ego. 


When you were a Sphinx, an Alicorn, a Prince, a Princess, a Queen, Empress, Tyr,  ḥmt or hj, ego was the deadliest infection of all. “I believe you will see the city many times indeed, Tyr Niilaavin. If you could become familiar with it I believe it would do you well. And I am sure we can get lunch, Jizara. Anything that speaks to you at the moment?” She asked as she started to hover in place, ready to take the two on a tour. She wanted to make sure that Jizara felt included- it would be hard to navigate the exact dynamic between the three until she could be certain that Jizara herself was comfortable where she was, how she was, intended as she was.

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