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Shadow Step (Ready)


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Names Shadow Step. I’m a pony who knows how to get things. Things that others may not want to lose.”

-Shadow Step introducing himself

Roleplay Type: World of Equestria


Name: Shadow Step


Gender: Male


Age: Stallion


Species: Areion (Bat Pony)


Eye colour: Orange


Coat: Dark Grey (bordering to black)


Mane/Tail: White with a single strip of gold running down the right side.


Physique: Very fit


Residence: Born in Manehatten , currently he travels.


Occupation: Thief


Cutie Mark: A Moon that is hidden behind clouds


Unique Traits: Capable of blending into dark spaces. (He’s not invisible per say, he’s just becomes harder to be notice by others.)


You really what to hear my story? Are you sure? It’s not really all that interesting, or exciting. I was just a young colt who mother passed away before I knew her, and a father who worked hard to make ends meet. Now, I could say that some tragic event led me down this path, but that would be a lie. Truth is, I just fell in with the wrong group of friends.”

-Shadow Step talking about his past


History: Born in Manehattan to a mother he never met and a father who didn’t spend much time with him due to working several jobs to make ends meet. Shadow Step was a colt who had too much time on his hooves and not enough guidance in life which might explain how he fell in the bad crowd who taught him everything he needed to know for a life of crime. Even by a young age the bat pony colt was pulling bits out of mare’s pauses and snatching fruit from venders while they weren’t looking.

As he got older his crimes became bolder until one day he and his group of thieves decided to pull off the heist of the century. Break into the city’s museum and steal a magical relic from the days before the pony tribes united to form Equestria. At first everything went well. They manage to climb through the museum skylights, sneak past the guards and even manage to disable the security system around the relic. They were so close, which is when things went wrong.

An alarmed trip and suddenly the building’s doors began to shut closed, threatening to trap them all there. They raced to the exit, but Shadow Step didn’t make it in time. He calls out to his partners to save him, to find a way to open the gate before the guards arrive. But his partners, his supposed friends didn’t bother to look at him while he called out to them. They left him behind. Abandoned him to the guards.

After this Shadow Step learned a valuable lesson. The only pony you can truly trust was yourself.

Years later Shadow Step had left Manehattan behind and travel across Equestria performing one theft after another. Never staying too long and always making sure to keep his cards close to his chest. At this point it has become less about the bits or the valuables themselves and more of the challenge of the heist themselves that keeps him on this path. After all he was no longer a naïve colt, he’s a professional and a professional need to keep his skills sharp.


You ask why I do what I do? It’s a simple answer. I do this because I’m good at it. Hay, I may be the best thief in the world. Or at least better then the ones who get caught.”

-Shadow Step explaining why he’s a thief


Character Personality: Due to the betrayal from his partners Shadow Step is very mistrustful of others and often believes that they will eventually betray him. As such he rarely allows himself to get close to anyone and while he will put on a smile and act friendly, he is scheming on how to keep one step ahead of any potential backstabbing. Despite this, Shadow has no real malice in his heart and will not actively seek to harm others. Even when he is pulling off a theft, he will rather make an escape than try to fight as he believes that needing to hurt someone to steal from them makes you a poor thief. However, he does hold some prejudices against the rich and snobbish. Regularly making such creatures his targets. He also doesn’t much care for those he deems to be too altruistic as he believes those sorts to be either fools or hiding something.

Despite his mistrust Shadow Step does have a soft spot. He will not steal from those who cannot afford it, he will not work for some evil tyrant bent on word domination, he will not harm anyone on his heist even if they are attempting to stop him, and most of all he will not steal from children. Shadow Step may even be able to form actual connections with others, though such cases would be rare and had to be hard earn from a pony who’s always expecting the worst from others.

Character Summary: A bat pony thief with major trust issues and a severe dislike of the rich or the snobbish. However, despite this he lives by a code and while he may not be an upstanding citizen of Equestria, he’s also not someone who is seeking to take over the world or hurt anyone.


(Author’s notes)

My main goal for this character is to create a natural thief character who wasn’t truly malevolent but who might run into conflict with other characters. Hopefully I succeeded.

Please give feed back if I miss anything.


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