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Nopony will teach me how I shall behave during sickness!

I know what's best for me myself!

And I know best for me is resting right now!

So what? .-. I'm not intending to anyway. I'll just suffer quietly until I drop dead in my bed and revive tomorrow.

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There are good sides too though.

I've adjusted to the change that occured here at once.

Being sick is such a sweet way for expressing one's ignorance :)

Anyway, can anypony cheer me up somehow .-.? (Irrelevant to the current state I'm talking about)

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Oh one and glorious Celestia, that fifth guy is so creepy. Like he got suspended in some kind of time flux.

... *Stares* ... ...

Why did I watch it whole at all? .-.

I'm such a nonsense at times o.o

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*pops in and showers Volty in confetti and streamers*


:D Time to get you feeling better! Wheeeeeeeeeeen Volty's feeling sickly, and tired and he has to frown, Pinkie's going to be there to turn that sad frown upside down! We'll sing and jump and play and sing, soon you'll feel just like a king! I really hope you like to bake, cuz I'll have some sweets for you lickety-cake! You'll shine, you'll glow, you won't break a sweat. Pinkie'll take care of everything, take that bet! And when we're through, when you think we're done, you'll realize you had...

*takes a deep breath*

Superfantastihappimagicalicioustaticacioujoyous fun!


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Superfantastihappimagicalicioustaticacioujoyous fun!

I dare myself to pronounce that out loud as soon as I get better!

And thankies~ :P

Perhaps I wasn't making my point very clear. She's the one I like the least, but not the one that I dislike ;D

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*joins via video*

Hey, everyone. Looks like a great party. I brought genuine, gray, germane party balloons.

Didn't want to risk you guys by coming in person.

Just spent half an hour telling my family that they're sexist.

They laughed

What makes them sexist, cat lady?

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