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Nightmare Night! 2024 Give us something sweet to bite. [Las Pegasus][Open]


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Nightmare Night! Give us something sweet to bite

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To say the Kandy Kaleidoscope had a busy season was crazy. She seem to be always busy anymore. Between the regular orders, limited time items, and all the special orders, Nightmare Night had to be it. If it had not been for Salty and Beans she'd still be working up till the first trick or treater hit the streets. This year she had sent Saltwater Taffy and Coco Bean to Canterlot with Princess Luna's order as a reward for their hard work. She would hold down the shop this year, thanks to the help of a few sales floor staff. This year she planned to use her shop on the Las Pegasus strip, in all its vintage glory, as a trick or treat destination...if there was anypony really into Nightmare Night that was. It seemed most anypony who was anypony went to wherever Princess Luna was for the main event as it were. Candy couldn't help by think back to her youth in the Bittsburgh and its countryside for sweets.


Closing the store at five in the evening on a day of a candy based holiday might have seemed a little strange, however she needed time to set up, and it allowed the few sales floor ponies the opportunity to get ready to enjoy the holiday as well. One of the first items was to get ready. When opening the Kandy Kaleidoscope she had found lots of old things in the building's basement, including a large cast iron cauldron. She'd place it beside the entrance to her shop as she continued to decorate. As the time got closer, she'd put on her costume. A true classic, and vintage to match her shop. The Wicked Witch.





Candy would quickly work on a fake cackle before filling the cauldron with her namesake treats. It wouldn't take long for the sun to set and for her first guest for the evening to arrive. "Greeting my pretty," she'd say in character. "And just what might you be?" she'd say to the colt with a grin. "Come to take some of my candy have you?"

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  • Skycoaster changed the title to Nightmare Night! 2024 Give us something sweet to bite. [Las Pegasus][Open]




Applejack was happy that they were in Las Pegasus. Oh, she was not s party mare by nature or trade and a lot of the city still stunk to high heavens, but it was the site of the semi-annual agriculture conference and she was finally set up to attend. Usually she just sent some documents and a statement and had to be content with that. This time was different, and she had a fine few days in town. She got to meet and speak with other important families and it allowed her to create the connections that would benefit them in the future. The real winner would be Equestria, really.


While in town she did plan on partaking in some fun. It was made easier by the prospect of her being able to spend time with her significant other, a factor which always made her day shine brighter. Dash was always busy with the 'Bolts this time of the year and while Applejack made peace with that years ago, that didn't mean she liked it. The Wonderbolts were in town and so she made a point of ensuring they had their plans together. 


Enjoying the sights and sounds of Las Pegasus, she led Rainbow to a party she had elected to attend. The kids were back in Ponyville with Apple Bloom, hopefully she could handle all that and more. Tonight belonged to them. A party and more, she hoped. She was dressed as Missus Bits Shorthoof, secretary to famous spy Con Mane from the movie serials and books. It was a fairly revealing, flattering secretary outfit with a tight pencil skirt and long white stockings and heels. Her blouse was the 'famous' light pink and white unofficial uniform that hung tight and held a small S.M.I.L.E. logo. 

It hadn't been her first pick, but it didn't much for Dash to convince her once Dash made it clear how well it would go with his own costume. She was willing to do what was necessary to make it work for him, if nobody else.


"Mr. Mane," she said in the High Manehattan accent, doing her best impression of Ms. Bits and nailing it thanks to her well-maintained voice skills. "I do hope you remember to keep yourself safe tonight. What a tragedy if something were to sideline you and keep you away from tonight's festivities," she smiled and tossed her head back to Dash, her mane in a tight bun. 


As she looked back, she caught a glance of a witch giving away some treats to a colt. Pretty nice way of starting the candy season she thought and was that mare familiar to her? She wanted to check it out.

"Oh Mr. Mane, follow me. I believe I have something sweet for you," she said with nary a hint of poor taste, happy to let Dash complete the implication while she trotted in lead towards the shop.



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Las Pegasus...home to all the things that made a pony want more! Dash had been feeling rather excited for this particular adventure, seeing as how it would get them out of town and hopefully able to spend some quality time together sans the kiddos. Sure he would have his responsibilities with the 'Bolts, he always did, but that didn't mean they couldn't get up to a little fun and mischief! 


"Something sweet eh?" Dash did a rather good impression of Con Mane if he did say so himself. "Well, that's just what the doctor ordered Miss Bitsy," He gave a sly smile as she tossed her head back, catching his full an undivided attention. Celestia, AJ could make herself look intoxicating in any situation, not the least of which was a reveling Nightmare Night costume that went along with his own.  Dash wore a slim fitting black tux, complete with a single red rose boutonniere, and monocle. He also had a holster strapped around his middle, a quite convincing looking fake gun hidden under his wing. 


They made their way to the shop where the party was to take place where a mare in a wicked witch costume was doling out candy corn to a colt at the door. Dash could hardly tear his eyes off the hindquarters of his wife to appreciate any of the decorations, though he did notice they looked fun.


"I've checked the perimeter Miss Bitsy, entry into the establishment should be safe enough." He squinted through his monocle at her for a moment before offering a another sly look. "Tell me, where you've hidden that something sweet my dear?" 


As they came up to the entrance he nodded to the mare at the door. "Good evening miss, I've heard tell of a request for the famous super spy to be at this event. I dare say you're not in league with my arch nemesis Mr. Gold Withers?" 

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Nightmare Night wasn't Eden's FAVORITE holiday, but it was pretty close. This year, he'd borrowed one of Foxtrot's old leotards, some grippy horseshoes, and a little chalk from his art kit and gauze from the medicine cabinet, and now he answered the spooky witch's question by prancing around and letting light leak out in a long ribbon from his horn, twirling and looping like a ribbon before fading slowly. After his little gymnastic routine, and without noticing that he'd dropped a couple pieces of candy from his bucket in his exuberance, he struck a(n awkward) pose and grinned, panting a little.


He'd planned this costume ever since the last Equestria Games had been broadcast on TV and he saw the performers!

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Candy would watch as the colt put on a display as to what his costume was. “I see,” Candy would say with a smirk. “A fit little gymnast. Well then, I shall have to give you extra candy corn to fatten you up for my stew. Nightmare Moon isn’t the only one who like to gobble up little ponies on Nightmare Night after all.” Candy would cackle. “Do you dare step inside to begin the trail of treats? I hope so. I put a lot of effort into tonight.” 

Candy would open the door and extend a hoof pointing into her shop. The lightning was dimmed as Jack-o-lanterns sat on the counter. A tray of green and red candy apples sat next to a door pointing into the alley behind the shop. A sign sat on the tray. ‘The witch’s newest creation. Eat only if you dare.’ The old player piano was playing spooky music to add to the ambience. The alley would would lead to the once abandoned storefront next to hers. What would they find inside? The headquarters for Las Pegasus’s trick or treating, complete with a map of all precipitating businesses. There would be other treats as well. A local DJ would play Nightmare Night classics with small dance floor. 

Candy would look to her newest arrivals. One of them was an Apple….one of the Princess of Friendship’s friends of she remembered correctly. The stallion she was with thought… she had no idea whom he was, though he was dressed as a spy. Come to think of it, it must have been a couples costume. Non the less, Candy would have fun with her new persona tonight. “Welcome. I’m afraid I haven’t heard of this Gold Withers, nor would I be in league with them. What I can offer you is some candy…as well as a few other surprised tonight" as she levitated some candy corn to them. “Ether of you haven’t see a farm pony running around with ruby horseshoes, have you?”


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The colt was a little cutie. What was he supposed to be, some sort of dancing mummy? A gymnast? She couldn’t quite place it, if only because she was paying a bit more attention to making sure Dash didn’t make too much of a scene while in character. Still, look at that little cutie! She had helped Zap with his costume idea before they left but now she was a bit sad she wouldn’t be there to see it. If this little colt could cute up a storm, what the hay was Zap up to?


She refocused on Dash. She didn’t know too much about the Con Mane series of picture shows, at least as much as Dash did. She just knew that Con had a thing for his secretary. Hence, this Nightmare Night. “Well, Mr. Mane, I do believe that something sweet is inside here,” she said, pointing to the establishment. “And...here…” she said, leaning in breathlessly against him. It was about this time in the movies that the credits would roll, usually with a pun. She kissed Dash. “Fill yer bag up or ya have ta fly home.”


She allowed herself to fall off him as they entered and she gave the establishment another look. It was a darn good candy shop, she figured. Sugarcube Corner did baked goods as well as anypony could and there was a number of excellent vendors in Ponyville for treats, but she didn’t think anypony had a dedicated shop as big as this one. The proprietor did a true blue bang up job. When the witch mentioned a farm filly with ruby shoes, Applejack had to look at her own back hooves. “Ah don’t think so…” she said before shaking her head, realizing it was part of her costume. “Oh, darn. Ah mean-” she cleared her throat, putting on the faux Trottingham accent befitting her role, “I will take care to keep an eye out. Don’t want to upset our fine hostess this evening, now do we?”

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