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oh yeah, ask anybody :3

crazy parties, every week

we eat doughnuts and drink pepsi from CUPS. we all get so sugar high by the end of the night. get a sugar hang-over the next morning

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*trots back in after mischief, hangs goggles on the stand*

Parties? Of course we party. I've got a nice stock of masks and feathers and beads. Would you like me to show you?

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(Wakes up)

Ghrrgh! Hu-- wh-- what? Oh, Hello, everybody!

I'm awake.

Cool story isn't it? I'm awake /)O3O(\ could also mean "BOOOO!" if you think about it.

I apologize, I'm very bored when I wake up, so I do something random sometimes.

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Your FACE is stupid :I

One could easily argue that all faces are stupid, seeing as it's what's behind the layers of skin that count

Unless your face goes to college for the rest of you?


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